Indestructible God King

Chapter 166.1 Is this a Scam for Compensation? (1/2)

Chapter 166.1 Is this a Scam for Compensation? (1/2)

The Demon Sovereign, Mo Sanshan, and Wang Ke quickly flew over to Wang Clan Manor!

A subordinate approached Wang Ke and said anxiously, “Clan Lord, you’re finally back! He fainted, and we couldn’t wake him up!”

“Move away, move away! Don’t you see that I’m busy with something? And another thing, whatever happens later, don’t let anyone get near this place!” Wang Ke immediately dispersed his subordinates who were gathering around him.

“Understood!” That subordinate could only nod and leave.

“Demon Sovereign, this way, please!” Wang Ke immediately guided the Demon Sovereign and Mo Sanshan and went to a courtyard nearby.

Mo Sanshan scanned the vicinity with his mind as they entered the manor; there were no changes since the last time he checked. The only difference was that the ugly monster inside the manor had become even uglier. Zhu Yan is not here!

How could he be here? I captured him and locked him up in another courtyard!

“Wang Ke, where is he? I don’t sense Zhu Yan’s presence!” Mo Sanshan said in mockery.

“We have yet to reach him; of course, you wouldn’t. Besides, he’s in disguise; there’s no way you can find him!” Wang Ke replied in disdain.

“Humph!” Mo Sanshan snorted.

The trio went to Zhu Yan’s hiding place.

Wang Ke immediately saw that Zhu Yan was unconscious inside the room; only then did he realize that his subordinate was talking about that fellow.

He was shocked. He immediately dashed over to prop Zhu Yan up and see the man’s face.

Wang Ke cried out in shock, “Oh no, Zhu Yan... You... Why did you do this? You used up the entire bottle? Your face is downright unsightly now! The allergen is not poisonous; why would you…?”

“Wang Ke, are you going to pass this ugly guy off as Zhu Yan?”

Mo Sanshan had already brainstormed all the shameless things his enemy could do if he lost the bet, but he never expected that Wang Ke would get someone to pose as Zhu Yan just to beat him. You are just too shameless! The Demon Sovereign is here with us; do you think we’re blind!?

“Demon Sovereign, look. This is Zhu Yan, but I’m not sure why he blacked out!” Wang Ke carried Zhu Yan and set him onto the stone table outside his room for the Demon Sovereign to inspect.

The latter walked up, then placed his finger on Zhu Yan’s wrist, apparently sensing his pulse.

“The gold dragon is inside his body!” said, the Demon Sovereign with a deep voice.

“Wh… what? Gold dragon?” Mo Sanshan was stunned.

Wasn’t the gold dragon inside Zhu Yan’s body? Why is there another dragon inside this ugly monster?

Hold on, he’s wearing Zhu Yan’s clothes. Could it be......? Mo Sanshan’s eyes widened.

I tied him up in another courtyard and got my subordinates to keep watch over him. How... How did he come back? This isn’t scientific!

Still in denial, Mo Sanshan looked at the unconscious demon, but finally believed it was Zhu Yan moments later.

“This... But... Why?” Mo Sanshan’s eyes widened in shock.

Why is everything so freaky today?

While Mo Sanshan was feeling utterly frustrated, Wang Ke was elated.

“Five hundred thousand pounds of spirit stones! Easy peasy! Mo Sanshan, please let’s bet some more in the future! Aiya, you really are my god of wealth!” Wang Ke could hardly control his mouth because of how excited he was.

Although he had previously earned a lot by selling insurance, it was still a difficult job. In contrast, those five hundred thousand pounds was such a piece of cake. Mo Sanshan became more likable in Wang Ke’s eyes. He’s such a good fellow!

But, just while he was thinking about demanding his money—


The ground next to him opened up with a blast.

An explosion?

All the tiles, the soil, and the rocks! They’re flying everywhere!

Wang Ke widened his eyes in shock. “What's happening?"

Amidst the billowing cloud of dust—a massive serpent slithered out of the hole in the ground. It was none other than the Snake King. He quickly set about to find Zhu Yan after finally dislodging the dagger from his throat. Alas, his prey had already made it back to Wang Clan Manor.

He opted for moving below ground as he wouldn’t dare act in the open. He followed the traces of dragon Qi, quickly locating the manor and sensing that Zhu Yan was right above him. So, he suddenly burst out of the ground.josei

The Snake King bellowed amidst the swirling dust. "Roar!"

Search Hosted Novel for the original.

Outside the courtyard—a group of guests from the righteous sect wanted to enter to assess the situation, but the Wang Clan members stopped them.

"Snake King? You chased me all the way here?" Wang Ke felt appalled.

The Snake King stared back at him.

Both Mo Sanshan and the Demon Sovereign were at the moment inspecting the unconscious Zhu Yan, their backs to the Snake King. Only Wang Ke was facing the Snake King, and the latter recognized him immediately.

"Hahaha! I've searched high and low, but here you are, standing right in front of me! I found you while I was trying to find Zhu Yan? Good, good, awesome! None of you shall escape my wrath today! Heaven is fair, sending both of you to me. Hahaha! I'm going to eat you whole! Roar~~~~~~~~~~!" The Snake King widened his mouth and charged toward the four of them.

However, the only thing that puzzled the monster was Wang Ke’s fearless attitude. The latter looked strangely at him.

Why? Am I so intimidating that Wang Ke was struck dumb?

The Snake King opened his mouth again and was about to swallow Wang Ke and the others in one go.

But, right at that moment—the black-robed man behind Wang Ke turned around slowly.

The fellow looked calm; he was wearing a demonic mask on his face. Why does that look so familiar?

The Snake King's eyes narrowed. His mouth was about to gobble the masked man.

This.... this... this man......!


The Snake King immediately turned his neck. It was too late to stop, yet he managed to crash himself into a huge boulder by the side, all to avoid the people in front of him.

"Demon... Sovereign?" the Snake King cried out in fear.

The Demon Sovereign was still an overwhelming existence to the great reptile; the mere sight of the man struck fear in the creature’s heart. How could I ever dare try to eat the Demon Sovereign just now? Am I going to get broiled, or boiled?

The Snake King stared at Wang Ke with anger and grief. "Wang Ke! You set me up!?"

Damn you! Why didn't you say the Demon Sovereign was with you? I’ll be flayed alive if I so much as touch him!

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