Indestructible God King

Chapter 69.1 Sacred Child (1/2)

Chapter 69.1 Sacred Child (1/2)

Divine Dragon Island! Inside a great hall!

A seething Tong An'an looked at the Northern Gambling God.

“Didn’t I tell you? We were to resume gambling tomorrow! Why did you go back even before nightfall?” Tong An'an frowned.

“Chapter Lord, we… We can’t hold on any longer!” Northern Gambling God said with a teary face.

“Can’t hold on? What are you talking about?” Tong An'an asked with a furious stare.

The gambler lowered his head and confessed, “We lost everything!”

Tong An'an: “........................!”

“It wasn’t our fault; there were too many of our demonic brothers watching. We couldn’t use our spells to cheat! My gambling god title was earned amongst mortals. But then I entered the cultivation path and everyone had spells. We could only rely on a rigged gambling device to win. But now we’re using a different gambling set which is not ours, we can only bet with luck! But, but......!” said the gambling God.

“I gave you full approval to use the blood essence from the bank…!” Tong An'an said with a bitter face.

“Yes, without limit! We could use as much as we needed!” Northern Gambling God no longer dared to look up.

“You mean you lost all the blood essence from the bank? All of it? You lost it all?” Tong An'an pressed on his heart; he could hardly take it.

“Yeah... We wanted to let Wang Ke win a few small bets. But, somehow, Wang Ke kept on winning big time today! Pure Suit, All Pairs, Big Four Blessings, Thirteen Wonders! The winning rate kept increasing; we couldn’t stop it!” the gambler said bitterly.

Tong An'an’s eyes were flaming as he glared at Northern Gambling God.

“Of course, Chapter Lord, Wang Ke’s ego is full to the brim. He’s starting to act arrogant! He was exhilarated after winning so much! Chapter Lord, should we start now?” Northern Gambling God urged.

“Wang Ke’s ego is full to the brim?” Tong An'an raised his eyebrow.

“Yeah, but I don’t know how long it’ll last. Wang Ke kept winning, but he might calm down once he loses again!” the gambling demon insisted once more.

Tong An'an paced back and forth in the great hall.

“The Sacred Child is still resting and will only wake up tomorrow. I’d be leaving too many traces if I wake him up ahead of time! Forget it, so much has been done already, and I’ve waited so long for someone with no background who has made a great contribution. Who knows how long I have to wait for another one to come along. Let’s begin. Quick, take the Sacred Child to the prison!” Tong An'an instructed.

“Chapter Lord, you’re not going?” Northern Gambling God said with worry.

“Me? I have nothing to do with this. Listen very carefully: I know nothing. And if someone dares to leak the information…!” Tong An'an threatened with an icy tone.

“I understand, I understand. I’ll make sure no one suspects you, Chapter Lord. I’ll be going now!” the demon gambler said.


Within the Divine Dragon Island’s Prison!

“Who else? Come on! Who else?” Wang Ke cried out.

Three hundred boxes of blood essence were stacked up behind him. Blood was a hard currency used by the demonic sect, much more popular than spirit stones. Wang Ke had won lots of boxes within a short period of time!

The demons looked at the stacks of boxes with envious eyes; they really wanted to rob Wang Ke blind—

But the Southern Gambling Saint and his subordinates reprimanded the other demons; no one had dared to touch the blood. Even the Chapter Lord went there personally to offer apologies to Brother Wang. He stated clearly that he would not spare whoever dared to offend Brother Wang. No one had dared to snatch his goods, considering his newly declared backer.

The only way possible to get them was by winning the game.

Even so, no one had dared to join the game! Wang Ke’s table played with the highest stakes. Even Northern Gambling God and Southern Gambling Saint kept on losing. Wang Ke was on a roll. No one was confident of winning. Those who had been courageous enough to play became an example for the rest, since they lost everything they had!

Win, win, win!

Wang Ke kept on winning. He already knew that the demons were scheming against him, but he simply couldn’t understand what the scheme was about. Why do they keep letting me win?There has to be a deeper plot.

If you want me to win, I can only oblige; this way I’ll find out sooner what it’s all about. I’ll win big every game, making you lose until you vomit blood. Let’s see how long you can hold before you expose your scheme.

The more he won, the more complacent he became, but he also grew vigilant in his heart. What do these demons want?

“Haha, what game are you playing? Why didn’t anyone invite me!” a voice said.

Everyone turned to check who was speaking, then their faces became grave. “Sacred Child!” they said.

Each of them seemed to be torn by complicated feelings; their expressions showed respect, but at the same time it seemed as if they didn’t think it was a big deal.

“Sacred Child?” Wang Ke was curious.

The so-called Sacred Child he saw had the appearance of an eight-year-old boy, who was observing the Mahjong table curiously.

Northern Gambling God informed him, “Sacred Child, this is called Mahjong. It’s for gambling!”

“Gambling? Haha, a new gambling toy for me! Come, come. Teach me how to play this!” said the child excitedly.

The demons quickly told the Sacred Child how to play Mahjong.

The little one was thrilled, itching to play the new game. He immediately pushed a demon off his seat and took his place. “Come, let’s begin. I want to play!”

The Sacred Child wanted to play Mahjong? The Northern Gambling God and the Southern Gambling Saint quickly sat down, respectfully flanking the Sacred Child.

The Northern Gambling God laughed and said, “Brother Wang, let’s begin!”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s begin! Let me try!” The Sacred Child chuckled.

But Wang Ke was too smart to be fooled by this. He immediately understood that all the bizarre scheming was related to the Sacred Child.

“Sigh. I’ve played far too much already. I’m a little tired, why don’t you go ahead and play? Let me take a break!” said Wang Ke as he tried to leave the table.

The Northern Gambling God: “..........................!”

The Southern Gambling Saint: “............................!”

Freaking hell. We played with you for so long and lost a fortune, just to make you play a game with the Sacred Child! And now, at this very moment, you refuse to play?

“Get lost if you don’t want to play anymore! Who else is up for it? Come! Quick!” the Sacred Child chimed in.josei

The faces of the two top gamblers turned black when they heard this. This has veered off a tad too much from our script!

“Wait, Sacred Child, please be patient!” The Southern Gambling Saint tried convincing the Sacred Child.

“Brother Wang, your luck is in! Never have I seen someone as lucky. How can you leave the table now? Shouldn’t you be riding your streak as much as possible?” the Northern Gambling God said anxiously.

“Nah, I’m good! You guys can go ahead without me!” Wang Ke shook his head decisively.

The Northern Gambling God’s face turned bitter. I already promised the Chapter Lord I would do this job well. Aren’t you putting me in a tough spot by refusing to play?

“No, you can’t, Brother Wang. You squeezed out too much money from us. How can you leave just like that?” The Northern Gambling God pulled Wang Ke back.

“Why? I can’t leave because I won some money?” Wang Ke asked with a frown.

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