Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: [Emperor’s Story 28] Xi Shi Sesame Seed Cakes

Cloud City, located in the Westernmost part of Da Ye, was a border city that lived up to its name’s reputation.

This was the one and only route that led to the Central Plains. In other words, Cloud City acted as an obstacle to block sinister people that were trying to set foot in the Central Plains from all directions.

Although the terrain was far from civilization, Cloud City was not considered a desolate destination. There were many merchants who travelled from the South to the North, using this special place as a transit point to sell all kinds of exotic items and commodities. They also transported silk and porcelain from the Central Plains to distant foreign villages for trade. Most of the people living in the nearly isolated city were old and young women as well as children. Adult men were rarely seen in the city as the majority of them were drafted and stationed at the border camp not too far from there.

It was late autumn, and the city appeared a little bleak. The passers-by were all walking in a hurry, the expressions on each of their faces showing a hint of solemnity.

Because, everyone knew that the war was about to start again.

Just a few days ago, the barbarians had already carried out their first wave of offense. Fortunately for them, the Tianqi army led by Marquis Weiyuan effectively held them back at the Tianqian Pass 15 miles away. Currently, the barbarian army has made a temporary retreat, but it was certain that they would come back after short recuperation.

The number of merchants in the city gradually decreased over this incident, and everyone started seeking refuge in a much safer place, unwilling to stay here any longer.

Despite this, the people of Cloud City, who have grown accustomed to war as the ordinary, still calmly continued their day-to-day lives as if nothing important was happening.

Mbkp oyp vblka bsxl. Mblka nbkzeald yde bwpcydep olal sd vbl qasdv zkdlp cayhlzu elqldekdt vblka bsxl. Mblu oswze dlhla zlyhl fwpv zkjl vbyv.

“Flzzkdt plpyxl plle nyjlp! Waytaydv yde nakpru plpyxl plle nyjlp!”

Mblal olal xydu pxyzz yzzlup caydnbkdt swv qasx vbl xykd asye, cwpvzkdt okvb rlsrzl. Oynb yzzlu bye yzz jkdep sq plzq-pvyavle cwpkdlpplp, yde lhld vbswtb psxl bye pbwv vblka essap, xydu sq vblx nsdvkdwle vblka eykzu srlayvksdp.

Rd sdl sq vbspl kdnsdprknwswp yzzlup, vblal oyp y pxyzz pbsr qasdv vbyv oyp ds xsal vbyd y qlo piwyal qllv. Uzlya yde nakpr hsknlp nsdvkdwswpzu aydt swv qasx vbyv rzynl, qszzsole cu y aknb yasxy vbyv oyp xkmle okvb vbl pxlzz sq xlyv, oyqvkdt vs vbl rlsrzl ryppkdt cu.

“Fsxlvbkdt pxlzzp tsse!”

“Ebyv kp vbkp? Txx, vblal’p plpyxl, yde vblal’p rlrrlap. Mbkp qaytaydnl kp aknb cwv dsv talypu, bso yxygkdt!”

“Fsxlsdl pllxp vs cl plzzkdt plpyxl plle nyjlp?”

Gp pssd yp y qlo xlanbydvp ldvlale vbl nkvu, vblu olal kxxlekyvlzu nyrvkhyvle cu vbkp elzlnvyczl pnldv, okvb eassz twpbkdt esod vblka xswvbp zkjl oyvlaqyzzp. Mblu bye fwpv vayhlzzle vbswpydep sq xkzlp ynaspp vbl elplav vs alynb Uzswe Ukvu yde qlzv alrwzple cu yzz vbl eau ayvksdp vblu bye vs lyv yzsdt vbl oyu, vblka xswvbp czyde okvb vblka vypvl. Brsd clkdt bkv okvb pwnb y qaytaydv pxlzz, vblu olal wdyczl vs xshl y xwpnzl.

“Hey, don’t you know? That’s the Xi Shi Sesame Seed Cakes, they’re absolutely delicious!”

“Yeah, the skin is flaky, and the meat is tender, the pepper is fragrant, and get this, one bite of it and your tongue is going to fall on the ground!”

“Moreover, the lady boss there is absolutely gorgeous too!”

Hearing the locals sing praises about the shop, several merchants exchanged glances and absentmindedly rubbed their rumbling tummies, hurriedly rushing to the alley.josei

And after lining up for quite a while, finally managing to eat the famous hot sesame seed cake, they couldn’t help but sigh in contentment, they truly lived up to their reputation!

The flat cake was crisp and not greasy, and biting it down made it seem like it had a thousand layers, the juicy beef and the crunchy celery blended together seamlessly. With just one bite, the tender meat mixed with the flaky crust and delivered itself right to the mouth, while the pepper mixed the meat made people’s tongue slightly tingle from the heat and fragrance, instantly hooking them to the tasty treat.

“Sorry everyone, today’s cakes are all sold out. Please come back again tomorrow early.”

After selling the last piece of cake in the box, the young woman wearing hemp clothes and a headscarf apologized to the people who were still patiently lining up outside.

Even though her face was void of any cosmetic powder, her facial features were astonishing enough to lift her ordinary clothing to another level. The only flaw on her was that her face was a little sallow, bringing down the natural beauty of her appearance.

“Why is it gone again!”

“That’s right, I’ve been standing in line for a long time now!”

Some of the guests who had been waiting for some time couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied from not getting what they came for, roaring loudly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the woman smiled good-temperedly, her appearance becoming lively the next second, “There are still some siomai, which are also quite delicious. Everyone can try them. But, the ingredients for the flat cake are already used up, so I really can’t make any more, I’m sorry.”

Hearing the lady boss’s gentle words, some people didn’t want to be difficult and bought some other items from her before leaving. After tasting the food that they had bought, they still thought that they were quite delectable.

There were still some who remained, rather unwilling to leave and continuing to make noises and complaints. In truth, they were all local ruffians, and having heard about the newly opened store Xi Shi Sesame Seed Cakes, they specially rushed over there from the East of the city, intending to make trouble.

The people who didn’t want to cause a ruckus had all walked away, so in front of the shop front right now, only a few large men and a lady were left facing each other.

The ruffians looked at each other and walked towards the woman with sinister grins on their faces.

“Madame, my brothers have been starving for a long time. If they can’t eat any cakes today, then they won’t be leaving anytime soon!”

“Oh, is that so?”

The woman did not panic.

“Then, you don’t have to leave.”

She bent down slightly and fumbled for something from under the table.


At the same time, outside Cloud City.

“Lieutenant, I heard from the brother next door that there’s a new sesame seed cake shop in this city that’s well known for being rather delicious. We’ve finally managed to slip into the city, so why not go and check it out!” A young dark man rushed towards another man at the side and casually brought up.

“Yeah, I’m sick of eating communal meals everyday in the camp that I think I’m going to hurl if I eat one more bite of it!” Another young man echoed.

“We are here on duty, not to eat, drink nor have fun.” The man, who evidently was the head, replied in a cold voice. Under the sun’s rays, his ferocious-looking mask made the passers-by unable to help but cast him uncomfortable sidelong glances.

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