Infinite Divine Gears in the City

Chapter 650

Chapter 650

Chapter 650 – Chapter 648-[ Hibernation Awakening ] _1

Standing in the middle of the altar, the Emerald green mist of life floated under his feet. Li Rui sat cross-legged, and the hot energy began to explode in the void stomach. His internal organs soon seemed to be burning, and the endless terrifying power made his soul and flesh feel like they were being torn apart.

[ feast ] devoured the divinity of the great serpent stored in the void stomach and fused into his bloodline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With this power, Li Rui calmed down and began to guide [ the eternal indestructible tribulation ] to the third breakthrough.

the circulation of qi and blood, endless life, eternal spirituality, undying and imperishable …

Every cell in Li Rui’s body seemed to have become a black hole, greedily absorbing every trace of ‘nutrition’ in his body.

As if it had sensed that its body was at the critical moment of transformation, the digestion speed of the void stomach increased sharply, and the energy provided per unit time increased several times. The endless warm flow was like the Yellow River, crazily nourishing the “dry” flesh and blood.

permanent energy boost detected. Bronze-level gluttony activated. Absorption ability increased by ten times!

Gulu, Gulu~

In a trance, Li Rui seemed to hear the dull squirming sound of the void stomach. The stomach acid that could digest and decompose everything stirred like the sea, setting off monstrous waves.

The hill-like divine flesh and blood quickly melted and turned into endless heat flow to support the terrifying consumption. Every cell in Li Rui’s body was cheering, allowing his spiritual body to evolve towards a higher life form!

His will gradually blurred, as if he was connected to a vast sea of consciousness.

All kinds of obscure and strange thoughts suddenly appeared and disappeared. The illogical and contradictory ideas combined with the bold and imaginative wisdom to form a grotesque and variegated chaotic world.

It was as if he was floating in warm amniotic fluid. The ” nutrients ” formed countless golden particles and slowly entered his body.

Gradually, his entire body transformed into a shapeless Golden ball of light, releasing magnificent flames like the sun.

The tiny golden particles were still pouring into the “sun.” If they were magnified countless times, one would find that at the center of these light particles were sacred symbols that represented the laws of heaven and earth, which could not be described by prophecy.

More and more golden particles followed the mysterious rules and condensed into a solid cloud pattern in the core of the “sun.”

When the last gap was filled, the ” sun ” that had expanded countless times suddenly trembled and instantly collapsed.

He returned to the outline of a human, and the mysterious and Holy golden cloud patterns covered his body, as if they were forever solidified on his soul consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Rui gradually regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

His cold, purple-gold eyes were vast and empty. Wherever his gaze landed, even the chaotic gray fog of the runeland rippled.

The strange phenomenon in his eyes quickly disappeared and Li Rui slowly regained his consciousness. The corner of his eyes twitched slightly.

He knew that he had obtained unimaginable benefits by using the divine flesh and blood of the ancient Yamata no Orochi.

Is it to reward me?

Looking at his palm, Li Rui slowly clenched his fist and felt the surging violent power in his body quickly converging.

Spirituality, energy, vitality, magic, divinity …

Following some mysterious law, all transcendent power would be hidden at the bottom of one’s body and mind, forming a perfectly round golden “cocoon” of a Saint spirit.

A touch of emotion came from the depths of his heart. Li Rui felt an indescribable warmth from the ‘cocoon’.

He knew that this was not the divinity of the great snake, but the power of the [ Dragon ], the meme of a true God-level civilization!

There was an unnoticeable lag in the system and soon a golden skill condensed on Li Rui’s attribute panel.

Jing Zhe

Mao, the moon in the middle of spring, the hexagram was in the Zhen position, and all things were out of the Zhen position, which was the sign of life.

You have obtained the following form:

[ don’t use ]: all of your attributes have been greatly reduced. All of your superpowers have been accumulated and nourished, and they will transform with extremely high efficiency.

In this state, the user is immune to most probes below true God-level, and the efficiency of cultivation, recovery, and sublimation is greatly improved.

[ wujiu ]: unbind and restore all attributes. The sensitivity of spiritual sense will increase greatly for a short period of time.

[ regret ]: releases the extraordinary power accumulated in the ‘don’t use’ form. All attributes will be greatly increased for a certain period of time.

The vast qi and blood that was like a fusion furnace quickly converged. Li Rui then realized how eye-catching he was in the past.

In the eyes of some sharp people, even when he was resting, he was like a burning sun, constantly radiating light and heat to his surroundings.

In reality, he would subconsciously give people a strong sense of oppression! josei

This was not something he could change based on his personal emotions, because when a satellite was captured by a star, even if he did nothing, his own gravity alone would tear them apart.

But now, the ” sun ” had once again become a small stone. If it was thrown into a sea of people, it probably wouldn’t even cause a ripple.

He gently touched his cheek. Even without looking in the mirror, Li Rui knew that his sharp temperament had been hidden, and he was even a little inconspicuous!

A hint of enlightenment flashed through his heart. When [ hibernating sting-don’t use ]’s form was pushed to the extreme, even its presence could be hidden.

Not only were intelligent creatures unable to detect his presence, but also machines and instruments … The entire material world was unable to capture his traces.

Dragons could be big or small, rise or hide;The big ones were excited, while the small ones were hidden;When it rose, it flew in the universe, and when it was hidden, it lurked in the waves.

In a trance, Li Rui more intuitively understood the meaning of this sentence.

At the same time, some paragraphs of the heavenly trigrams of the Book of Changes appeared in his mind.

Ninth day, Hidden Dragon, don’t use it.

[ 94: may leap into the abyss, no blame. ]

[ upper nine: proud Dragon, repentant. ]

The haughty Dragon … There was regret … There was regret …

Li Rui’s eyes seemed to be deep in thought as he chewed on the two words.

In theory, as long as his body could withstand it, the [ shocking sting-repentant ] form could increase his power almost without limit.

It was possible for all his attributes to be multiplied by ten times, or even a hundred times!

However, the extent of the increase was closely related to the duration and the accumulation of reserves in the ‘don’t use’ form.

To put it simply, not using the form meant that he was constantly undergoing life transformation and producing ” gasoline ” endlessly.

When he encountered a strong enemy and switched to the [ regret ] form, he would step on the ” accelerator ” and burst out with a shocking power for a short time.

However, he needed to grasp the balance.

Don’t release the power that you’ve been accumulating for years in one second. That would be like Otto with a rocket engine, and the moment it was activated, it would spiral into the sky and explode!

[ Jing Zhe, you Hui ] was not in the [ true Dragon ] form. Without the protection of [ China ], all the reaction force had to be borne by Li Rui’s own flesh and soul.

There was regret! There was regret!

Just the name alone is warning you not to be reckless!

Li Rui let out a long breath and all the muscles in his body relaxed. He seemed to have entered a strange state and even his spirit became calm.

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