Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 2795 Unshackled Tyranny! II

Chapter 2795 Unshackled Tyranny! II

Chapter 2795  Unshackled Tyranny! II

Seeing his demeanor, the Annals Inquisitor gave a smile while wiping the Blood away on her gash that slowly healed.

{What, did you expect me to panic at the power you portrayed? You're powerful, yes, but that's it. I am here with my Extremity Clone as even if you are capable of erasing its Records, it won't matter much to me in the end- it's an injury I can heal from within a few hundred years. But after all this…you will become known.}


{In the upper echelons of both Vitalis and Vacuous, you will be known. You will become a target for those even more powerful. Over the next few years, I may even get to watch someone as pristine as you with all of these fancy concepts of Extremity stripped of everything before my eyes.}


Her words were scathing as she was truly angered by Noah's actions of taking her Middle Grade Armament of Extremity and a tenth of the existence of her Extremity Clone!

And yet at her words, Noah shook his head as the power he had built up was enough.

{You will not get to live for another few Milliseconds, much less years.}


His words were utterly disrespectful ones as the Annals Inquisitor scoffed, her red lips forming into a rageful smile as she replied.

{Hah, go ahead and show off your power. I came here with an Extremity Clone knowing of the dangers as losing it is not-}

{What are you talking about?}

Her words didn't finish as Noah was looking at her quizzically as if she was confused.

And he continued as the light of the Extremity of Plot reached an unprecedented level, backed by thousands of Colorless and Cerulean Hyperversal Existential and Quintessential Extremity Rune Scriptures that had now broken past 29,999.

{You were never here with your Extremity Clone. You were here with your Main Body- the very vessel that contains the core of your Existence.}


The smile on the Annals Inquisitor was wiped away so very quickly.

Now as tens of thousands of Existential and Quintessential Extremity Rune Scriptures covered his existence and elevated everything…what his Physiology could innately defend against had grown to a shocking level.

He affirmed that tens of thousands of Crimson Hyperversal Infernal Extremity Rune Scriptures would not injure him.

Furthermore, he could feel from the strength he was borrowing from his main body that currently, his body was no longer equivalent to a Zenith Low Grade Armament of Extremity!

His body…had reached the stage equivalent to the hardness of a Middle Grade Armament of Extremity.


Middle Grade!

And it was only becoming stronger as time passed as…how could a Low Grade Armament of Extremity pierce it?


His right hand rose as he grabbed the sharpened edges of the Low Grade Armament of Extremity with ease.

The white flames of Anarchos did nothing to him as before the Annals Inquisitor could react, Noah's left hand flew out and clamped down onto her neck.

He gazed at her as he looked into her eyes which were losing their incredulity and slowly developing a sense of horror.

After all, her Main Body was now here.

This unfathomable Entity before her seemed to have uncountable means as she truly didn't know the extent of his capabilities! josei

And now as his eyes locked onto her, she felt the tyranny and coldness within them as his voice echoed out while immense pressure descended from him.

{You…will be the first.}


Unfathomable waves of tyranny buzzed.

60 Milliseconds after Noah expanded his Records towards Infinity.

At this point in time, for the first time in his Recorded History…the Extremity of Quintessence caused an Entity in the Fifth Gradation of Extremity to feel a sense of fear.

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