Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix

Chapter 51 Escaping

Chapter 51 Escaping

51 Escaping

Rain's face twisted into a mixture of disbelief and sadness as he stared at his mother's growing belly. He couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh and rub his temples, his hand sliding down his face in a facepalm gesture.

It seemed that no matter the circumstances or the chaos surrounding them, his mother had a knack for becoming pregnant at the most inconvenient times. It was as if fate played a cruel joke, adding another layer of complexity to their already tumultuous lives. Rain couldn't help but wonder why it always seemed to happen this way.

While he loved his siblings dearly, the timing of this new addition to the family couldn't have been worse. The war was raging on, their grandparents had passed away, and they were constantly on the move, seeking safety and stability. The thought of another child adding to their already challenging situation only added to Rain's overwhelming sense of weight on his shoulders.

"You have to return to us, Dad… you have to," Rain thought. "This is too much for me to handle alone and Mom is already too burdened looking after those two... I suppose waiting for the situation to resolve itself isn't good."

Rain moved around the small room while making dinner, the scent of simmering stew filling the air. As he stirred the pot, his mind was elsewhere, deep in thought and contemplation. The weight of their circumstances pressed heavily upon him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that staying in the capital any longer would only bring more challenges and uncertainty. josei

His hands moved mechanically, chopping vegetables and adding spices to the pot. Still, his thoughts were consumed by the idea of leaving that very night. The capital had lost its allure, its once-promising opportunities tainted by the harsh realities they had faced. It no longer felt like a safe haven or a place of refuge.

As he plated the meal, Rain's determination solidified. He couldn't ignore the nagging voice in his mind urging him to take action, to find a new path for his family away from the capital's turmoil. The risks were high, the road uncertain, but he couldn't bear the thought of staying trapped in a place that offered little hope.

After not so long, the girls woke up, and the scent of the meal also woke up Leiah, but she didn't look like she wanted to eat. It looked like she had given up on all hope.

"Mom, it is too soon to give up," Rain declared while he was helping Dana eat her dinner. "I will take us from the city, and once I find a place safe enough for all of you, I will look for Dad. Knowing how stubborn he is, he will only accept once the troops begin to retreat, but I will be sure to keep him alive."

Leiah sat at the edge of her bed, a mix of emotions swirling within her. Her gaze drifted to the closed door, beyond which Rain was taking care of his sisters and shouldering responsibilities that no child his age should have to bear. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon his young shoulders, and it troubled her deeply.

A sigh escaped Leiah's lips as she grappled with conflicting feelings. On the one hand, she was immensely proud of Rain for his maturity, strength, and unwavering dedication to their family. He had become their rock, their pillar of support in these tumultuous times. But on the other hand, a twinge of sadness tugged at her heart.

She couldn't shake the feeling that Rain's potential was being stifled, that their circumstances were holding him back from fully realizing his dreams and aspirations. Leiah yearned for her son to experience the carefree joys of childhood, to have the opportunity to explore and grow without the burden of constant worry and responsibility.

"... We should leave tonight, right?" Leiah asked after she slapped her cheeks a bit. "I suppose I can at least keep my composure in order not to burden you further. You must have taken after your grandparents a lot to be this responsible and reliable at your age."

"I also got my good looks from my mother and impatience from my father," Rain shrugged. "Let's fill our bellies as much as we can since the trip might last for a while, and we can't take many breaks."

The room was filled with a mix of anticipation and unease, as they all knew that the midnight hour marked a significant turning point. The decision had been made - they would leave the capital under the cover of darkness, seeking a new path, a new beginning.

The atmosphere grew quieter as they savored the last bites of their meal. Each member of the family was lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the unknown journey that lay ahead. Leiah glanced at Rain, his face etched with determination, and a sense of pride welled up within her. Despite the uncertainties, he remained resolute, ready to lead them to a better future.

Leiah stood by the window, her gaze fixed on the streets below. She carefully observed the passersby, assessing the situation outside their room. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of trouble. To her relief, everything seemed calm and undisturbed. The bustling city carried on with its usual rhythm, oblivious to the imminent departure of their small family.

Satisfied that it was safe to proceed, Leiah turned to her children and nodded, a silent signal that the time had come. Rain, with his innate mastery over earth magic, created a sturdy platform beneath their feet. The ground beneath them rumbled as an earthy ledge rose, forming a stable surface to carry them on their journey.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, the family stepped onto the earth's platform. It held firm, responding to Rain's command, carrying them aloft. They floated above the city streets, their view expanding as they soared into the night.

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