Infinite Realm

Chapter 101 - 98

Chapter 101 - 98 : Black Grill’s Cave

Less than 2 hours later. Naturally, it's In-game hours.

West of Riverdale Town and South East of Black Mountain Town was the the level 0 map Stone Creek forest. Though it was called a level 0 map, it didn't mean that all the monsters here were level 0. The rating of a resource map was based on the weakest monsters present and also the recommended level for players. A level 0 map would now mean a map where the lowest level of a monster would be 0 and also players at level 0 would have a chance to live. If it was a level 5 map, it would mean that the lowest level of a monster would be level 5 and players aren't recommended to go there unless they are at least level 5.

As a level 0 map, the Stone Creek forest was the previous number one levelling zone and resource map for players. It was estimated that the highest level of a monster there would be level 5. After the event at Gnorka, most players had already levelled up a lot; with the average of Riverdale Town players being level 4 and 5 while the experts were at level 6. Because of this, Stone Creek forest barely had any appeal to them but they still went there or rather went through it. The reason? Because the entrance to the level 5 map, Black Grill's Cave, was located within Stone Creek forest.

Black Grill's Cave could be said to be a map within a map. At the South West end of Stone Creek forest was a huge mountain. The entrance to Black Grill's Cave was specifically within this mountain. Previously, only a few players ventured into this cave but with the sudden surge in levels for the Riverdale Town players, most of them headed this way. Some players from Black Mountain Town also came here but this was limited to a few; after all not every Town was like Riverdale Town that suddenly had a large scale even that led to it's players levelling up quickly.

Even though Black Grill's Cave was located on the body of the mountain, the trip isn't such an easy one as some might think it's a stroll in the garden. It should be recalled that this mountain was within Stone Creek Forest and this very forest is home to various monsters. Sato and Fudo had to battle monsters on their way to the mountain, and also raised their guards against player-killers. As a result of this, the two who were both infinitesimally close to level 8, finally reached it after a short period of slaying monsters.

"In under 24 hours of launch, we are almost at level 10. We should be the highest levelled players already right?" Fudo had a smile hung on his lips.

"Wipe that smug off your face. We are still low levelled beings so we aren't really strong." Sato replied. He could still remember the scene of the battle between the Riverdale Trio and that Emissary. The power they had could easily destroy mountains much less players at their level.

Sato continued "It's quite easy to gain levels now but it will be a lot harder later. If you like, you can keep on enjoying the feeling of being a level 8."

"Tch. You always know how to ruin someone's mood." Fudo was replied grumpily.

"By the way, we should be high levelled already. You sure we would find any good monsters at Black Grill's cave? It should be a level 5 map but I doubt we could easily find a level 8 or above monsters."

Sato then replied "Black Grill's Cave is a level 5 resource map. According to the pattern of things, the highest levelled creature there should be a level 8 or maybe a 9. It's true that there wouldn't be a lot of those but there will still be a few level 6s and 7s. We can still level up with those."

To level up, one needs to defeat monsters and gain the required amount of experience. But if a level 5 player was to grind level 1 monsters that wouldn't be fair. In other to prevent players from preying on the weak, Infinite Realm had a special feature added. Players couldn't gain experience from monsters that are far weaker than them. The level difference was set to two. In other words, players can still gain experience from monsters two levels weaker than them. The developers however, announced that this will only be so for players under level 10. After level 10, the level difference would be set at 1 because a qualitative change occurs at that level; both for players and monsters. Otherwise, level 10 players would have been beating the hell out of every level 8 monster. Even with this, the experience points gained differs. If a level 5 player were to fight a level 5 monster, he would gain more experience points than a level 6 player would. A level 6 player would also gain more experience than when a level 7 player fights the exact same level 5 monster. The good thing however is that if a level 4 player fights the same monster, he would gain more experience points than the other 3.

"If the experience isn't good enough, we will go elsewhere then. There aren't only two resource map available."

Sato and Fudo were currently in front of the mountain that held the entrance to the cave. The cave was a few metres up the mountain but it wasn't so difficult climb the mountain as it wasn't that steep. A few steps ahead of them were a few players who had the same idea as them and wanted to level up here rather than celebrating back in town like the others.

"Damn. At this rate most of Riverdale's players would get to the city before others." Fudo sighed.

"Yeah but is there a problem with it? "

"Yes. I wanted to meet new people from other towns, you know, and possibly find a soulmate. That +18 feature is godly and I plan on getting it soon." Fudo said seriously.

Sato simply smiled at Fudo's reply and commented "First all, I'm pretty sure you don't know everyone in Riverdale yet and I doubt anyone would want to mate with you fat pig."

Fudo suddenly stopped walking and tightened his fists. He glared at Sato and looked as if he would explode soon.

"You want to fight huh? You wanna get beat by this Lord eh?!"

While Fudo was kicking up a fuss, a commotion took place a few metres in front, right at the entrance of the cave.

"Move out. Get out of the way!"

A player ran out from the cave while screaming at the others in front of him. Part of his armour was damaged and he only had a sword in hand and it looked like he would have at anyone who blocked his path.historical

"What's up with him?"

"Don't you know? High level maps like this are places for children. He pretty much got scared and shit his pants. Hahaha."

" I don't think that's all though. From his reaction, I think he's at least a level 4."

"Oh? Then he might have either encountered a high level monster or some dark players."

"Dark players huh? I guess you're right."

Some of the players discussed about the guy's miserable appearance and his reaction before putting it all behind and still heading to their destination.

"Dark players? Why would they be here?"

Sato and Fudo were confused about the result of some of the discussions they overheard.

"If it was a high level monster that dealt with him that badly, it would have made more sense than dark players."

"Let's go. We'll ask the others at the top."

Ignoring the unprecedented event for now, the duo walked up the mountain to reach the cave. The journey wasn't so difficult as there weren't a lot of monsters on the mountain. Even the few that they encountered were easily defeated was both Sato and Fudo were already level 8, surpassing all the monsters in Stone Creek Forest.

In under 2 minutes, they both reached the Cave entrance. The mouth of the cave was quite big reaching a height of up to 12 metres and a width of at least 9 metres. By the side of the entrance, a few players stood by waiting for players to partner up with them. Each player valued their lives and although most of them were at least level 5, they didn't plan on charging recklessly into the cave; after all, Black Grill's Cave was a level 5 map and this meant that it was crawling with a tons of level 5 monsters and even a few level 6s.

"Looking for a mage, he must be at least level 6 and not have any association with the water element."

"Looking for a level 6 MT. He must be very good at attracting aggro and have a high amount of HP and Defense."

"Looking for a mage. He or she must be an elementalist and not of the water branch. Fire type elementalists are well favored."

Looking at the somewhat gingerly atmosphere, Sato and Fudo were quite impressed after all they never expected to see a lot of level 5 players here.

"It looked like a lot of people benefited from that event."

"Yeah. By the way, what's with all the prejudice against water class elementalists?" Fudo asked. Mages were well favored in any party irrespective of the element they pledged to but here in Black Grill's Cave, this motion didn't seem to be so true.

"Seems like you're new here?" A lone player walked up to the duo. He had black hair and black eyes and seemed like an easy-going and laid-back person.

"Yeah." Fudo replied.

"I see. Then let me break it down for you. Black Grill's Cave is home to a lot of earthen class monsters of which the rock golems have the highest population here. The water element could barely damage this folks after all, Earth beats water[1]. The golems have high defense especially against physical attack so mages are the main damage dealers. Because of that, water type elementalists are usually left out and give the cold shoulder. As for fire elementalists," He then looked at Fudo. "They are welcomed with open arms."

"Hehe." Fudo simply chuckled in response.

"By the way, a few minutes ago a guy ran out in fear. Do you know what that was about?" Sato decided to ask.

"Hmm? A few minutes ago? Ah, yes. He should have been hunted by dark players."

Seeing that he didn't continue, Fudo asked "Why?"

"You don't know...oh, look at me, I forgot you guys are new. Well, monsters aren't the only thing one should be careful about. To tell you the truth, they aren't the most dangerous factor here but rather players. To be specific, dark players. Dark players make their living through hunting other players but recently some of the big guilds from the neighbouring towns decided to team up and hunt them back. Subsequently, the dark players had to retreat and their destination became Black Grill's Cave.

"The cave system is quite complex so it makes for a good hideout. Also the monsters are quite high levelled for players and so players have to be cautious and can't rampage around. This gives the dark players the opportunity to not only hide from their enemies but also harass other players."

The nature of dark players made it such that they found joy in harassing and attacking other players. In the end, they made a blunder and attacked a player they shouldn't have. Though it was just a party of dark players that did this, the power behind the player they attacked retaliated aggressively, gathering a few other forces to team up with them and wipe out the dark players. Other guilds saw this as an opportunity to "purify" the towns under them and so joined up in the fun. The dark players were both few in number and weak in power and so, only had the option to withdraw from the fight and retreat to a 'safe zone'. They chose a few high level maps, where players can't move around easily, as their base of operations. Black Grill's Cave was one such base thanks to it's complex nature and powerful monsters.

Nonetheless, the fact that the dark players retreated didn't mean that they stopped their harassment. They only limited it to the surroundings of the map and killed most of the players that dared to venture in. Despite knowing the risk, players still visited these places as they were the only possible locations to level up at their levels.

"Wow. Who knew the dark players had it rough?" Fudo sighed though it was a fake one.

"Everyone has it rough. At the end of the day, it's the law of the jungle that matters most." The player replied.

"Ok then. Thank you for your help." Sato replied before he moved away with Fudo towards the gate.

"...hey wait a minute!"

"What?" Sato looked at him with a blank face.

"It's just the two of you guys that are heading in right? Why don't I follow you in?" The lone player said with a timid voice.

"No thanks." Sato replied and turned around.

"Come on! I have been in there a couple of times. I can help you to find your way in and out. Black Grill's Cave is somewhat similar to a labyrinth. Getting lost won't be fun. Who knows even, me following you could be like a duck carrying a leek?"[2]

Sato stopped after hearing what he had said. Though his last statement was kinda shameless, this player had a point in his words. In all honesty, Sato barely knew a thing about Black Grill's Cave and going in just like that could cost him. A wise man once said that Information is power. In the scenario where Sato and Fudo were to go in there without knowing a thing, they could either get lost or step into a high level monster's zone. Even though there's a saying that goes "If you eat poison, you have to swallow the whole plate"[3], Sato wasn't inclined to eating poison if he can avoid it.

"...fine." After hesitating for awhile and comparing the advantages and disadvantages, Sato decided to let him join them.

"Alrighty then. You guys should have a party system set up already right? Add me in.. My name is Lu Zhen."

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