Infinite Realm

Chapter 20 - 18

Chapter 20 - 18 : Picking A Sub-class 3 : Fudo’s Experience

"Damn it. Here I was rejoicing that I can't get any fatter in a VR game but no the producers had to give me stomach ache from over-feeding."

Walking out a pub was a slightly fat or rather plump young man who was grumbling probably because of his recent experience . Garbed in beginner mage robes with a brown crooked staff that goes with the robes he looked like the average mage players but what set him apart was the 'level 4' text that was displayed beside the green coloured player marker atop his head.[1]

"*sighs* I wonder how Sato's been doing. It's about time I head over to the Alchemy guild. Sato said he plans on spending 4 hours at the blacksmith guild right? I might as well do the same."

While walking Fudo heard someone shouting "Oi! Pig head is that you? Oi! I'm talking to you."

Initially, he was ignoring the voice, until the speaker walked up to him and banged his head.

"Which shithead wants to encounter his grandfather eh?" Turning around, Fudo saw the trouble maker and was immediately stunned.

"Haha, I knew it was you. Nobody else walks with that same gait as you pig head." The speaker sounded out again. It was a young man with brown hair dressed in rough leather wear. He had a bow hung behind him and had two other men accompanying him by his sides.


"Don't brother me you bastard. You're nothing more than a useless piece of shit my dad made by mistake." The young man said without hiding the irritation on his face.

Hearing that, Fudo's face went dark but he didn't talk back.

Nishida Kotaro, the son of Nishida Aoi and step-brother to Iwata Fudo. Being born as the first son to formerly poor but now business mogul, Kotaro was raised with all he could desire in life packaged in front of his doorsteps. Cars, houses, assets, models, you name it. A life an average human being could call heaven. So much valuables that you could say he was satisfied in life. If there was one thing that he hated however, it would be the existence of his little step-brother, Fudo.

Born as an illegitimate son, Fudo was despised by his step-brothers and sisters. His birth father, Nishida Aoi had an entanglement[2] with Iwata Fumiko despite being engaged. Due to certain reasons, he left her behind without being aware of the child that resulted from their relationship. When he found out, he made an agreement with Fumiko that he will be paying for the child's bills whatsoever they may be in exchange for her silence on the true parent of the child. Even though this didn't exactly workout as planned with the information being released that Aoi had a bastard son, he still kept paying for the fees while denying all issues related to that.

Originally, Aoi's family had planned on eliminating the mother together with her child but because of the Alliance's stringent rules that bans murder, because of the world population being far lower than it was initially in the Old Era, the family rejected that proposal as there weren't sure whether they could pull it off successfully because if they didn't, the end result wouldn't be pretty.

"You should be lucky that you're still alive. Either way, I noticed you got a pretty high level eh? You must have gotten some good stuffs while levelling up right? Come on, hand it over." Kotaro grinned ugly.

"Brother, no, Kotaro, why are you doing this?" Fudo asked while still trying to keep his cool.

"Why? Simple. Cause you're a bastard. Do you know how much shame dad had to suffer after the media made your existence known? Do you know how much shame I had to swallow while my friends mocked me? But even still that old man didn't finish you off. No. Instead he still gave you money and now, I think it's time you pay us back." When Kotaro began speaking, his voice was still at a moderate level enough for the both of them together with Kotaro's teammates to hear. But as he went on, his volume had increased so much that it attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

Fudo gripped his staff tightly and said "Kotaro. Do you think you're the only one who suffered? Do you think you're the only one who got mocked in school? Ever since then, have you ever wondered how I felt?"

"Why would I? Don't make me wait too long or else…" As he finished, the two men behind him stepped forward and widen their mouth with a creepy-gangster like smile plastered on their face.

" It has always been about you Kotaro and it always will be. However, you still don't understand do you? My mom and I no longer live under you. We have our lives and actions. Even more so, this isn't the real world. Hmph, trying to bully me with a bunch of noobs won't work here. You're really lucky we're in town or else, there might not be a 'you' any longer." Fudo harrumphed.

"You dare? You little pig. I will-"

"Kotaro." A deep voice resounded behind him, interrupting Kotaro from finishing his sentence.

As soon as he heard that voice, Kotaro shivered a little but quickly recovered.

Turning back, he said while bowing low "Azure-sama."

The man behind Kotaro was about 26-28 years of age. Though he was young, he emanated a sense of maturity and authority. He was dressed in exquisite mage gown with a blue and white patterned design and held a crooked staff with a fist sized blue orb attached t the top giving off an aura of vastness and encompassing. A good look and one would know that he was a water type elementalist and most likely an expert as his level was at level 4.

"What did I warn you of earlier on? This is Infinite Realm not that silly sheltered part of the world you live in. You're attitude might just offend a bigwig without knowing it and your family could easily be done in." Azure Dragon then said "Let this be the last time or else.."

"Yes. I understand." Kotaro bowed once more as an apology.

"Go wait for me at the usual spot."


Even though Kotaro was too reluctant to leave after threatening Fudo, he couldn't outrightly disobey Azure Dragon as that will not only mark the end of his gaming career but possibly even affect his father's business. But even still, while leaving, he glared at Fudo as if saying 'Next time, you won't be so lucky.'

After he was gone by at least 50 metres, Azure Dragon then said "I apologise for my teammate's impertinent behaviour. I hope you would forgive him." Saying so, Azure Dragon gave a slight bow as an apology even though it felt more formal than sincere.

"No worries." replied Fudo but deep down, he was trying to decipher the identity of the man before him. One should know that Kotaro was raised as a spoilt brat by his mother. This ended up causing a lot of trouble for his father as he went around offending even the people than were more powerful than his father. So for Kotaro to be able to show such respect, or rather fear, towards Azure Dragon, implies the heftiness of his real identity.

Raising his right hand towards Fudo, Azure Dragon "You might already know but I'm Azure Dragon, a member of the Super guild Emperor's Might."

Fudo lifted an eyebrow in shock but still kept his cool, shaking the extended hand while replying, "Emperor Wolf. A pleasure meeting you."

Azure Dragon smiled. "I'd like to invite you to our guild. What do you think about it?"

This time, Fudo couldn't remain calm. Emperor's Might, a Super guild and not an average one at that, had just invited him to join them. Even though he was surprised, he knew he shouldn't keep Azure Dragon waiting so he responded "As much as I would like too, I can't. I've already promised a friend that I would play with him, so I apologise." Saying so, Fudo bowed his head slightly, mimicking the exact same movement and pattern of insincerity Azure Dragon had used with him.

"...alright." It was unknown whether if Azure dragon was stunned at the fact that Fudo rejected his proposal or that he had the guts to mock him, but he still managed to give a timely reply.

"If there's nothing else, then I will take my leave." saying so, Fudo left without waiting for a reply.

A few seconds after he was gone, another man deactivated his stealth skill, appearing beside Azure Dragon while saying "That guy is quite interesting."

"Why do you say so?" Azure Dragon queried.

"I felt like he had noticed me plus he was also taking glimpses at my position." The cloaked man seriously said.

"I know. I felt he was kinda special so I tried to invite him. Who knew he would have outrightly denied us like that. What an interesting young man." Azure Dragon chuckled softly.

"Do you need me to teach him a lesson?" The cloaked man looked towards the direction Fudo departed to.

"No need. We have other things to focus on. Remember, we aren't the only ones here so we might as well stay low for now. Let's go. We have to make it to level 10 before the others."

"Okay." With that said, the cloaked man once again re-entered stealth and vanished.

"What an interesting guy." Azure Dragon chuckled once more.

AN :

[1] I never mentioned this directly but there's a diamond shaped marker atop each individual's head NPCs included. The difference is that NPCs have a blue coloured one. Players generally have a green coloured one but there are variations once a player kills an NPC or a fellow player. They include; Yellow, Orange, Red, Deep crimson, grey, black and onyx. The more you kill, the darker your marker becomes until it experiences a colour change and the cycle continues till you reach onyx.

[2] If you were following up on the Will, Jada and August stuff, then you will get this. historical

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