Infinite Realm

Chapter 255 - 249

Chapter 255 - 249 : [Nightmare Devil]

[[ System interface :

Nightmare Devil (Elite )

Level : 9

HP : 764/900

Physical Attack Power : 45

Magical attack Power : 45

Physical Defense : 15

Magical Defense : 25

Attack Speed : 30

Movement Speed : 30


Strength : 15

Endurance : 15

Vitality : 90

Agility : 15

Dexterity : 10

Intelligence : 15

Willpower : 25

Skills :

[System comments :  historical

Quest Hint : Monsters capable of fashioning your thoughts against you.]


"Nightmare Devil. Interesting." Sato thought out loud as he glanced at the result of [Inspect] skill.

While the title, Nightmare Devil, was a bit over the top, it was still capable of defining the monster in front of him. That was right. The person who stood before Sato wasn't Xue Yan but an indigenous monster of the mountain.

Nightmare Devils were illusory creatures just like the Phantasmal Wolves and the Black Panther from before. However, unlike their fellow cousins, Nightmare Devils possessed an impressive amount of intelligence, making them seem like humans from the start. They couldn't be called "monsters of intellect" as this human-like craftiness and smartness was a common feature of Nightmare Devils. Hence, they seemed more like highly intelligent creatures than Intellectuals. Nonetheless, these guys were as scary as the main deal.

Possessing intelligence that rivaled a human, Nightmare Devils could take on any form they wished while at the same time, skimming through one's memories and finding the related memories of their target. This was evident in how despite being a fake, the Nightmare Devil before him could easily fool Sato and make him think that it was Xue Yan. It was capable of going through his memories and spotting the related information, easily able to woodwind one with its actions as it analyzed the corresponding memories. What was even scarier was the fact that they could imitate one's technique and skill just like the original user in the memory.

Despite so, the personal strength of the Nightmare Devil didn't add up to much. So long as one knew that the creature in front of them was born from an illusion, the danger of Nightmare Devils would plunge to just a bit above zero. This was because, in essence, the Nightmare Devil had a specific amount of attribute points assigned to specific attributes. This is turn would limit the power of techniques it copied. Say, for instance, a Nightmare Devil was to copy the looks and abilities of a [Paladin] or [Berserker], with their meager attribute points in [Strength], they, logically, shouldn't be able to perform any of the skills related to the class. But since their abilities derived from illusions, passively believing that they could, would empower these devils whilst denying so would return them to their base form.

"What did you say?" 'Xue Yan' or rather, the Nightmare devil asked with a bit of shock in its eyes. If Sato had realized its identity, there now the possibility that he could defeat it. Be the monster or player, no one wanted to die.

"I said I know what you're so you stop with the disguise." Sato steadily said.

The Nightmare Devil glanced at Sato in shock and couldn't help but retreat by one step.

Nightmare Devils weren't all that amazing at copying looks and skills. Once the jig was up, they would be almost similar to pigs for slaughter. This couldn't be helped since in direct one-on-one combat, the Nightmare Devils easily lost the battle. They had to rely on their deceitful skills and illusions to win a fight otherwise, they might not be the same.


Sato took the initiative as he sped towards the Nightmare devil, with the edges of his clothing being lifted by the wind.

Having already been injured by Sato, the Nightmare Devil was aware that in direct combat it wasn't Sato's match. Hence, without any form of hesitation, it turned around and began retreating.

"You still think you can escape me?" Sato smirked.

Compared to Sato, the Nightmare Devil's [Agility] wasn't that high. Added with the fact that Sato made his move first and also the distance between the two wasn't much to start with, the gap between was but a mere 3 metres. Apart from that, from the Nightmare Devil's movements, it looked as if the pressure also affected it. While Sato didn't know why, he wasn't bothered as this signified a good thing for him too.


If there was something the first section lacked, it was coverage. Because of this, no matter how far the Nightmare Devil was to run, it couldn't get away from Sato and at the pace it was consuming its stamina, it would end up exhausted soon enough.

'If only I wasn't injured. I might have been able to outrun him.' The Nightmare Devil thought to itself.

The [Endurance] and [Willpower] stats affected one's stamina and the [Willpower] stat happened to be one of the Nightmare Devil's highest stats. If not for its battle with the [Mirage Panther], the Nightmare Devil would have had confidence in outrunning Sato. One could only say that its luck was bad for it to be engaged in a tight battle when Sato was close by.

"Ah!!! Bastard human!!! Die!"

The Nightmare Devil suddenly turned around and pointed the staff in its hand at Sato, releasing a fireball at him.

While Sato had been chasing the monster from behind, he didn't let his guard down while doing so. As a result, when the Nightmare Devil had turned around and cursed, Sato had already changed position.


The fireball crashed at an empty spot and exploded.

Before the Nightmare Devil could react to this, Sato had closed the miniature gap between them and was within a metre distance. At this point, he was more than capable of attacking the monster. Sato wasn't sluggish in his reaction as he immediately struck at the Nightmare Devil. With a thrust of his sword, Sato aimed at the chest of the monster; right where the heart of an average human being would be.


-130 (634/900 Nightmare Devil's HP)

The sword pierced through with the tip appearing behind the monster.

Still in the form of Xue Yan, the Nightmare Devil glared at Sato with a maddened look and reddened eyes. If glared could kill then Sato didn't doubt that he would have died a hundred times under that look.

"!!!" The Nightmare Devil squeezed out those words under the pain of the lodged sword.

*Crack* *Clack*

*Crack* *Clack*

Under Sato's watch, the Nightmare Devil began to change appearance, growing taller by an inch with each passing second and getting beefier as its muscles began to bulge.

When Sato noticed the monster undergoing a transformation, he hurriedly withdrew his sword out from it and retreated a couple of steps back till he felt secure. From a safe distance, he watched as the monster shape-shifted to something else.

The facial appearance of the Nightmare Devil began to change as its skin tone darkened and the long black hair it had fallen off. The feminine look was lost as two short horns grew out from the forehead of the monster. Claws grew out from the nails on its fingers, elongating until it approached a length of 5 inches. Its skin got covered in dark black scales that possessed a reflective sheen, giving the creature a 'metallic beauty'. From the original 'femme fatale' Xue Yan, the Nightmare Devil had taken on a horrific appearance akin to a demon from the underworld. The aura the monster exuded was a creepy one that made its opponents feel the sensation of death in its presence.


With a roar, the Nightmare Devil unleashed the entirety of its aura, turning the original peaceful and open land into a death zone. A dreadful aura flowed through the entire place, preventing any other creature from coming close while also weakening every lifeform within. This included Sato.

[[ System notification :

You have been inflicted by [Nightmare Air]

Hallucinations will randomly occur.

Chances of Hallucinations occurring increased by 5% within the domain.

Player will experience a decrease in Attack Power and Defense. Decrease depends on the results of a [Willpower] check.


"This will be your grave, human.." The Nightmare Devil grinned fiendishly.

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