Infinity Armament

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 22: Negotiation

I and the editors do our best, but we are still humans. If you find any mistake, please comment.

In the Central Park zoo.


Twenty men, each armed with a gun, stood like a wall in front of Shen Yi. Their expressions were stern and they exuded discipline.

Behind him, the Eastern adventurers coughed and said, “The Western adventurers found this mutant first, but the mutant was very cautious and escaped. Unfortunately for him, he ran directly into us. Then the South appeared, wanting to snatch this man from our hands. We were just about to fight when the West caught up. The blonde woman is a troublesome one; with just a look at this situation, she immediately joined forces with the Southern Region. We were forced to issue a call for help and did not dare to kill the mutant. In fact, we considered handing over the mutant, but the problem is that these people are untrustworthy. Once they have the mutant, they’re likely to turn against us immediately. After all, killing us would weaken our region’s competitiveness.”

Between the two Regions in third and fourth place, there was an unavoidable battle. The intensity of this contest involved life and death, and thus was absolutely more fierce than the battle between the first and second places.

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