Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 228 - Gathering Resources Part 4

Chapter 228 - Gathering Resources Part 4

"That is why, Scott," the crimson-purple haired girl continued, grabbing the Deputy General's attention. "That is why we need your Cosmic Inclination."

"Huh?" Something seemed to break in Scott. Trying to get himself back together was hard, and what was harder was that the girl didn't give him any chance to process everything she said.

She was just dumbing one shocking piece of information after the other without paying much attention to his mental health. 

"Scott, will you become my subordinate?" The girl finally asked, her tone as calm as ever. Some would even call her tone cold.

"What? Your subordinate? Why? How? Is that possible?" Scott relayed his tangled thoughts that were messing with his sanity.


"Tu," Raven called after a soft sigh that indicated how tired she really was. Instantly, a crimson aura started to condense next to her.

Out of that aura, a familiar figure appeared, smiled, and waved towards Scott. "Hayo~ long time no see, Cosmic Inclination Wielder."

Tu's over friendly tone seemed to restore Scott's face's colour. An annoyed and tense expression painted his face. "The Crimson Dragon of Death…"

"Hehe, you can call me Tu, that's alright, we're old friends after all! Aren't we?" Tu said cheerfully with a gaze that some night call too innocent or too stupid. 

Scott gritted his teeth and clenched his fists to prevent himself from jumping on the person that has destroyed his planet and killed his people.

Not waiting for Scott to start blabbering again, the young girl spoke with urgency. "Tu will be your instructor for whatever time we have left. Make sure to learn well."

Scott pursed his lips. He didn't want to. He would rather die. But at the same time… he remembered what this girl had just said, 'we need your Cosmic Inclination,' and that wasn't all, but she also asked him to become her subordinate…

"Tu will train your eyes. You will have to strengthen your Cosmic Inclination if you want to be of any help in the coming war." The girl said with her casual tone, yet Scott could now see the slight marks of worry in her face. "Also, once you're ready, let Tu know and I'll turn you into a subordinate of mine-"

"How?" Scott interjected quickly. "How will you turn me into a subordinate of yours? And what benefit would that give me or give you?"

"You will become stronger, of course," she answered calmly. "Trust me, I don't have plans of making everyone my subordinate, but for me to be able to share my powers with you, you must become my subordinate. 

"You see, for demons, devils, or daemons," Raven said, making Scott gulp loudly. "For those species, it's as simple as undergoing a naming ritual. But for other species that are not part of the Sinners' Realm, or rather what we call the Demon Plane, it is much more complicated.

"To clarify, I can't grant my powers to someone who is not a subordinate of mine.Think of it as a prerequisite. So, it is up to you to decide whether you want to become stronger and help, or just hide with the rest."

"Oh, and mention this to Ramira when you meet her. Additionally, gather everyone that's above triple S rank and get them ready to train under Tu.

"Anyone who is only double S rank will be left to take care of the bunkers and keep the people alive and organised. Of course, you can continue the Tournament of the Elite as usual since Kayla is using that to gather promising rankers.

"We will grant promising subordinate candidates additional powers once they prove they can handle it. Even though they may not surpass the required rank, some participants have some pretty good skills that will be valuable even at a low rank."

"So you were using the Tournament and the Class of the Elite to your advantage from the start?" Scott asked warily.

"Not from the start… My friend, Kayla, has always wanted to roam around, have friends, and test her powers. I thought that the Elite Class would be her chance to have a semi-normal student life where she can accomplish what she wanted.

"But you see, there was a change in plans at the moment we learnt about the invasion. 

"Scott, you don't need to be wary of me." She added. "After all, we both want to save the planet. Isn't that right?"

He only grit his teeth.


"Oh, before I forget," the girl sighed softly while fixing a lone strand of crimson-purple that strayed away from the rest and decided to cover her face. "Alka, my Devil Lord, will be training those Kayla deems qualified."

"I see," Scott said while looking at the still kneeling neon green haired Devil Lord. He still could not believe that a legendary existence such as a Devil Lord was humbly kneeling to this weak looking girl. 'No, I should know more than anyone else the amount of power this girl has…'

He could not help but glance at Tu who was busy playing with a grand of his crimson hair that would make most girls jealous of how soft and beautiful it looked.

"Also," the girl said again as her hair fluttered some more under the effect of the sudden cold breeze. "Scott, where are the Generals?"

Scott gasped before looking at the ground.

"I've met two Deputy Generals, so where are the Generals?" She asked again.

"Are they the ones who warned you about the future invasion in three months?" She asked casually. It wasn't a real question, she was just confirming her suspicion.

"Uhm," Scott nodded in defeat under her gaze. "The Generals are part of the Supreme Galactic Alliance… they are the strongest Earth has to offer…"josei

The Supreme Galactic Alliance. Raven has heard of this organisation before. Joey had warned her about them.

Although she was afraid to ask, Raven had recently requested more information about her past from Joey.

'Although I am not sure the reason for the war, I am certain that the people behind the war and the destruction of planet Erembourc were part of the Supreme Galactic Alliance.' Joey had a look of disgust when mentioning their name.

Although she knew some parts of Joey's information were not accurate, she was certain that the Supreme Galactic Alliance has contributed towards the war on her planet, Erembourc.

'But I guess I ended up here, meeting Maria, Maya, and the rest because of that,' she thought with a mental shrug, although she seemed to have opened up a closed wound, and a deep one at that. 'Maya…'

"Naturally," Scott continued as he didn't realize the swirl of emotions hiding behind the girl's stoic expression. "The Generals have access to information that we could not obtain anywhere else aside from the Supreme Galactic Alliance. They told us about the invasion, or rather warned us about it.

"That is why I'm rather curious… how do you know about the invasion of the angels? Or whatever you'd call it; Divine Invasion? Angelic Invasion?" Scott asked, expressing his doubts for the first time. "And wait… How, no, when did you hear about this? There's no way you just heard about it…"

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