Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 234 - Breaking Bonds Part 4

Chapter 234 - Breaking Bonds Part 4

"Everything makes sense now…" Michael muttered again, quietly. "Hm, let me ask you a question, young girl."

He didn't call her seraph or little Raphael.

"What is your name? No, rather, who are you?"

'Huh?' Raphael was beyond confused and frightened. Everything felt so unreal, as if she was dreaming. 'I am Raphael!' 

She tried to scream. What nonsense was he asking, why would Michael ask such an obvious question.

"Raphael? Are you saying that you are Seraph Raphael?" Michael asked as if he was able to read her mind.josei


"Hm, you are Raphael, huh? 

"Are you sure that you are not Maya instead, young girl?" The cold voice was like a bucket of ice water dripping on her sleepy face, yet she couldn't move a muscle, not even to flinch. "Answer me. Are you sure that you're not Maya? 

"The person you talked about, Raven, had saved someone named Maya, not Raphael. Why were you talking as if she had saved you?

"Since when can one cycle overcome countless years of memories and experiences? Have you forgotten who you really are? Seraph Raphael would never care about one cycle.

"Young girl. You're not Raphael. No. You're Maya…"

If her facial expressions could function, the girl on the ground would have a look of realisation, betrayal, and fear.

This person. She knew that she should not trust him. How could she do something like this? What is he going to do to her now?

'Am I going to die? 

'Am I going to die because I shared my honest thoughts?

'What if my last life had left a strong impact on me? Wouldn't that indicate that Raven is able to change the world?

'Heck, she was able to change me, a f*cking seraph! Why doesn't this b*stard trust my words! 

'Son of a b*tch you saw everything! F*CK! Can you not see that Raven had changed me? She will f*cking change the world!

'Give her a chance you b*tch! Damn it! My mind is being fired. F*CK you! Don't you dare lay a hand on her you b*stard!!

'*huff* *huff* F*ck! I can't even breathe in my own mind! You can still hear me can't you- ugh'

She suddenly felt the pressure on her mind increase ten folds, no, even more.

'What are you doing to me- f*cking b*tch… *huff* *huff* you know… she, Raven-' *huff* she will f*CK you up! She-' *huff* ki- you- *huff* b*tch!'

Even though her face was not moving, she was smiling inside. 

There was no reason for her to be worried about Raven. No, that girl will overcome anything and change everything.

Raphael, no, Maya needed to meet her. 

She wasn't worried about her. No. But she wanted to meet her again. She wanted to be with her.

But alas, she was too weak to fight back this fatigue.

'So- *huff* sorry...

'Ra… ven.'

She slowly felt her world disappear. The grass was no more. The beautiful sky was no more.

All of a sudden, she was alone. If she was previously feeling like she was dreaming, she now felt like she was waking up from a dream.

Everything in her dream became fuzzy and hazy beyond comprehension.

Cracks could be heard as some bonds were destroyed. Everything that connected her, Maya, to this world was now broken.

All of those bonds… they were broken.

Everything disappeared.


"Ugh," opening her eyes with a groan, the girl with hair that was as beautiful as the endless sky above her, clutched her head. 

Looking up, she realised someone was staring at her with an uncaring, no, with a cold expression. 

"Michael?" She asked coldly.

"Raphael?" He raised his eyebrows, yet his gaze almost insulted her.

"Tch, to wake up to your face after going through such a disgusting cycle," she clicked her tongue and spoke with a venomous tone. "Thank you Michael. Thanks to you, I realized that I don't hate Uriel's face that much! Compared to you, she is a blessing."

There was no hint of sarcasm in her voice. She was simply stating her feelings.

'I don't like her attitude, but this is definitely Raphael,' Michael thought and smiled internally. 'But to think that someone as weak as her, that gets her memories impacted by one cycle… by a human… to think that she acts like this…'

Of course, he had not known that Raven was actually a soul weaver since Maya had not gone through that.

"Can you look somewhere else?" Raphael called out with an annoyed expression while slowly sitting up. I find it hard to hold my stomach any longer, I'm about to throw up from looking at your face.

"Tch," Michael clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Report."

"Hm," she seemed obviously annoyed as well, but she was aware that Michael was a senior, no, a superior. "The planet I was last on, planet Ourago, is a disgusting planet, I'll end it after a day's worth of rest. That's all." She quickly finished her report.

"Hm, I see," Michael simply said as he pretended to be thinking about something. 

"Raphael, don't care about planet Ourago. I'll destroy it myself. I need you for another mission."

He was internally grinning. 'Planet Ourago, huh? Good, that's a while back. She should not know who that girl is now.'

"Huh? Since when was that a thing?" Raphael asked coldly. "A mission without destroying a planet that disgusts me?"

"As I said," Michael emphasized. "Don't concern yourself. Rest for a week. I'll contact you with details later. The planet you'll need to end is called planet Earth."

"Planet Earth? What a stupid name…" she muttered before asking a question. "But why don't you go destroy it yourself? Scared now, are we?" She grinned.

"Raphael," he made eye contact.

"Tch, whatever," she clicked her tongue. "Send me the details, I'll take care of it."

"Good," he smiled coldly. "You'll like it. It's a planet that needs to be destroyed slowly and painfully."

"Ho~" she gasped. "Now we're talking, hehe!"

Her chuckle was ice cold and she had a matching gaze. The beautiful colour of her eyes made her gaze even more frightening. "It's been a while since I've ended a planet and had fun!"

'Heh, I forgot how vicious she used to be before that planet, Earth,' Michael thought to himself. 'I guess Gabe's intuition was right on point. Her last cycle had missed something in her head.

'This means that she's either so weak, or… that girl she spoke about, Raven, is a bit of a special case. 

'I will have to keep tabs on this issue. I'll make sure she turns that piece of rock called Earth into dust, and then I'll make that dust disappear.

'Oh, and since there was something wrong with Raphael, doesn't that mean that Uriel had hidden this from me? Did she know about this? Heh~

'I guess I have to take care of her too somehow… or at least… I'll have to investigate…'

No one was able to see inside of Michael's mind, but if someone did, they'd see a grin that was by no means for an angel.

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