Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 236 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 2

Chapter 236 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 2

The hundreds of elves who had stood up in their moment of courage, just a few seconds ago, dropped down to their knees again the moment they saw the sadistic smile on the daemon's face.

This daemon, this creature in front of them… he looked human, even elves knew about humans, the blessed race… 

However, their surprise came from his aura. 

He was not human. 

No, he was dangerous.

He was far more dangerous than any other creature or danger they have ever faced.

The sadistic daemon was wearing dark luxurious clothing that was fit for nobles, no, for royals. 

What gave the elves the chills and made it hard for them to breathe wasn't his clothing however, no, not even his spine breaking smile...

It was the dead monsters behind him. 

Although these elves have been in a deadly fight, those monsters were not the enemy they had fought.

No, they had fought against the humans, the original residents of this planet, who had banished them.

However, just as they were about to win and completely wipe out the humans, they were attacked by monsters.josei

What was left of the humans died to these monsters. Not seconds after enjoying their human appetizers, those terrifying monstrous creatures attacked the elves causing countless casualties.

Even their strongest warriors were trampled to death and crushed in mere seconds.

However, just as they were on the brink of despair, a bright light dyed the sky as a single figure descended down like an angel, a ruler of the sky.

This figure had mercilessly slaughtered the bloodthirsty creatures, wiping them out in an instant and thus saving the elves.

Most of the elves thought that they were dreaming, that they were already dead and every ounce of hope they experienced was simply an illusion.

However, even after slapping their faces or pinching their cheeks, the scene didn't change in front of them and instead stayed the same.

This figure, this person has saved them. They thought he was a god… a supreme being who had been watching over them and finally chose to save them… to nurture them and make them rise above all other races!

But to their dismay, reality was not forgiving…

This person whom they thought was their saviour had asked them to obey him. To submit their wills to him and his mistress…

Many elves found it hard to believe. This supreme being was supposed to be their saviour and a person who had chosen to make THEM the pinnacle of existence!

They, the elves, were not a race that was meant to follow anyone! They were meant to rule others instead!

Why was this supreme asking them to submit to him and his mistress? How could they do that?

The chosen race…The elves… of course they won't submit to anyone! 

Of course not!

Even if this person was indeed a god or a supreme ruler, there was no way they'd throw away their freedom again! It was a fate worse than death!

That's why they refused to obey. They stood their ground. They chose to fight for their freedom once again! They've always done it anyway. One last battle for freedom won't change anything!

But even then…

This person, this supreme ruler… was he really going to kill them all? He definitely could! His power was no child play, they've all witnessed it themselves!!

Behind his elegant figure, the countless monsters were slain viciously, ensuring not a single hint of their souls were left in their bodies.

Each creature was left laying down in a puddle of its own blood.

Fissures and cracks were dug deep into the ground by the effect of this being's wicked abilities. Red blood flooded through them like rivers.

What made the scene so terrifying and almost unbelievable was the fact that he had absolutely no blood on him.

His clothes were dark, but they were clean and almost sparkling under the rays of this planet's two bright stars and one beautiful silvery moon.

Even though this person was standing in front of rivers, no seas of blood, not a single drop tainted his handsome pale face, nor his night black hair.

Two strands of rich elegant gold were making his hair even glossier, prompting people to make eye contact with him and appreciate him as a breathtaking piece of rare art.

However, anyone who dared look straight at his golden iresis and blood red pupils ended up fainting. 

'Tch, so annoying,' Abbadon complained while looking down on the elves who were staring at the ground in fear. 

He was not particularly emitting any type of pressure, but his passive aura was enough to make the weak elves faint.

To make matters worse, they were so arrogant! It was almost unbelievable!

They were talking about being chosen and being survivors, however, the truth was that they were getting attacked by those monsters that were now dead behind him.

If it wasn't for his mistress's orders, he would have annihilated such an arrogant race and this entire pitiful rock they live on!

"You're out of time," Abbadon's cold voice suddenly rang around. It was not loud, but everyone felt their ears ringing from the words he spoke so calmly. 

"I guess it is only natural that an arrogant race such as yourselves would prefer to die than to serve the most generous mistress, the high and mighty Lady Raven. 

"Well, at least you'll serve to lessen my boredom, please scream! Kfufufufufu-" Of course, Abbadon wasn't going to actually disobey his mistress's orders. 

He was more cunning than his handsome appearance indicated.

"Wait!" A voice cracked under Abbadon's devilish chuckle.

Just as he started channeling his aura, this weak voice called. "Tch," Abbadon clicked his tongue although he smiled inside, 'as planned.'

The person who spoke previously started getting up from the ground, weakly and with great effort.

"Sir hero!"

"Sir hero, why did you come here?!"

"Sir hero, no! You haven't recovered yet!"

"Please, Sir hero, you've done enough for us! We have to fight for ourselves too!"

"Please recover, we'll hold him off!"

The elves all looked at this newly emerging figure in reverence and respect as they each shouted in fear.

They knew they were weak against this mysterious being, but this sir hero would win if he had skmet one to recover his strength!

Of course, this sir hero was so strong that he was able to help them with everything; from teaching them how to break the seal to fighting against the original residents of this land!

This sir hero was unstoppable! But they had to give him some time to recover, after all, he had worked the most!

"Hm?" Abbadon looked annoyed at the sudden chatter, but he focused on this person as well. 

"Any last words?" A vicious cold smile surfaced across his face, giving the elves a terrifying feeling as many of them fell unconscious once more.

Although not many noticed, the 'so called hero' stiffened all of a sudden, before continuing to approach Abbadon as if nothing had happened.

Abbadon could clearly see the cold sweat rolling down his forehead, making his smile even bigger!

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