Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 240 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 6

Chapter 240 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 6

The so-called hero, Hoda, weakly looked up at his comrades, struggling to even make the slightest movement with his eyes and head. 

The act of looking at his friends, or rather partners in crime, was enough to leave him panting and wheezing for the precious oxygen in the air.

"What are you doing, Hoda?!" One of the humans, Honda's partners, called Mola yelled, realising that something has gone terribly wrong.

Even though each of them had their own battlefields that they still had to take care of since not all of the original residents were dead yet, they didn't hesitate to rush over to Hoda when they realised it was an urgent matter. 

However, they still didn't expect him to look like a pitiful wet rat with two hollow soulless eyes!!

'What just happened?' Mola thought while looking at the black haired man sitting imperiously on the massive and glorious throne, as if he owned the entire planet. 

He didn't even bother looking up at them!

"Tch, it must be him!" One of the people accompanying Mola clicked his tongue and yelled in disdain. "What did you do to Hoda, you devil?!"

"Oh," Abbadon showed an amused reaction after hearing those words, yet he didn't raise his head to look at them. 

He merely acknowledged their existence, like an emperor not caring for, yet acknowledging, an insignificant matter such as an annoying fly above his head.

With a snap of his fingers, the nine people floating in the sky lost their bearing and quickly succumbed to the laws of gravity. 

"What the-"

"I can't fly!"

"You b*stard!!" 


The group yelled in surprise and frustration as they realised they were no longer able to fly. 

Bang!! Bang…. Bang!!

Nine bangs sounded as the nine people fell like dead birds from the sky and hit the ground like meteors.

The blood and gore from the battlefield splattered across their faces and clothes, making some of them even angrier.

"You damn devil!! I'll tear you apart!!" One of them yelled while clenching his teeth before launching himself at Abbadon who simply smiled. He was entertained so far.

"Rolaku, enough!!" Mola yelled at the top of his lungs in order to urge the man rushing to his death, Rolaku, to stop.

Noticing that he did not stop and continued his wild charge, Mola immediately teleported in front of him and quickly subdued him using force. 

Mola was not stupid and he quickly realised that this person was not to be messed with. He was quite dangerous.

The look in Honda's faces was saying it all!

"Let me go!! Didn't you see how he's treating us like flies?" Rolaku yelled. "This f*cker! Look at what he did to Hoda! We can't make the plan work without him!"

"Yeah, let's chop him into pieces!!" Another person called, enraged. "Who is he to think he can mess with us and our plans? We'll soon be the rulers of this land!!"

"You devil, what the hell do you want!!?" A young woman called while being restrained by another person. She was looking at Abbadon as if he was an executioner that had taken her lover's life.

Little did she know, that was not far off the truth.

"Hm, this is the third time you called me devil, but you're obviously wrong," Abbadon's amused voice didn't indicate rage or frustration. He was enjoying himself. After all, he has been waiting for them for a while now. "I am no mere devil, get your vocabulary right, less you lose your empty heads and useless brains that you don't bother using.

"I am a daemon, a superior being that none of you is worthy of looking down upon, that's why you are not allowed to fly above me, isn't that clear as day? You all belong below my feet."

"This motherf-" Rolaku struggled against Mola's hold. "Let me go! I'll make him wish he-" 

"Enough, so loud," Abbadon frowned, showing displeasure for the first time, as he snapped his fingers.

Everyone widened their eyes in surprise and fright. The elves and the newcomers both started shaking, some in fear and some in rage. 

The fake hero, Hoda, didn't seem surprised in the slightest, but his heart started beating even faster, threatening to jump out of its cage!

The place was so loud just a second ago, yet, it suddenly got so quiet after the black haired man's snap...

Mola looked between his arms where Rolaku once was struggling for his freedom… but he couldn't find his friend, he only saw a puff of dark grey smoke, no… a puff of ash!

Mola's hands and feet started shaking in fear and disbelief. "He was just between my arms…." He knew this person was not normal, but he had not expected something like this… 

When this young man had snapped his fingers, Rolaku had turned into ash… 

Just like that…

Rolaku was dead...

He was no more...

He would no longer argue with everyone. 

He'd no longer drink and play with girls. 

He'd no longer fight alongside them.

He'd no longer become a ruler with them.

Rolaku was truly gone!

"Oops," Abbadon widened his eyes in surprise. He seemed genuinely shocked by his own actions. 

He was panicking, realising that he had violated his mistress' orders by killing someone for real! 

He didn't mean to kill the stupid human! 

He only meant for him to shut his mouth.

Yet, it was too late. Nothing but ashes were left of that human, and even the ashes started drifting in the air as if wanting nothing to do with Abbadon. 

The ashes quickly disappeared into the distance.

'No… Lady Raven will skin me alive this time!' Abbadon's face looked as prideful as ever, yet his mind was a total mess. 'No, what am I thinking? The merciful and kind Lady Raven would never harm me, but… but she'd be disappointed in me…

'She would remember what I did before… I have already made her upset many times!

'Just like the time I went to fight Silver on my own… back then, she had told me to stick to the rules and not raise a finger without her permission, yet…josei

'What a stupid idiot… What should I do with myself now? How can I continue calling Lady Raven as the person I admire the most when I can't even respect her simple orders…

'Will she ever forgive me if she knew they were evil people? But… even so, she had told me not to kill… I was supposed to only intimidate or tempt, but never kill an intelligent being if they mean Earth no harm…

'What do I do now?' Abbadon was flustered inside, yet on the outside, he looked exactly the same.

The people around him were still shaking as if they were hit by lightning.

Suddenly, a radiant white light burst in the sky, blinding everyone but the black haired daemon who had his mouth open in shock… 

He was shocked at his miserable luck!

'Out of every time, I was caught now…' 

Shaking his head, a grim expression surfaced across his face. He was done for…

Maybe Lady Raven was not going to physically harm him, yet the look of disappointment in her eyes would soon be like a sharp dagger stabbing into Abbadon's heart.

Dismissing the throne quickly, the poor daemon instantly kneeled in respect and looked up at the elegant figure descending from the sky gloriously.

Her golden eyes were cast upon the miserable land that was dyed red with blood and gore, yet she managed to radiate warmth and calmness into everyone's soul.

Abbadon could not help but admire everything about his young mistress as she floated slightly above the ground.

"Lady Raven…" 

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