Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 242 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 8

Chapter 242 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 8

"Hoda, was it?" Raven's voice was still soft, yet her expression indicated anger.

The fake hero felt a bolt of violent electricity pass through his body as he involuntarily turned his head to look at her frown.

He instantly felt the urge to choke himself to death after noticing that innocent looking frown… the guilt from doing what he had done instantly filled his dark heart.

"I believe that my subordinate, Abbadon, had already explained that you need to explain yourself to the poor elves, correct?" Her voice was as soft as ever, yet everyone's hearts beat a lot faster as she finished.

"Y- Yes, Yes ma'am!" Hoda, who was struggling to breathe, said in a loud yet respectful voice.

"Good, then please go ahead!"

Hearing her words, the elves seemed completely lost. 

However, that was only the start.

Hoda was hesitant at first, but the moment he looked back at the young lady's frown, he had no choice but to obey.

Hearing his explanation and confession, the elves could not help but feel suffocated.

They've been tricked…

They've been played by their heroes…

They've been played by the people they respect the most…

Their lives actually had no meaning whatsoever in those people's minds. They were mere pawns that were meant to be sacrificed…


Raven could not help but let out a sigh of pity after seeing the expressions of pain and betrayal in the elves' faces. They seemed utterly and thoroughly defeated.

"Abbadon," Raven called her loyal subordinate, "let's destroy the portal and leave. We have important things to attend to."

"Yes, Lady Raven," he hid his surprise and answered politely. He didn't think his mistress would just leave the people of this planet just like that.

Was she not going to take care of the elves?

Was she not going to punish the evil humans?

Abbadon had the urge to at least ask her about gathering the elves since it was what he had wanted to achieve, yet he did not dare. If his mistress was leaving, then it was because she does not want them to be fighting alongside her. 

But even still, he couldn't help but feel confused about it. After all, the elves had some fascinating magic spells that could help them in the coming war.

"Ma'am!" A shaking voice suddenly called out to Raven as she was starting to ascend into the sky and into the distance.

"Hm, what is it?" Raven's soft voice seemed concerned, but she smiled politely nonetheless.

"About the offer… does it still stand?" The elf asked. He was the elf elder that had rallied the others against Abbadon before.

After realising that their heroes had betrayed them, they wanted nothing to do with this place. It was nothing but a filthy ocean of gore and blood!

Those pitiful fake heroes can rule this sh*thole as they please!

However, to everyone's surprise, especially Abbadon's, the young lady shook her head.

"Apologies, but the offer does not stand any more," she smiled apologetically.

"What…. Why?" The elf elder and the rest felt lost and confused. Didn't she want them before!? "I'm sorry ma'am, but can you please tell us why? After all, you sent us a messenger…" he glanced towards Abbadon, timidly.

"Uhm, the reason is because I only needed you to fight together with me against some people who are planning on destroying our land," Raven was completely honest and open about it. "However, seeing the situation you are in right now, regardless of who was the righteous side in this battlefield, I believe that you are no longer fit for battle… you deserve a break."

Hearing her soft words that seemed full of honest concern, the elves could not help but blame themselves for not accepting the offer before!

This young lady seemed to have been the contrary of what they had imagined! Why would she send someone like that evil man as a messenger? 

Was it a test? Maybe she was testing them all along! But alas, they must have failed the test…

Many elves felt the urge to smack their heads against the ground and wail for how stupid and arrogant they acted.

They've been betrayed by their heroes, and when someone was trying to offer them a hand, they bit it and spat on it!

"Please don't blame yourselves," Raven said after noticing their expressions. "Even if you joined me, you'd only suffer more. After all, the war we're setting out to is nothing but a large-scale massacre. It is better for you to stay here.

"As for those people who call themselves heroes, I believe they won't harm you anymore, correct?" She asked with a meaningful look towards Hoda.

"Yes! Yes, Ma'am!" He instantly bowed deeply, almost soaking his head in blood and he touched the ground. "We promise you to pay our debt and work hard to rebuild the lands and take care of everyone! We will never ever seek a position of authority in this land and instead we'll work hard to compensate those who have fallen victim to our vile actions!!"

"Good," Raven said softly at that, yet a tinge of coldness clouded her expression.

If it was her planet or her people, she would have massacred those humans mercilessly and in the most painful way. 

But unfortunately, she didn't have time for this right now nor did she care enough. After all, from what she could tell from Abbadon's memories, the elves aren't the best people either. Something must have happened between them and the humans before which caused them to be banished. In any case, that was not her concern. 

Turning towards Abbadon, she nodded. "Our job here is done, let's go."

"Yes, Lady Raven!" He instantly cleaned himself from blood with one of his skills and appeared beside Raven who had a look of surprise.

She didn't expect him to be so bold, but her subordinate had just turned his clothing into ashes before instantly wrapping himself in a new set of shadowy clothing, thanks to his skill: Void Particles.

In a sense, he wrapped himself in a mantle of void particles before converting that into a normal set of clothing that matched his formal set. josei

Grinning, Raven led the way towards the portal that they needed to destroy before teleporting back to Earth.

Watching her leave, the elves could not help but feel restless. 

Regret filled their veins. 

They have wasted a great chance…

Even though this was just a short encounter, they felt that this young lady was a person who was truly worthy of being called a hero, no… even more!

As for the fake heroes… they felt their body shaking under the disgusted gazes of the elves.

Although they still had the power to wipe them out, they could not possibly do that after witnessing the expression on that young lady's face.

They didn't know how or why, but they felt that the moment they went against their promise, they'd instantly regret it.

How pitiful...

They had plans of conquering the world…

They were going to become the rulers of the new era…

But in the end, they were completely suppressed…

They didn't stand a chance against that young fragile looking girl. 

They were utterly and completely helpless in front of her.

Instead of becoming the masters, they now had to serve the eleves to compensate them for their actions…

They were destroyed… Utterly demolished....

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