Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 247 - Last Dusk Part 5

Chapter 247 - Last Dusk Part 5

'R-Grae?' Raven asked with wide eyes, curiosity taking the better of her. 'What is that exactly?'

'Err, to be honest, I haven't yet consolidated all the new data after the update, give me a few moments to look it up!'

About three weeks ago, Kayla had undergone the Mana Refinement process together with Raven which gave her various perks.

Amongst these perks was a knowledge update in which she was able to acquire, or rather unlock, new knowledge.

Included in the new sea of knowledge was the Grade of this artifact in Raven's hand, in addition to a whole new classification system.

After a few breaths, Kayla's voice beamed in Raven's mind.

'Alright, so it seems that the General wasn't kidding when he said it's a "mere" R-Grade artifact…' Kayla seemed somewhat disappointed. 'This R-Grade is apparently the lowest grade of artifacts in the Vast Universe. The Vast Universe being just the actual universe we live in...

'But even so, many people can't even afford it, so I guess it's a good gesture from the old man!'

Hearing her say that the General was an 'old man' let Raven force a smile as he wasn't actually that old, appearance wise at least.

'Additionally,' Kayla continued, 'its power is not something that can be underestimated; it can block a Star-5 level attack after all!

'In any case, the updated Classification System states that in the Vast Universe, the lowest artifact grade is R-Grade, followed by Infra-Grade, V-Grade, Ultra-Grade, X-Grade, and lastly Gamma-Grade.

'Amongst these classes, an artifact can be classified as Low-Rank, Mid-Rank, and High-Rank. The Universal Shielding Bracelet is actually a Mid-Ranked artifact!'

'Hmm, interesting…' Raven looked at the bracelet in surprise. 'If such a low ranked artifact was able to withstand the attack of a Star-5 level attack then what of the highest grade artifact? 

'Just what power do creatures in the Vast Universe need to protect themselves from? Is everyone out there so strong? What about those who actually create those artifacts?'

Raven seemed calm on the surface, just like an ancient lake that hasn't been disrupted for thousands of years, yet this wasn't the case on the inside.


Letting off a soft sigh, Raven redirected her attention towards General Kai. 

Noticing her sigh, even though she had a smile on her face, General Kai thought that she was troubled because of his artifact.

"It seems that I have presented you with a shameful artifact that is not worthy of your-"

"No, no," Raven quickly waved her hands in slight panic. "General Kai, this gift is so precious and I am very thankful. I was just wondering if it's really appropriate for me to accept something like this for simply doing my duty!"

'Precious gift?' Kayla snickered. 'It is a good gesture and all, but you definitely don't need something like this!'

'Shush lil Kay, we still have manners!' Raven argued. 'Plus, even though I don't need it, I have some plans, hehe...'

'Meh, I can create far better artifacts if I try!' Kayla took pride in everything she created and although she has never assigned a grade to her creations, she knew that they're of higher value!

Something like the Transportation Bracelet or even her drones were quite valuable. After her latest evolution, she even gained the ability to create Teleportation Gates that are able to connect two places in the Vast Universe, regardless of the distance between them! 

'Lil Kay, that's exactly why I said I have a plan…' Raven smiled internally. 'Think about it, most of our forces are not strong enough, so with this artifact as a model, you can easily create something better!

'If we distribute defensive artifacts to our forces… hehe…'

Hearing her sly laughter inside, Kayla quickly understood and gave a similar laugh while rubbing her hands like a fly that has found her best plate.

"Hahaha!" General Kai suddenly chuckled in a pleasant surprise after hearing Raven's gentle comment. "Miss O'Bannon, you're so polite. It's true that defending our home is our duty, but no one else has taken the initiative but you! That's why it would make me happy if you were to accept this insignificant gift of mine!"

Hearing that, Raven simply smiled and accepted the Universal Shielding Bracelet. "Thank you, General Kai!" 

Her smile was modest and her actions were professional. Her demeanor was also gentle and graceful.

In his heart, General Kai did not expect this young girl to have such a pleasant personality!

Somehow, it made him believe that his planet was already saved. The fact the younger generation was strong yet without a trace of arrogance made him feel at ease.

Looking at General Kai, Raven had a chance to observe him now. 

On the outside, he looked like a middle aged Korean man with fiery red hair, not a trace of whiteness on his head. A matching short beard made him look older than his age, yet gentler and quite composed.

However, Raven was not going to mistake his kind appearance for weakness. She could feel the power emanating from his body, like a star that's being forcefully suppressed as not to harm the neighboring celestial bodies.

This man was at least a Star-5 being!josei

Raven was tempted to use appraisal on him, yet she didn't want to be impolite and as such she didn't bother.

"General Kai," Raven called with a smile. "I heard that the General of the German EDA Division had also arrived, is he inside the headquarters?"

"Hm, yes I believe Adalard is already waiting for us inside. But he's not the only one, many have also made their appearance! Uhm, let's go in, they must be waiting!" General Kai said enthusiastically.

"Uhm, let's go!" Raven nodded politely and followed the General towards the EDA headquarters, together with her faithful subordinate; Abbadon.

This was the same building where she had once undergone her Rank Test and fought against Scott for the first time. Additionally, she had fought against Ramira Sato, the Deputy General of the Japanese EDA Division.

Needless to say, this place was filled with unpleasant memories for her.


'I guess it's time to turn a new leaf…' Raven muttered quietly as she entered the familiar glass door.

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