Instead of Checking In Regularly: I Hide And Cultivate In The Monster-quelling Tower And Become Invincible

Chapter 518

Chapter 518: Retribution is coming

Fortunately, they were not killed at the beginning, and they were kept for research, which made them a helper today.

The Sky-shattering Demon Ape stood on Zhou Xuan's left, and the **** three-headed dog stood on Zhou Xuan's right, protecting Zhou Xuan like two patron saints.

Zhentian Demon Ape said: "I will tear whoever you ask me to tear."

The **** three-headed dog also said: "Yes, you point out a target and let me bite him to death."

Zhou Xuan glanced at them, and said: "I know you two are very hungry and thirsty, but you can't be excited. You must cooperate with Zhou Tianxing's big formation to kill the enemy, after all, they have nine Nine Tribulations God Emperors over there."

He continued: "When they come to break the formation, beat me to death. If you can kill a Nine Tribulations God Emperor, I will reward you."

After hearing this, the two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors nodded heavily: "Okay."

The Wushuang God Emperor and the others looked at the newly appeared Skyshaking Demon Ape and Hell Three-Headed Dog, their faces darkened to the extreme.

They naturally knew these two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors, and they knew how powerful and terrifying these two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors were.

If the two demon emperors of the Nine Tribulations could be surrendered, they would have surrendered each other long ago.

They couldn't figure out why the two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors were so resentful, why they didn't attack the people of Yaochi Holy Land after they were released?

It stands to reason that this kind of demon emperor who has been suppressed for 400,000 years should hate Yaochi Holy Land very much.

But why, the two demon emperors of the Nine Tribulations are so obedient, like the big white goose and the black turtle, they will fight for the holy land of Yaochi?

"It's hateful." God Emperor Wushuang and others were furious when they saw the Skyshaking Demon Ape and Hell's Three-Headed Dog helping the Yaochi Holy Land.

If the two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors don't come out, they will surely win. But now there are two more demon emperors, and the matter is mysterious again.

Sure enough, nine of them joined forces and led tens of thousands of people to storm the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, but ended in failure.

They had two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors as helpers, but Yaochi Holy Land also had two Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors as helpers.

The increased combat power of the two sides is equal. Even if there are only seven Nine Tribulations powerhouses in Yaochi Holy Land, with the blessing of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, they can withstand the onslaught of the Wushuang God Emperor and others without defeat.

In the big formation, the Skyshaking Demon Ape and the Hell Three-Headed Dog went crazy.

They are different from big white geese and black turtles, they are bloodthirsty and very murderous. Although they were subdued by Zhou Xuan, the resentment in their hearts still lingered.

At this moment, they were able to make a move, and vented all their grievances on their opponents.

The opponent of Zhentian Demon Ape is the black tiger, and the opponent of the three-headed dog is the white tiger.

They are both Nine Tribulations Demon Emperors, equally powerful, and equally bloodthirsty. As soon as they fought against each other, a monstrous battle broke out.

Terrible power poured out, all kinds of power intertwined and exploded, and finally made the sun and the moon change color.

The more they fought, the more ferocious they became, even if they were bloodied.

The smell of blood only made them crazier.

As top monsters, the black tiger demon and the white tiger demon are extremely terrifying and powerful.

It's a pity that they are in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, and they are destined to be unable to beat the Skyshaking Demon Ape and Hell Three-Headed Dog with the blessing of the formation.

The Sky-shattering Demon Ape and Hell's Three-Headed Dog had been suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Tower for 200,000 years, and they hadn't experienced any major battles during this period.

However, they were full of resentment, and their combat effectiveness remained the same as before.

What's more, now that they have the blessing of Zhou Tian's star formation, their fighting power is even better than at their peak.

They roared crazily, even if they were injured, they rushed towards the black tiger demon and the white tiger demon with incomparable bloodthirsty.

The black tiger demon and the white tiger demon are known as the black and white double evil spirits. They have gone through countless battles and achieved great fame.

However, under the attacks of the Skyshaking Demon Ape and the Hell Three-Headed Dog, he had no choice but to be defeated.

They were not defeated by their opponents, but by the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.josei

"What a terrifying formation!" They were very unwilling to break through the formation.

However, they are not the only ones who are unwilling.

Like the other Nine Tribulations God Emperors, they were unable to break through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, so they had no choice but to lose the formation.

They were all repulsed, but the battle between Empress Tianxuan and Emperor Wushuang continued.

The battle between the two Nine Tribulations God Emperors was too fierce, with hundreds of moves in hand, neither the winner nor the loser.

The God Emperor Wushuang was covered in silver light and looked menacing. Ever since he was defeated by Empress Tianxuan last time, he has been practicing penance.

He has indeed made great progress, which is why he dared to lead people to attack the holy land of Yaochi.

He practiced Great Emperor-level swordsmanship, and Empress Tianxuan also practiced Great Emperor-level exercises. Both are Great Emperor-level exercises, and their destructive power is even more astonishing.

In the big formation, he fought hundreds of moves with Empress Tianxuan, which is really good.

It's just that he still couldn't fight Empress Tianxuan for more than two hundred moves, so he was defeated.

"If it wasn't for this **** big formation, this emperor would have killed you already!" God Emperor Wushuang's face was cold and full of unwillingness.

Empress Tianxuan looked contemptuously: "You can't even break through the formation, and you still want to kill this emperor, it's just wishful thinking."

Empress Tianxuan also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw God Emperor Wushuang withdraw from the formation.

Fortunately, there was a large formation arranged by Zhou Xuan, otherwise, the Yaochi Holy Land would be in danger.

Sure enough, when she met Zhou Xuan, she met Fu Xing. She, the God Emperor of Nine Tribulations, can't control this kind of matter that is destined in the dark.

Back then, it was Zhou Xuan who saved her life.

Now, Zhou Xuan has set up another large formation to protect the holy land of Yaochi.

Fortunately, there is Zhou Xuan!

This was her thought from the bottom of her heart, she was thinking, after this crisis is resolved, Zhou Xuan will be rewarded well.

But now, Zhou Xuan is no longer in the Holy Land of Yaochi.

He took Xiaoyao Pirates with him, and through the space law displayed by Xiaoyao Pirates, he has quietly left Yaochi Holy Land, and he is going outside to do a wave of things.

Xiaoyao Pirates Saint's space law is indeed mysterious, taking advantage of the battle just now to tear apart the void and walk away, even Wushuang God Emperor and others didn't notice it.

Wushuang God Emperor and others failed to break the formation, and another year passed. During this year, they continued to study the Zhoutian Star Dou Grand Formation, but in the end they all ended in failure.

In the end, God Emperor Wushuang had no choice but to order the execution of other people in Yaochi Holy Land.

Those people are not within the protection of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, and they are powerless to contend with them.

God Emperor Wushuang spoke from outside the formation, telling Empress Tianxuan and others to get out and die, or they would cut off all the people outside.

They want to kill and want to massacre the city.

In order to attract enough attention, they immediately beheaded 100,000 people and slaughtered two cities.

The Emperor Wushuang said that this was just an appetizer. If Empress Tianxuan didn't come out and surrender, they would continue to massacre the city and kill people.

Empress Tianxuan appeared with a cold face: "This emperor advises you to stop, otherwise, you will suffer retribution."

The Supreme God Emperor snorted coldly: "How can there be retribution?"

At this moment, someone from a distance came to report that ten cities of their Haotian Divine Sect had been slaughtered.

At that moment, the Wushuang God Emperor was stunned.

Retribution came so quickly?

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