Instead of Checking In Regularly: I Hide And Cultivate In The Monster-quelling Tower And Become Invincible

Chapter 570

Chapter 570: Ten thousand years between fingers

Zhou Xuan deduced the watering method to an unprecedented height, which is comparable to such a cultivation method as the Wuji Immortal King Method.

Now, even if he does not practice the Wuji Immortal King Method, but only practices the Watering Method, he can become a real Immortal King.

Moreover, he practiced through the watering method, and the speed was even faster.

He doesn't need to be comprehended, he just needs to continuously water the star soul with the treasures of heaven and earth, and he can continuously improve his cultivation.

At this moment, thinking of the mystery of the method of watering, he couldn't help but think of the great emperor of watering.

The Watering Emperor is the one who created the method of watering. He is a legendary figure who has practiced all the way and ascended from the earth to the mountains and seas.

It's just that the era when he ascended was very chaotic, and even he didn't escape from the chaos.

The Emperor Irrigation has been dead for countless thousands of years, but the method of Irrigation he created has survived and continued to benefit the monks on the earth.

Zhou Xuan thought of the watering emperor, felt sorry and sorry for him, and determined to carry forward the law of watering.

He deduced the method of watering, and began to water the Star Soul Chaos God Grass with the resources accumulated over the years.

Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of resources, including the blood essence of immortal beasts, heaven and earth emulsion, and other fairy liquids.

Those resources are the best nutrients, and it is most useful to use them to water the Chaos God Grass.

The three quasi-immortal kings, Little White Rabbit, Little Flower Sparrow and Cabbage Caterpillar, are at ease protecting Zhou Xuan.

When Zhou Xuan just arrived, he was temporarily relying on the territory of the Immortal King Aries.

The site of the Baiyang Immortal King is called Baiyang Mountain. The Aries Immortal King lives on the top of the mountain, as high as the starry sky. Just by raising your hand, you can pick up the sun, moon and stars.

Zhou Xuan was very low-key, and relied on an inconspicuous pond at the foot of the mountain.

He practiced peacefully by the pond, while the little white rabbit, little flower sparrow, and cabbage caterpillar guarded the east, south, and west sides respectively to protect Zhou Xuan.

As for the north, it is the cave of the white sheep.josei

That white sheep is the follower of the Immortal King Aries. Although it is only in the quasi-immortal king realm, its status here is not low.

It knows many strong people, including a group of fairy kings.

That white sheep used to guard the retreat cave for hundreds of thousands of years on the fairy road for the white sheep fairy king.

After returning, it was fully cultivated by the Aries Immortal King, and in just a few thousand years, it successfully became a quasi-Immortal King.

Its progress is also astonishing, making the nearby fairy beasts respect it quite a bit.

During this time, it has reached the bottleneck period and has not practiced.

It just stayed in the cave, studying some books given to it by the Aries Immortal King.

The Aries Immortal King once told it that to become an Immortal King, one must cultivate one's mind first. When the state of mind is complete, the Immortal King can be achieved.

Originally, what it pursued was tranquility.

Unexpectedly, ever since it inadvertently glanced at Zhou Xuan who was cultivating by the small pond, its heart could not be calm.

It saw that Zhou Xuan's cultivation was increasing every day, and in just a thousand years, Zhou Xuan's cultivation had increased by a large amount.

At this moment, the aura emanating from Zhou Xuan's body has surpassed it.

At that moment, Aries unconsciously threw away the book in his hand and stood up.

Originally, it wanted to meditate, but at this moment, he couldn't calm down at all, and his heart beat even faster than before.

"Why is this guy so fast?" It stared at Zhou Xuan, feeling unbelievable.

As Zhou Xuan's aura became stronger and stronger, Aries couldn't calm down for a long time.

Even if it studies the books given by the Aries King, it can't meditate.

It scratched its head and couldn't calm down.

In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed.

After it reacted, it discovered that Zhou Xuan's cultivation had improved a lot.

At this time, it was obviously inferior to Zhou Xuan, and the gap with Zhou Xuan was getting wider and wider.

At that moment, it froze.

It seems like a blink of an eye, but it has wasted thousands of years.

For its existence, a thousand years is worthless. However, seeing Zhou Xuan's great progress, it couldn't calm down.

"This guy's cultivation speed is too abnormal. Looking at it this way, I can't accomplish anything."

It tries to calm itself down and practice meditation. Unexpectedly, the more I think about it, the more I can't calm down, and I can't cultivate with peace of mind.

"Damn it, my Dao mind is disturbed?" Unknowingly, another thousand years passed.

It looked at Zhou Xuan, and found that Zhou Xuan's aura had strengthened a lot, leaving him far behind.

"It can't go on like this." The white sheep felt emotional, and since he couldn't calm down his Dao heart, he went to seek help.

So, it found the Aries Immortal King, looking for a way to calm Dao Xin.

In fact, the Aries Immortal King sees everything in his eyes.

It began to point the white sheep, and threw the white sheep into a pool of ice.

The temperature of the ice spring is extremely low, and even an ordinary fairy king will be frozen if he enters it.

That white sheep was only in the quasi-immortal king realm, and after being thrown into it, it couldn't move.

The white sheep fairy king told the white sheep that when the ice on its body melted and it could move, it could come out.

At the beginning, the white sheep tried to use various methods and exercise the power in its body to break through the thick layer of ice.

The only thing that disappointed it was that it was frozen, except for the movement of consciousness, other things could not move.

It can't perform exercises, and it can't stimulate the immortal power in its body, so it looks like a frozen sheep.

Moreover, the more impatient it found, the more terrifying the surrounding ice became.

When it thought of Zhou Xuan, the ice became thicker and the temperature became lower.

The more anxious it is to get out, the more unable to get out.

In the blink of an eye, another thousand years passed.

One day, it suddenly stopped thinking about those messy things and left everything behind.

In this way, it made an astonishing discovery. It found that the ice had stabilized and did not continue to exert force.

When it discovered this scene, it felt amazing.

"It turns out that I have a chance only when my heart is completely calm." So, in the following time, it began to silently recite the books that the Aries Immortal King gave it on weekdays.

At this moment, it found that when it silently recited those books, it began to have an effect.

Ten thousand years have passed since Zhou Xuan came to Wanshou Mountain.

Thousands of years are just a flick of a finger.

Zhou Xuan exhausted resources to raise his cultivation to an unprecedented height. He has not yet broken through to the Immortal King Realm, but he is getting closer and closer to the real Immortal King.

There is only a layer of window paper between him and the fairy king. That layer of window paper could be pierced at any time.

When he finished training, it happened that the ice on the white sheep also melted.

That white sheep's state of mind improved, his heart calmed down, he melted the ice on his body, and regained his freedom.

It moved towards the cave where the Aries Immortal King was, and after thanking it, it left the ice spring and returned to its own cave.

It didn't do it deliberately, but just glanced at it inadvertently, and saw that Zhou Xuan had finished his cultivation.

At this moment, it was not jealous or envious, it just walked towards Zhou Xuan with a smile on its face.

It expressed joy to Zhou Xuan, the kind from the heart.

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