Interstellar Age

Chapter 114 Debriefing

Chapter 114 Debriefing

Erich piloted his shuttle to Germania, where he then landed at the Supreme Leader's Palace, where Emrys was currently waiting for him. After going through more security measures than he could count, including submitting his stealth power armor and weapons to the guards. Erich was granted access. Albeit he was only dressed in a skintight under suit. Still, this did not seem to bother Emrys, as he immediately offered Erich a seat in front of him with a friendly smile on his face. 

"Erich, come, sit. We have much to discuss."

Erich did as he was instructed, where he was immediately offered a glass of ice water by a robotic maid. Which he gladly accepted. After taking a long sip from the cool and nourishing liquid, he sighed heavily in relief before speaking his mind. 

"So, what exactly am I doing here?"

Erich was perhaps one of the few people in the Empire who was permitted to speak so freely with the Supreme Leader, and because of this, the man did not immediately take offense to his casual tone. Instead, he responded with a gentle tone in his voice. 

"Well Erich, you succeeded above and beyond everyone's expectations, and because of this, you have garnered a lot of interest in the sphere of Military Intelligence. There are many within the IIS who wanted to see you fail. I'm sure you are already acquainted with one of them. 

However, military intelligence is a separate branch, and thus they are far more, shall we say, keen about having you in their ranks. Tell me, Erih, how much do you know about the WRAITHs and the role that they fulfill?"

Erich did not think about his answer. Instead, he quickly responded with what he knew about the military unit in question.

"I don't know much, as they are a highly classified unit, but from what I understand WRAITHs are an elite unit of military intelligence who specializes in reconnaissance, espionage, sabotage, assassination, and foreign internal defense, though they are supposedly capable of being deployed to any mission parameters which they might encounter."

Emrys remained unphased as he heard Erich's response. Obviously Erich would only know the information that the public at large was given, and thus he was quick to inform Erich about what he did not know. 

"That is all true, but more importantly, WRAITHs are the elite of the elite, they are used for whatever task military intelligence needs of them. There are seven tiers, or grades, of a WRAITH operative. You are currently classified as a W1, which is the entry level. In other words, you are deemed capable of performing roles that are in support of more veteran WRAITHs.

For example, you have been selected to be the pilot of a group of W7s in their mission to undermine the Great Oni Empire, and more importantly, the Kondo Dynasty. Now, I should warn you, W7s are the most elite operators in the Empire. In fact, they are perhaps the most capable soldiers in the entire galaxy. 

Their ability to survive, adapt, and overcome any circumstances which they might encounter is quite legendary, and we rarely, if ever, lose them in combat. The men you will be working with have been fighting or the Empire for over a hundred years each. Recently their pilot retired, hence why I recommended you for this job. After all, you are our Empire's greatest pilot, by far, and your skills are frankly wasting as a mere CAG. 

However, I need you to do what many consider being an impossible task. That few men in history have ever accomplished. Something I think that you are more than capable of, as you have a tendency to achieve the impossible. I need you to become a W7.

It won't happen immediately. You will deploy to new frontiers and fight alongside your unit, but every time you come home, you will no longer be able to visit your family for more than two weeks. Instead, you will be dispatched to the next tier of training, which can take months to complete.

I can tell that you are curious why I have had a sudden change of heart regarding your military career. After all, the Artificial Intelligence that chooses the roles which our citizens perform in service to the state selected you to a pilot, right?" 

Erich nodded his head in agreement with these words that had been spoken by the Supreme Leader, but in the very next moment, he was shocked by the truth of the matter, which he had never heard until now. 


"That is not correct, you were selected for a far greater role, one which you were denied due to the political opinions of the previous regime. After all, the people would never accept a mutant in that regard, at least not then. But public opinion is shifting towards your kind. No longer are mutants being seen as the dregs of society, at least not after what you did at Suebi. 

Don't ask me what role you were selected for. You still don't have the security clearance necessary to find out. But if you manage to accomplish what only a handful of men have ever achieved, and earn the prestigious seven on your armor, I promise you, I will tell you everything you want to know."

Erich thought about Emrys's words for some time in silence. He did not know how unbelievably difficult it would be to become a W7, or the dangers he would face in the process. But after experiencing the brutal training session he had just concluded, it suddenly seemed like he would be a failure at life if he were to quit now.

With this in mind, Erich suddenly felt a desire to climb the ranks of the Special Operations community, until he was the best of them all, and thus, there was an eager smile on his face as he nodded his head before responding to the Supreme Leader's question.

"You have yourself a deal, I must say I was rather shocked by your revelation, and am eager to learn more about what you have told me. If I have to become a W7 to do so, then so be it."

Emrys smiled when he heard Erich accept his offer and felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulders. With this, their business was concluded, but he was certain by the look on Erich's face that the man had something he wanted to say, and thus Emrys was quick to permit it. 

"Before I let you go, is there something you wish to ask of me, Commander?"

Erich did not know how to express his concerns. It seemed like such a silly thing, but after being stuck in those woods for three months with only that AI to keep him company, he did not want to part with her now, and thus he forced himself to beg for her companionship. 

"What happens to Tia now? I know that suit of armor is not rightfully mine, but I can't bear to part with the girl... Not after everything we have been through together!"

Emrys was confused by what Erich was talking about at first, and then it suddenly hit him. Erich has scavenged a set of stealth power armor and hijacked its AI for himself. This was something that had never been done before, as the AI was programmed to alert reinforcements to the location of the hostile before self destructing. Yet, Erich had prevented this, largely due to his unique abilities and skill set.  Thus, Emrys was quick to admit something to Erich, even if he felt bad about doing so.

"Every WRAITH gets a customized AI to assist them in their operations. Normally, if they were to have perished in battle, the AI is supposed to terminate itself and destroy the armor with it. But before it does so, it is supposed to alert reinforcements to its current location. 

You managed to do the impossible, and hijack an artificial intelligence that doesn't belong to you, and because of this, we have no choice but to terminate it. The last thing we need is an AI that does not obey our commands. It is a very dangerous thing to exist, one that could be the undoing of our entire civilization."

Erich was horrified by this sudden realization, Tia was going to die? After everything they had been through? After helping him defeat the training scenario, her reward was to be terminated? How was that fair? He could not let this stand and was quick to voice his disagreement. 

"No! You can't! She's completely under my control and isn't a threat to anyone! Tia deserves better!"

Upon seeing that Erich had become attached to this particular artificial intelligence, Emrys became even more concerned. And had no choice but to double down. 

"Erich, you are letting your emotions control you. The simple fact that this artificial intelligence has coerced you to behave so rationally means it is a far greater threat than I initially thought. Please, don't make this difficult, for the safety of our race, that thing must be terminated...." 

As much as Erich did not want to accept it, the Supreme Leader's words made sense. Thus, he sighed heavily, and sat back in his chair with a defeated look on his face. Just when Emrys was about to send the signal to terminate the AI, Erich spoke up and offered to do the unthinkable. 

"I understand.... But, at the very least, let me do it.... She deserves better than to be killed so ruthlessly by some random engineer...." 

Emrys was extremely alerted now by Erich's irrational emotional attachment to this AI, but if the man could kill something that he was so close to, perhaps he would become even more ruthless, and because of this, for the first time in a long time, Emrys made a lapse in judgement. 

"Very well. I will allow you to terminate the AI. Just know that you will be closely monitored during the procedure, so don't even think about doing anything stupid!" 

Erich stood up from his seat with a determined expression on his face, as he nodded his head in agreement to Emrys words, and bowed before the man as a sign of his thanks. 

"Thank you...." 

With this, the fate of Tia now lied within Erich's hands. Whether he would follow his orders blindly like a proper soldier and terminate the AI's existence, or somehow manage to spare her life in a bold and daring move, that was a tale for another time. 

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