Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Mu Chen is jealous

Mu Yan put away the wheat seeds, and then concentrated on doing the upgrade task. There is only a little bit left for the upgrade task. As long as there is one more time, it should be able to upgrade.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded to the third level, and the reward recipe is a tofu nao, a plaster tofu, and a chance to draw a lottery." The system's cold voice sounded, and Mu Yan, who was selling steamed buns, instantly evoked a bright smile, facing the customer Sometimes more patient.

The customers who were queuing were stunned when they saw the smile on Mu Yan's face.

They had always known that the little boss was very handsome, but they didn't expect that this smile turned out to be so good-looking, as if the flowers were blooming, making people feel better unconsciously.

Mu Chen obviously also noticed the changes in the customers, his already expressionless face turned darker, then he took over the work in Mu Yan's hands, pushed the people into the door, and said: "You go back to rest first, and you will be back soon." Will be sold out."

Although Mu Yan didn't know why Mu Chen suddenly asked him to rest, but he thought that there were not many buns left, and he would not be selling buns for the time being, so he didn't stop him, but before the other party left, he still quietly followed him. Said: "The system upgrade task is completed, we will not sell buns for the time being, I want to plant wheat first, you will tell the customers later, so that they don't come to queue tomorrow."

"En." Mu Chen nodded, and then closed the door under the watchful eyes of all the customers, completely blocking Mu Yan from the sight of the outside world.

Everyone: ...Why does it feel like the surrounding area has suddenly cooled down?

It wasn't until the last steamed stuffed bun was sold out that Mu Chen announced slowly, "Starting tomorrow, steamed stuffed buns won't be sold anymore."

There were only nine short words without any explanation, and the customers who were queuing up were stunned in an instant.

"What do you mean? It won't be sold tomorrow?"

"Big boss, why don't you sell it tomorrow?"

"I was still thinking about selling more tomorrow. If I had known earlier, I would have bought more today."

"No way, big boss, if you don't sell it anymore, what shall we eat?"

Immediately, there were complaints everywhere, if Mu Yan was here, maybe they would be said to be soft-hearted, but they were facing Mu Chen with a paralyzed and cold face, and they were not moved at all.

No matter what the customers said or how much they cried, Mu Chen still packed his things calmly, and then closed the door with a "bang" in front of everyone.

Everyone: ... A life without buns is nothing to love!

No matter how the customers reacted to the news that the steamed buns were no longer for sale, Mu Yan's plan was still proceeding steadily.

"Yanyan, quickly draw the lottery and see what you can get?" After learning about the system upgrade, No. 5 couldn't wait to find Muyan and said

They need too many tools now, if you are lucky, maybe the lottery can solve some of them^

Mu Yan was obviously very excited, the system has now been upgraded to level three, not only has one more chance to draw a lottery, but also gave two recipes, recipes are the most important thing to Mu Yan.

"I don't know if I can get a farming tool." No. 5 murmured to himself.

Mu Yan, who was about to open the recipe, suddenly stopped after hearing this.

That's right, they're going to start farming soon, but the fields that belong to him haven't been plowed yet. What they need most now are probably the tools for plowing the land.

——Thinking of this, Mu Yan is not in a hurry to read the recipes. Anyway, he has to wait until the wheat is planted before he can think about the next upgrade task.

Looking at the lottery draw button on the panel, Mu Yan suddenly couldn't press it any longer. What if he didn't get something very good? His luck has always been bad, and all his good luck was used up when he met Ah Chen.

"Yanyan, hurry up." Number Five urged.

"Ah Chen, you come to draw the lottery." Mu Yan said to Mu Chen who was hugging him behind him, he really didn't have confidence in himself.

"Huh?" Mu Chen looked at the system panel with Mu Yan, and asked, "What do you want?"

"Could it be that you can get whatever Yanyan wants? Do you think the system belongs to your family?" No. 5 couldn't hold back the sarcasm.

Mu Chen glanced at No. 5 faintly, the contempt in his eyes was obvious.

"Hmph, even if the system belongs to my family, I can't control it. Do you think you can?" No. 5 said angrily. Don't think you just gave me a look, so I can't understand the meaning. It's smart.

Mu Chen didn't pay attention to No. 5, but waited patiently for Mu Yan's answer.

"It would be great if I can win the farm tool." Mu Yan said, and then Mu Chen immediately pressed the button for the lottery, and the screen began to scroll

Mu Yan and No. 5 stared closely at the lottery page, clenched their fists, obviously a little nervous.

Mu Chen's gaze was always on Mu Yan's body, seeing his nervous and cute appearance, he couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed him.

"Oh, come out soon, come out soon." Mu Yan said excitedly


"Hehe..." Mu Chen's deep laughter sounded in Mu Yan's ears, like a subwoofer, bringing joyful tremors.

Mu Yan blushed with embarrassment, but the next moment he saw the rewards on the lottery page, he immediately forgot about the embarrassment just now

"Ah! Ah Chen, look quickly, look quickly!" Mu Yan excitedly grabbed Mu Chen's collar, motioning him to look at the system page.

Mu Chen looked over indulgently, smiled dotingly, and saw a large "set of farming tools" written on the lottery page.

Mu Yan got his wish.

"Ah Chen, you are really amazing, you really got the draw, it's great!" Mu Yan didn't know how to express his inner excitement and joy, he hugged Mu Chen and kept talking.

No. 5 pursed his lips, his pea-sized eyes were fixed on the lottery page, as if he wanted to see through the other party.

"Hmph, it's just a coincidence, what's the big deal." Number five said arrogantly, but no one agreed with it, or reasoned with it.

Mu Yan was still in excitement, and Mu Chen only had Mu Yan in his eyes, holding him carefully to prevent him from slipping down because of being too excited.

"Ah Chen, you are really good, will you be the one to draw the lottery in the future?" Mu Yan said with bright eyes.

"Okay." Mu Chen replied with a smile.

Five opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed it

Forget it, the great Master No. 5 has a lot, so don't care about it like him.

Mu Yan couldn't wait to take out all the plowing tools he had just picked up, including the shovel for plowing the ground, the shovel for shoveling, the **** for weeding or loosening the shallow soil, and so on.

"It's good, so we can go directly to dig the ground tomorrow, and we can plant it when the ground is dug up." Mu Yan happily shared his joy with Mu Chen.josei

At night, Mu Yan was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He felt that since he came to this world and met Ah Chen, he had been very lucky.

Almost all the wishes he dared not imagine in his previous life have come true here

Mu Yan turned to face Ah Chen, looking at that heroic face, he couldn't help secretly rejoicing, as if he got something that many people wanted but couldn't get, and only he had it.

"Hey, go to sleep." Mu Chen looked at Mu Yan helplessly and dotingly, and patted the other's back with his big hands, like putting a baby to sleep.

"Ah Chen, I'm so happy." Mu Yan took the initiative to stretch out his small hand, wrapped it around Mu Chen's neck, and said with a smile.

"I am also very happy." Mu Chen leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on Mu Yan's forehead.

"Ah Chen, it's great to meet you." Mu Yan's small head couldn't help rubbing against Mu Chen's neck and chest, his tone and movements revealed full dependence.

Mu Chen felt that his heart became soft, itchy, and melted in a mess.

I reached out and hugged the little person in my arms even tighter, Mumu, meeting you is the greatest luck in my life.

The two hugged each other, and the picture was so warm that anyone who saw it couldn't help but be moved.

"Achen, I still can't sleep. I'm very excited when I think that I can go to plow the fields tomorrow." Mu Yan pondered for a while, but found that he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

After all, tomorrow is going to do what he wanted to do most in his previous life. When he thinks of harvesting a field of wheat in autumn, his body becomes uncontrollably excited.

Mu Chen helplessly looked at the shining eyes, Mu Yan, who didn't feel sleepy at all, suddenly rolled over and covered him.

"Ah, Ah Chen, what are you going to do?" Mu Yan's face suddenly turned red, a little shy, looking at Mu Chen expectantly.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Mu Chen suddenly approached Mu Yan, the two faced each other, the distance between them was no more than one centimeter, each other's breath fell on each other's face, softly, as if still A trace of bewitchment.

Mu Yan shrank back instinctively, but he was lying on the bed, so he had no place to shrink, so he could only be imprisoned between Mu Chen's arms and the bed.

"I, I don't know..." Mu Yan said in a low voice, his face was red and hot with embarrassment, and the body that was in contact with the other party also trembled and became hot.

"Then let me tell you, okay?" Mu Chen's voice was very soft, falling on his ears, as if he was saying the sweetest love words, completely bewitching the defenseless Mu Yan.

Mu Yan nodded blankly, and then greeted intensive and gentle kisses on the forehead, eyes, bridge of the nose, cheeks, lips, and chin, one kiss after another kept falling, and the soft touch made Mu Yan feel the other party care and cherish.

Mu Yan put his arms around Mu Chen's neck, responding jerky and immature to the other's kiss.

Mu Chen's eyes became deep and dark, like a small black hole, deeply attracting those who looked into it, as if a storm was brewing.

Mu Yan's response was like a powerful aphrodisiac to Mu Chen. It made him, who could control his tenderness, become much wilder in an instant, and the kiss became deeper and more violent. It's all over.

I don't know how long it took before the movement in the room slowly stopped, leaving only the musk that filled the room. Outside the room, the night sky had already been dotted with countless star lights. It was quiet and quiet, and everything seemed so beautiful .

"Huh?" There was a small moaning sound from the bed, and the person who was still asleep turned over, showing signs of waking up.

Mu Yan rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking around, after the most confused period, the memory of last night quickly came back, and his little face blushed for a moment.

But it was only for a short period of time. After all, the two are already husband and wife. They have done this kind of thing that only a husband and wife can do. They have done it many times. Now I can face it calmly after being shy.

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