Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Obstetrics

"Well, I'll take care of Brother Mu Yan." Qiao An clenched her fists tightly and nodded her head very seriously, her appearance was extremely cute.

"Every half a month, I will come over to help him check, but I need some professional equipment, and I need a quiet room with a good environment for production, and I also need some special equipment, which is definitely not possible in his case. Those who go to the hospital to deliver babies can only stay at home, and I will write you the equipment I need later." Grandma Qiao made serious arrangements, and she has always been serious when it comes to her field.

Mu Chen also listened very carefully, without missing a single word. After getting the equipment list, he immediately started to purchase the equipment.

Recently, Mu Chen has been very busy every day, and Mu Yan always feels very distressed when he sees it.

Because Ah Chen is not only busy buying equipment, but also has to take care of the daily opening of the snack bar. Although the wheat has been threshed with the help of Uncle Yang, Ah Chen is doing all the cleaning and drying by himself. There are a lot of things to do to cultivate rice seedlings. Sometimes he wants to help, but Ah Chen will immediately stop him nervously, lest he get a little bit tired.

It feels good to be protected and loved by others, but he will also feel sorry for Ah Chen.

Mu Yan had persuaded Mu Chen to close the snack bar several times, but Mu Chen disagreed. After all, buying medical equipment now requires a lot of credits, and they only have income from the snack bar. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to close it. dropped.

"Then don't plant rice for now, or you will often go to the fields in the future." Mu Yan suggested again.

Mu Chen thought about it, and thought it made sense, when Mu Mu's belly was getting bigger and bigger, he must be worried about letting him stay at home alone, and go to the field by himself, so he might as well not plant rice now.

As a result, all other original jobs were retained, and only rice planting was accepted and agreed by Mu Chen to be stranded.

Mu Yan and Mu Chen basically didn’t use much of the income from the snack bar before, so they also accumulated a considerable amount. It’s just that after purchasing medical equipment, they went back to before liberation, but Mu Chen didn’t pay much attention. I don't regret it.

Everything else can be saved, but these equipment must not be saved, and the things for Mu Yan must be the best, so that he can rest assured.

——Seven months have passed in a blink of an eye, and Mu Yan's belly is becoming more and more obvious like a bulging balloon, and Mu Chen's spirit has reached an unprecedented level of tension. Mu Yan.

Don't let Mu Yan touch anything, many times, before Mu Yan's needs are expressed, Mu Chen has already taken care of everything, and just let him lie on the bed all the time, wanting to hug him away when he gets out of bed.

After the past few months of training, I have gained a lot of weight, and my whole body is so lazy that it is going to mold.

Because a man is pregnant, it is still a very rare thing on this planet, so when the belly can no longer be covered with clothes, Mu Yan simply stays at home and does not go out.

And Mu Chen, a wife-protecting madman, naturally wouldn't let Mu Yan stay at home bored by himself, he would only go out when the snack bar opened in the morning, and stay at home with Mu Yan at other times.

If it wasn't for the system upgrade task, I'm afraid Mu Chen wouldn't even be willing to go to the snack bar.

Although Mu Yan hasn't been in the kitchen for a long time, thanks to Mu Chen's efforts, the system has now been upgraded to level five. It is Yangchun noodles and spring rolls.

With the help of the recipe, Mu Chen mastered it quickly and finished it within five months.

After the system was upgraded to level five, several functions were added, one of which is that the increase of customers can be converted into points, that is to say, for every additional customer, the system can get one more point, but this part of points is separate, It is different from the previous points for debts, and the specific effect is still unknown for the time being.

The lucky draw opportunities have been accumulated twice, and they will be drawn after Mu Yan gives birth.

Generally speaking, everything is going smoothly, because the variety of food has increased and there are more and more customers, the snack bar has gradually become a little overwhelmed. If it is not because Mu Yan has not yet produced, I am afraid that according to the progress, they have already started to eat again. The scale of operation has been expanded.

However, after Mu Yan has a baby, maybe their snack bar will continue to expand. After all, Mu Yan's goal is to let people all over the world recognize food and its charm.

During this time, Lin Jiayu would often come to visit, especially instructing Mu Yan on matters during pregnancy. Without his father here to teach him, Mu Yan could only listen to Lin Jiayu's guidance seriously. Fortunately, And Aunt Lin, otherwise he might not pay attention to many things.

During Mu Yan's pregnancy, Mu Chen cleaned up all the inside and outside of the house, and covered many corners and corners with thick anti-collision film to prevent Mu Yan from accidentally falling and touching them.

Mu Chen also specially cleaned out a baby room, all the things in it were decorated by the two of them by themselves, it is full of childish fun and warm at the same time.

The family has also added a lot of things for babies, such as baby carriages, cribs, and many cute baby clothes. Both of them are waiting for the arrival of this baby with great anticipation.

"Did the baby kick you today?" Mu Chen sat on the wooden chair in the yard, holding Mu Yan in his arms, and gently covered the other's high belly with his big hands.

Mu Yan shook his head and said, "Baby is very good, he didn't kick me."

When he felt the fetal movement for the first time, Mu Yan was very pleasantly surprised. Although he had no experience, he used to hear people in the village mention pregnancy, and he knew that the baby would move after a certain period of time, so he felt it that time. Although his stomach hurt a little from being kicked, he was still very happy and very happy to share the good news with Ah Chen.

Mu Chen is naturally also very happy that the child has moved, but every time he sees Mu Yan being kicked, he will feel a little pain, and the joy will be diluted immediately, and sometimes he will even severely criticize the baby in his stomach, but he is always rejected. Mu Yan stopped it gently.

"Grandma Qiao will come over to check you in a while, and I will always accompany you

looking at you. "Mu Chen said softly.

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled sweetly.

Recently, the smile on his face has never disappeared. He is accompanied by his lover and his children feel it. He feels that he is the happiest person in the world.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a knock on the door, and then Mu Chen walked in with Grandma Qiao, and together they came to the modified production room.

The production room was refitted by Mu Chen himself according to Grandma Qiao's request. It was used during Mu Yan's production, and it would also be here during normal inspections. It is filled with various advanced medical equipment, which can be regarded as a small clinic.

Mu Yan was lying on his back on the bed, and Grandma Qiao skillfully connected various equipment to his body, and next to it was a huge screen, which was used to observe the situation of the baby in the womb.

Every time he does an examination, Mu Yan's gaze is fixed on the screen, and he looks curiously at the growth of the baby in his womb.

When he saw it for the first time, he was very shocked by the technology of this world. Although he knew from the beginning that this world was much more advanced than theirs, he did not expect it to be so advanced that even the appearance of an unborn baby in his stomach could not be seen. It can be seen that although it is a little blurry, the feeling is really amazing.

Two beeps, and a corresponding image appeared on the big screen. A small person was curled up in a small film. Because the space was too small, the fetus was almost curled up into a ball, and it was hard to see him clearly. The facial features, but the hands and feet can be separated, but it looks a little awkward.

But in the eyes of the new father, these awkwardnesses are cute, not only cute but also cute.

"Well, the baby's condition is very healthy, and the expected date of delivery will be reached in more than a month. From now on, it will be checked once a week to prevent any problems. Yanyan, if you feel any discomfort, you must let Ah Chen immediately Go and inform me, don't you know it yourself?" Grandma Qiao told Mu Yan seriously.

Everyone has to be more cautious as it gets to the end. She has never delivered a man before, so she doesn't have any experience, so she can only do more frequent checkups, and then find out a delivery plan.

"I will pay attention, thank you Grandma Qiao." Mu Yan thanked obediently.

"Why don't the snack bars be closed during this time, there's only one month left, I don't worry about you." Mu Chen said to Mu Yan, if he could, he wished he could stick to it 24 hours a day, all the time. Mu Mu's body, not letting him leave his sight for even a second.

****Central Star Chiang House****

"Zhiyang, where do you think Ah Chen will be now?" Zheng Xueyan asked her husband with a sad face.

Although she always looks very confident, she is very worried in her heart. She knows her son's ability. There are not many people in the entire Federation who can defeat him, but this does not mean that he is not in danger. , On the contrary, there are countless people who want to put him to death. No matter how powerful an individual is, he will suffer when he meets a team.josei

It's been almost a year, and I don't know where her Ah Chen is now, how is he doing?

He lived a life of rich clothes and good food since he was a child, but suddenly he has nothing, and he doesn't know if he can adapt to it.

"Don't worry, he is a child of the Jiang family, and he will be fine." Jiang Zhiyang hugged his wife and comforted him.

"But it's been almost a year..." Zheng Xueyan worried


"Don't worry, even if the entire Federation is turned over, he will definitely be found." Jiang Zhiyang said firmly.

Zheng Xueyan sighed, how easy it is to turn the federation over. You must know that the federation has a huge scope, and there are thousands of planets alone. It also takes a lot of time.

"Second Master, Second Madam, the Eldest Master of the Mu family brought Miss Mu to see him." A servant stepped forward and reported respectfully.

Zheng Xueyan frowned slightly, her impatience could not be concealed.

"What is she here for?" Zheng Xueyan said with a little disgust.

"Let's go and have a look first." Jiang Zhiyang said.

"Hmph, when Ah Chen was here, she used to run here every day, treating this place as if she were at home, but now Ah Chen has been missing for almost a year, and the number of times she comes here can be counted on the fingers of one's fingers." Zheng Xueyan was very dissatisfied.

She dislikes such a woman who is obedient and contradictory, and she doesn't know how she was blind to choose such a fiancee for Ah Chen.

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