Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 336

Chapter 336: Back to the Academy

“Miles, where were you?” Alex asked as he saw Miles walking from afar. His clothes were tattered and torn and there were scars on his body, but the look and feel he was giving was as if he was a beast. “What is this?”

“Hmm? What is wrong?” Miles asked as he fist-bumped with Alex. After he realized he could freely change his energy into the lightning elemental energy, he sat in the tree hollow for half a day to decide what to do. He didn’t know if he should share this with his friends and family or keep it a secret. This would change many things after all. After discussing it with Coin for hours he decided to keep it a secret for the time being.

“Your energy feels different.” Alex squinted his eyes and looked at Miles's body. “Did you find a super-strong lightning elemental orb? I feel lightning but it is like a ghost, it is not there.”

“Nope, no orb. But the tip you gave me almost killed me.” Miles smiled evilly as he walked toward Alex.

“Queen Ant had a nasty ability. Its attacks were endless.” Miles recounted what happened but kept the part about how he got out of the endless attack.

“Oh, that is quite interesting.” Alex put a thinking face, “I should visit the Queen.”

“Yeah, just be careful.” Miles shook his head in dread as he remembered how painful that attack was.

“It is fine. You know lightning can’t hurt me right?” Alex smiled as he patted his shoulder. “Anyway, Val was looking for you. She found a quest no one is taking, and we have a shot at this. The reward is also quite juicy. Our team is also taking a week off and Maya wanted to go together. What do you say?”

“Oh, tell me more.” Miles sat at the stairs as he leaned back.

“There is an invisible monster around the stronghold. It killed a few students already and the academy wanted students to deal with it for a while now but no one could.” Alex started to explain.

“The quest about the invisible knight?” Miles asked as he remembered the quest. “It only rewards 1000 merit points. Too little for such a risky quest, don’t you think?”

“It is better if you know it already.” Alex started, “But they increased the reward. It is 2000 merit now.”

“Sounds better, but I remember that the recommended party was 5 high tiers or 20 mid-tiers. You, Val, Maya, and I only make 4 middle tiers, no?” Miles asked in surprise. Although the reward was good, the quest was dangerous. Especially for four people.

“Here is the good part. The quest is dangerous because detecting the monster is impossible with normal means. Not even quasi-zone can detect it, but the monster itself is not that powerful. And guess who can see this monster.” Alex smirked.

“Val?” Miles answered the rhetorical question.

“No dummy, you.” Alex did a duh face as he pointed his eyes.

“Like I said the monster can’t be detected in quasi-zone, but your energy vision should be able to see it right? After all, whatever that monster is, it must be using energy to become invisible.” Alex gave his opinion. Miles thought and opted it was reasonable. Nothing could hide from his energy vision as long as they had energy.

“Alright, let's do it.” Miles decided to give it a go. It wouldn’t be too late if they couldn’t find the monster. They would just run away.

“Okay, we will set off tomorrow morning. Rest for now. No offense but you look like a walking dead.”

“Offense is taken, asshole.” Miles flipped his middle finger as he entered the villa. Makwa was waiting for his return and jumped on him as soon as he entered. But just as he was about to clash with Miles’s open arms, he jerked back in irritation.

“What is wrong, Makwa?” Miles asked when he saw how Makwa was acting weird.


“My energy is different, and you think I might be an impostor?” josei


“If I was an impostor I wouldn’t understand you so I can’t be one, right?”


“Yup, there are some differences, but anyways, what do you feel?”

“Growl, growl.”

“Oh, as if it is pricking your skin. Interesting.”

“Growl, growl, growl!”

“Let me calm my energy. I guess I am still lacking finesse. Alex too felt there was lightning around me despite not being able to see it.” Miles sat on the ground and covered his body in energy. First, he changed it to lightning.

“Crack, crack.”

The lightning sound filled the villa as a purple sheen covered his body. Then it calmed down. Miles let lightning flow around his body slowly despite still using lightning elemental energy. After his energy was fully calm, he canceled the elemental change, and his energy once again changed to attributeless invisible energy.

“Better?” Miles asked the bear that crawled on his lap.

“Growl.” Makwa licked his hands in happiness as he looked at the energy around Miles. As Makwa was licking, Miles felt something stirring inside Makwa. It felt like a hurricane spinning endlessly. “What is this feeling?”

"Makwa, is there anything wrong with you?" He asked in panic. Ever since he tamed the bear, Miles had never felt like this. The wind was too strong and threatening.


"You are saying you had this spinning vortex all the time?" Miles asked in surprise. "Then how come I had never felt it before?"

"Wait, I am feeling something else. Two clashing forces. They are pricking my eyes and the back of my neck at the same time. Two impossibles coming together. This feels so strange."

"Can it be a side effect of changing your energy?" Coin asked as Miles was pondering.

"Maybe." Miles shook his head. "It is not dangerous, so let's forget it for now."

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