Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: Death

“Are you afraid of this cute ghost?” Everyperson asked as he pointed at the small white creature floating in the air.

“Can you summon other ghosts or is this the only one?” Miles asked. Summoners, as Unity named them, were people who could summon different creatures based on the elemental superpower they awakened. Most of the time, the number of summons would be parallel to the person’s level. So in Grace-Rank, one summon and in Form two summons, and so on and so forth. But that wasn’t always the case.

“I gained the ability to summon three others after I advanced but they are mean to Casper so I don’t like them,” Everyperson said with a sour face.

“It is interesting. Most summoners cannot go over three in Form-Rank.” Alex commented as he observed the little ghost. “What can it do?”

“I mostly use it to scout. I can look from his eyes, well I can enter his body for a short span of time. I can feel, hear, see whatever he does.” Everyperson explained as he patted the ghost.

“Can he pass through the walls?” Val asked in excitement.

“Yep.” Everyperson nodded. “But it can’t turn invisible.”

“Still pretty useful.” Miles thought of the possibilities. If he had a similar ability, he could use Veil to cover the monster to spy on anyone.

“So, about Death, are we going?” Everyperson asked, fidgety.

“Tell us first why you are here first,” Alex asked as he clasped his arms on his chest and looked down at the teen.

“I heard that there was a strange place in this part of the forest. The people in the camp are getting stronger but I can’t use my element as well as them and I am useless in fights. I wanted to come here and find a ghost I could tame.” Everyperson explained in shame. Summoners could tame other monsters with the same elemental abilities to be summoned at any time but it was a long and tedious process. josei

“And, what happened next?” Val asked.

“I walked deep into the forest without seeing anything. Casper was floating in the air to scout ahead but without both of us realizing, Death suddenly appeared in front of us. He told me that my judgment day had arrived and I would die. I offered him 1000 coins but he wouldn’t accept it. He said if he wanted he could be the wealthiest entity.

Only after I begged did he let me bring some friends with me. Please, guys, you have to help me.” Everyperson kneeled on the ground and begged piteously.

“What do you think?” Alex asked Miles.

“Shouldn’t hurt to take a look at it,” Miles said and looked at the girls. Seeing neither was objecting he nodded to Everyperson.

“Lead the way.”

“Yes, yes! I knew you were my savior. I just knew it.” Everyperson jumped on his feet and wanted to hug Miles, but he failed to catch him. With no other choice, he gave up and started to lead them towards the area where he encountered Death.

After walking half an hour, they arrived in front of a cave. Although it looked natural, there were some markings of animals around. Miles activated elemental and energy vision. Elemental Vision showed a shade of purple similar to Everyperson’s, which pointed at some ghostly creature. Energy vision on the other hand showed nothing significant.

They walked into the cave. The single path ended with an opening. In the middle of the opening was a circular area where an empty stone throne sat alone. Everyperson started to shiver as soon as he saw the throne while the other four had no reaction. Only after walking a few steps away from it, do they start to see what was on the throne.

Miles looked at the weak figure sitting on the throne. It had blue eyes and gray hair. The hair color wasn’t natural but out of agedness. His cheeks were caved and on his skin, there were spots of sickness. The figure’s under-eye bags and wrinkles on his face made him look old but Miles knew it wasn’t so. The figure wasn’t older than 20 years old but looked dead because of weakness.

His arms and legs were thin, his skin was pale. He looked sick and powerless as if he could die at any moment.

“You are me,” Miles asked as he looked at the figure’s eyes. It was his own, looking back at him with a sneer.

“The life you live is nothing but a dream. You are weak. You always were. Wake up, little boy. You failed. You failed in everything.”

“I didn’t.” Miles took a step back, as he muttered.

“Think about it. Think about the things you have done so far. Think about how many impossibles you achieved. Do you really think you are so special? Many before you tried things you did and failed. What makes you an exception?”

“Shut up!” Miles shouted but a seed of doubt formed in his mind.

Alex at this moment was looking at a figure as well. What he was seeing was quite different from Miles. The figure looked strong but the condescending smile on his face didn’t suit the figure Alex remembered at all.

“Raul? How can you be alive?” Alex asked in disbelief.

“I never died, Alex. It was all a ruse. Did you like how I tricked you? I was never powerless, I was never weak. I just acted to mock you.” The figure said with a laugh. Alex shook his head profusely.

“This isn't real. This cannot be real.”

“Oh, but it is. Do you think you are a hero just because you are friends with an Oafish? Do you think your benevolent act of pitying me made you a good person? Guess what? It was all a prank. It was all a lie. You were never a bright one, I played you like a fiddle.”

“No, no, no!” Alex shouted in despair. “Real Raul would never utter these words. Never!”

Maya and Val were also seeing different things. Maya was seeing a creepy ghost attaching its body to hers, so she would have to live with a ghost all the time.

Val, on the other hand, was seeing an angelic figure. The body of the figure was metallic. There were six pairs of wings at the back of the creature. Its eyes looked like a pair of the dawning sun, while the look it gave was holy, behind all those, Val could see the evil lying silently.

“Welcome back, my child.”

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