Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Secret Mission

“Anything you need from me, Dean?” Miles asked after Val and others left.

“I do indeed. There are several things I want to talk about.” Milosh sighed as he sat on his glorious seat while pointing to a regular one for Miles. Miles sat without any reservation and waited for Dean to continue.

“Let’s start with the quest, or to be precise, the area,” Milosh said and looked at Miles.

“Did you see anything strange?”

“Everything there was strange. From tree to dirt, creatures to stones, and oh yeah, freaking pyramids.” Miles said while waving his arms exaggeratedly.

“So, you have seen them.” Milosh sighed deeper and raised his hand. A bubble of energy left his arm and covered a three-meter radius around them. “Miles, I forbid you to approach there as the Dean. I also beseech you not to go there, as a friend.”

“Why? What is in there?” Miles asked in burning wonder.

“I don’t know.” Milosh said then accentuated, “We don’t know. All we know is that they are as old as pyramids on Earth, which makes no sense. When we first discovered them, we spoke with Mother AI and it said there were hundreds of them all around Portal World. They are older than the ancient races who had created the AIs.

Probably structures built by the early civilizations.”

“Do you believe that? The possibility of the same structures appearing in two different worlds is close to nil.” Miles shook his head.

“I know, but it is how it is,” Milosh said and showed a document from his wristwatch. “This is the site where the first ever portal appeared. Do you know where it is?”

“Egypt,” Miles answered while observing the pictures.

“It was very close to the Pyramid of Djoser. The oldest pyramid on Earth.” Milosh said and showed the old-looking structure.

“What does it mean?” Miles asked.

“I don’t know.” Milosh shook his head. “All I know is, there might be some sort of connection between the two worlds.

I have sent many elites to the pyramids you saw, but none of them had returned. Whatever there is, it is dangerous. So, please! Don’t go there.”

“Okay. I understand.” Miles nodded and remembered the little stone hanging on his neck. It was found inside of a pyramid, and Coin felt a connection with it although they had never figured out what it was.

“Let’s skip to the next subject.” Milosh said after five minutes of silence and smiled, “Congratulations on accomplishing a secret mission.”

“Wha? What mission?” Miles asked dumbstruck.

“You strike a deal with the Monkeys,” Milosh said as he raised his two arms. “There was a quest in the logbook. Although you didn’t sing for it, because it was completed, the academy learned about it. Now give me the details. And I am guessing it was you guys.”

“Oh, that one.” Miles started to explain what happened, and how he made a deal with the King. If Milosh was surprised to hear Miles speaking the monster language, he didn’t show it. He just nodded and didn’t ask anything.josei

“So after you graduate, we will get 20 monthly tokens.” Milosh squeezed his chin as he calculated. “Seems fair. How about now?”

“Four of us will get 10 tokens monthly. We are free to use them as we see fit. But I can exchange my ten monthly tokens with the Academy.” Miles said with a grin.

“What do you want?” Milosh asked with ominous thoughts in his mind.

“I want the academy to sponsor all my Serums for the duration I am here and so long as I am able to use them,” Miles said. Milosh was about to reject with a stormy stand-up, but then he stopped.

“You already used two, but it will take you the rest of the year to max your strength, if you use the third one in your last year, and two other Mind Serums it will cost us around…”

“Deal.” Milosh stretched out his hand and Miles shook it.

“Glad to do business with you,” Miles said with a smile.

“Now the next subject,” Miles said when Milosh was about to talk about something else. He fished out the Mystic Orb and showed it to Milosh. The Dean’s eyes protruded from his eyes as he gazed at the rare but useless object.

“Did it drop from the creature?” He asked.

“Yes.” Miles nodded and asked. “What are they? Why are they useless, and how can I make use of it?”

“Well, starting with the last question, you can sell it for a giant amount of money.” Milosh pointed at the orb and said, “Many influential people looking for a way to crack this fuckers. Some believe they are like Skill Orbs, some say they have some requirements to be fulfilled before they can be used, some say they are like the tower seeds.”

“What seeds?” Miles asked in a dumbfounded tone.

“How are you a Cross?” Milosh sighed and explained what towers were and how one could find Tower Seeds in them to strengthen their ultimates.

“So, no one was able to crack it yet?” Miles asked in disappointment although he was expecting it.

“Sadly no. My team is also working on them, so if you want to sell it, I am more than willing to purchase it.” Milosh said. “But Evelyn would kill you if she were to know.”

“Mother probably has a few right?” Miles asked but Milosh’s gaze told him otherwise.

“A few? A FEW? Do you know how rare these shits are?” He snorted in anger. “There are a total of 16 of them in all Unity. Academy has one, and now you have one another. Total of 18 of them.”

“So rare?” Miles asked in surprise.

“Yeah, so rare.” Milosh looked at him in disgust. “Even Evelyn doesn’t have the second one.”

“But why? Phantom World is filled with Mystic Creatures. Can’t you go and hunt hundreds of them. There should be several orbs in that place right?” Miles asked with a tilt of his head.

“Wow, sometimes I forget how ignorant you are.” Milosh shook his head and explained. “Mystic Branch, Seed, Orb anything about this energy type is as its very name signifies mysterious. Not only to us, believe me. Even most monsters don’t know anything about them.

There is also some sort of condition for this type of orb to drop. We don’t know what it is as we don’t know anything about them. So no, we cannot go and hunt hundreds of creatures so we can loot Mystic orbs.”

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