Into The Rose Garden

Vol. 2 Chapter 1.2 - All again

Vol. 2 Chapter 1.2 - All again

Vol. 2 Chapter 1.2 - All again

The grand rose garden transformed into a sponsorship party that lasted for about three days. It was more like a grand banquet than a tea party. Since only tea and snacks were served without alcohol, it was just called a tea party in the name. The glamorous flower garden, which was said to have been built by a king who was so in love with his queen that he sold his country to build them, was adorned with young people in full dress even before the tea party officially began. Like mating peacocks, they fluttered their wings and showed off their elegance.

Although he had arrived a little early, Klopp couldn’t help but be surprised by the number of people who had already gathered there. First, he was taken aback by the arrogance of the alphas who strutted around without any sense of shame. Second, he was astonished by the pheromones that the omegas emitted, who were far from shying away from those alphas, but instead casting flirtatious glances and smiling at them. Third, as soon as he stepped into the space that could be called the center of the rose garden, he was met with hostile gazes from the alphas and intense, curious looks from the omegas. josei

A shiver ran down his spine. He had been told that this was a social gathering, but this felt more like a marketplace for blind meetings! Damn it!

He didn’t even have a chance to look around to see where the distinguished gentlemen and their wives, who could engage in discussions about investments and law, were located. Before he was even offered a cup of tea, a group of omegas, led by a dignified middle-aged omega, who had “Mother Representative” or “Matchmaker” written on her face, charged towards him. He had no choice but to turn and run away. Otherwise, he feared he would be stripped naked on the spot and forced into mating with those many omegas,

First and foremost, he needed to look ahead and get as far away as possible. He could hear the cries of omegas searching for him, like hounds chasing a fox. They were relentless and persistent too. He skillfully maneuvered through the tall, towering trees. It wasn’t until he was a good distance away and the sound of pursuit had completely died down that Klopp wiped the sweat on his forehead.

This was a complete mistake. The professor had said there would be plenty of opportunities, but he had mistaken it for diversity in conversational topics. He felt like a fool for dressing up and preparing himself. His expectations had already hit rock bottom, so he didn’t want to go back to the rose garden. It would be better to return to his room and catch up on the sleep he hadn’t gotten because of his restless dream. And he would have to leave this place immediately tomorrow and explore other options. Klopp clenched his teeth and headed towards the nearby estate that came into view.

He was sure that the estate was nearby. However, why was the garden so complicated that the closer he got, the farther he seemed to be?

On top of his surly mood, his irritation began to creep in. If the cool breeze hadn’t blown in and cooled his temper, he would have snapped and broken every damn tree in that spot.

It was only detrimental to himself to let his temper flare up when he couldn’t find his way. If only there was someone passing by, he could have asked for directions. But all people must be busy in the rose garden that wasn’t too far from here, there wasn’t a single ant in sight, let alone a human. At this point, it seemed better to take a stroll along the path lined with pine trees in the other direction and reflect on his current situation.

As he walked alongside the towering trees that soared into the sky, his irritation slowly began to dissipate. Perhaps he had grown tired of this complicated city. The massive trees reminded him of the dense forests in his hometown in the north. He hadn’t seen much trees since he came to study here. He took a deep breath, shaking off all the remaining irritation. Since there wasn’t really anything to smile about, he continued to walk with a serious expression, and someone appeared in the distance.

The person, slightly shorter than himself with delicate features, seemed to be an alpha male, but there was a strangely erotic aura about him. With a sophisticated and elegant gait that suited his refined appearance, he looked to this side and was extremely surprised to discover him. He abruptly came to a stop. Even from a considerable distance, Klopp could sense his blue eyes trembling.

What’s this? There’s no one else around.

He couldn’t understand why the person looked so shocked as if he had seen a ghost upon seeing him. At that moment, a breeze brushed against his hair, poking his eyes, and he brushed his hair away, annoyed.

When he faced the person again, their expression had changed. Gone was the surprise of a moment ago, replaced by the thin smile of an aristocrat, making him look clearly of the upper class, born and raised in the city. Gracefully and lightly, as if carried by the wind, he started to guide the way without even being asked, saying, “The rose garden is that way.” Although it was somewhat arrogant and rude, it was so fitting that there was no room for him to complain.

It was usual to not have any conversation in unfamiliar encounters, but in their walk together, he felt a strange sensation. Clearly, this was the first time he saw this person. Even when he quickly looked back on his relatively short life, there was no occasion where he had become involved with such an elegant city aristocrat. But why did he feel a sense of familiarity?

“I am Klopp Bandyke.”

Extending his hand for a handshake, the other person finally looked straight at Klopp. After making a slightly awkward and blank expression, he soon regained his smooth smile. Then, with a face as fair as his hand, he reached out and shook Klopp’s hand.

“Aelock Teiwind.”

Ah, somehow he had a feeling he would be him. It wasn’t that he knew he was a count, but he did expect him to have a title of that reputation.

“Thank you for guiding me the way.”

First of all, as Klopp was the guest here, he expressed his gratitude. The count, whom he thought would respond coldly to match his arrogance just now, surprisingly smiled genuinely.

Suddenly, the pit of his stomach tightened. Seeing his bright and sincere smile brought him an uncomfortable feeling. At the same time, the strange sensation he had right after his nightmare earlier enveloped his body again. Klopp frowned and stared intently at the count looking at him. Suddenly, he felt his anger rise at that smile and had the urge to strangle him.

What’s going on? Why am I feeling like this? Is it jealousy? No, it doesn’t seem like it. He felt like he was about to explode with a kind of dissatisfaction and irritation. He wanted to do something to the man standing in front of him, but he couldn’t figure out exactly what or how. It was an inexplicable desire that he couldn’t put into words.

The handshake became prolonged, and before an awkward silence could set in, the two of them released their hands with a small cough. Klopp took deliberate deep breaths and steadied his resolve. There was no running away from the stare of the Count who had led him the way.

Why did they come to the rose garden in the first place? He should have asked to be guided to the estate. Regret always came too late. Nevertheless, he felt slightly better than before. He had some time to prepare himself mentally. After brushing his hair back with his hand, Klopp took a step forward and entered the rose garden. He sensed someone following him from behind. Glancing back, he found Aelock, who he thought would guide him in, but instead, he was walking behind him.

As the two entered, the gathered crowd all turned their attention to them. Specifically, they were probably looking at Aelock Teywind, the count. Just like a pack of starving wolves running on the meadow, they flocked towards Aelock Teywind, their tempting prey.

After a while, Klopp found himself standing alone in a far corner of the rose garden. As if they were starving for something to eat, people were trying to talk to Aelock, ignoring others.

It didn’t seem like high status and wealth were the only things he possessed. Among the swarm of ants rushing towards the sweet jam, there were already some half-lidded omegas who were enchanted. Objectively speaking, Aelock was an attractive charming single alpha, so it was not surprising. Occasionally, he could even see an alpha who looked at Aelock with sticky gazes. Was he himself like that earlier? Klopp quickly averted his gaze, but that alpha didn’t. He couldn’t understand why he felt irritated seeing that alpha casually approaching Aelock from behind.

The butlers and maids appeared, offering the guests a taste of luxurious black tea. It was the first time Klopp tasted such tea. The tea was a feast for his sense of smell and tastebuds. There were sweets to satisfy his eyes as well. Most of the city’s upper classes drank their tea with cream. It was rare to drink it with just sugar. Unlike them, Klopp only needed a spoonful of sugar. He didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, and back in his hometown, this was how he drank black tea.

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