Into The Rose Garden

Vol. 3 Chapter 8.3 - Uncovering secret blossoms in the dawn

Vol. 3 Chapter 8.3 - Uncovering secret blossoms in the dawn

Vol. 3 Chapter 8.3 - Uncovering secret blossoms in the dawn

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Without saying anything further, he walked over to the bed and sat down. He smiled smugly, and Aeroc’s expression changed from bewilderment to despair as he realized he had been caught in a trap. Kloff climbed onto the bed and looked down at Aeroc, who was wrapped in the sheets, watching him in fear. Then, he laid Aeroc’s body down, which was as pale as the sheets.


“I’d be a fool if I didn’t realize that in this situation. I feel like laughing at myself for not noticing it earlier. I’m losing my face as a top graduate.”

Kloff kissed Aerocs’ fair cheek and pulled him into a hug, resting his head on his chest, which was covered in markings. Aeroc gasped, desperately pulling at the unmoving sheets against the heavy body. After a moment, he spoke, barely audible.

“My belly… You’re pressing my belly…”

The worry in his voice made Kloff burst into laughter. His shoulders were shaking as he laughed, causing Aeroc’s face to turn red and purple, and he soon blurted out, “I… have to be careful in the early pregnancy!” Kloff looked up and stared at Aeroc. He was being genuine about this, not joking.

“I just said that to get a reaction from you. If you took the pills, you shouldn’t be getting pregnant. And that also.. felt different.”

After clarifying that it was a joke, Aeroc couldn’t close his mouth and asked again if Kloff was serious. Aeroc asked again and again, and Kloff answered that he didn’t feel he inserted his member deep enough. Then, Aeroc clamped his mouth shut and his hands shook as he gripped the sheets. Kloff thought he would be relieved, but seeing his anger for the teasing and how disappointed he was, Kloff felt both sorry and incredibly happy.

“Do you really want to have my child? If you want that, I can make it happen.”

His face turned bright red and he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Seeing tears filling his eyes, Kloff chuckled softly.

“Don’t laugh! Shut up! Get away from me! Go away! You wretched, ignorant, cruel, wicked scoundrel who toys with people’s hearts, you ev…”

Kloff stopped him at that. Aeroc continued to mumble a few more words after that, but he gave up speaking as Kloff sucked in his tongue. Only faint breaths could be heard. The hand that had been hitting his shoulder painfully stopped, and then, he clasped his fingers together, creating numerous creases on the neatly ironed shirt.

It wasn’t until the third day that Kloff returned Aeroc’s clothes. Putting on the clean and well-groomed clothes washed by Martha, he picked up the cloak and felt around the inner pocket, then glanced at Kloff who was standing nearby.

“Give it back.”

“What are you talking about?”

As Kloff pretended not to know, Aeroc remained silent for a while. He had already thrown them away. Knowing for a fact that Aeroc was actually an omega, Kloff couldn’t tolerate that he was taking such drugs. Furthermore, if there was a need to take such drugs in the future, it would be for himself, not Aeroc. As soon as Aeroc realized that Kloff had no intention of giving it back to him, he turned his gaze away.

“I’ll just buy them again myself.”

Kloff was taken aback by those words.

“You want to go back there after going through all that? If you hadn’t accidentally met me, you would have been raped.”

Unable to hide his agitation, Kloff fiercely confronted Aeroc, but he responded calmly.

“I know that.”

“What do you know? You’re just a meek person who doesn’t know the least bit about this world.”

Aeroc’s eyes shot daggers at him with a sharp gaze in response to Kloff’s absurd words. Just this morning, or rather just a moment ago, he had shown a range of emotions including surprise, confusion, anger, pleasure, tenderness, and satisfaction, but now he seemed nothing like that person.

“I know it very well.”

“You’re someone who was born as the heir of a count and has been surrounded by all sorts of luxury, so how can you…”

“I’ve experienced it.”

At first, he couldn’t understand what was the meaning of that calm response. Kloff pondered for a while, wondering what he meant by experiencing it. But, a small ripple began to grow louder. Eventually, it turned into a whirlpool that engulfed Kloff. Stunned by the overwhelming shock, Kloff couldn’t react or move, but Aeroc mustered a tired smile.

At that moment, it felt as if something snapped in his mind. Along with the intense anger towards those people who had hurt Aeroc, there was also a tremendous sense of self-blame for not being able to protect his omega as an alpha should. It was clear that he needed to embrace Aeroc, who had been hurt, but somehow only bitter sarcastic remarks came out of his mouth.

“You get treated like that because you pretend to be an alpha, when you’re just an omega.”

Aeroc didn’t give any retort, only looking at him with a sad smile. Kloff felt his anger surge. He grabbed Aeroc’s arm and almost shouted.

“From now on, I won’t let you leave the house without my permission. Or else,”

“Or else what? Are you going to keep me locked up?”

Aeroc frowned in pain and tried to pull his arm away. Worried that his arm might get pulled out, Kloff didn’t let go and instead quickly wrapped his waist, pressing their bodies tightly together. Aeroc twisted his waist as if he disliked it, but this time Kloff had no intention of letting go. He lowered his head and lightly licked Aeroc’s neck, grazing his earlobe with his face, and then, overcome with anger, he whispered softly in a very low voice.

“I’ll strip you naked, put shackles on your ankles, and tie you to the bedpost. Every time your heat comes, I’ll make sure to fuck you until your legs won’t close. I’ll bring you to the brink of climax over and over again until you cry out in agony. You won’t even think of taking those pills. I’ll completely drench you in my scent so that anyone can know that you’re my omega. And after that, you’ll bear my child. You’ll keep giving birth to as many as you can until you grow old and your heat stops.”

Aeroc returned an astonished gaze at him. He looked at Kloff with such a deeply wounded and sad expression.

“Why? Do you think I’m incapable of that?”

Aeroc couldn’t retort to that. He put his head against Kloff’s shoulder and hesitated again and again, his trembling hands unable to grasp the person who was restraining him. His chest was swelling as if in great pain, his breathing stopped several times, and then he let out a long sigh before weakly protesting in a small voice.

“But I’m an alpha.”

By now, it was a bit tiresome to hear him say something so nonsensical. Staring at him with a threatening gaze, filled with a growing anger that had no intention of evaporating, Kloff coldly retorted.

“Both you and I know that you’re not an alpha.”

“Count Aeroc Teiwind is an alpha. There will be many problems if people find out about me getting pregnant.”

“It’ll be okay to only think about that when the time comes.”

“I’m…” josei

Kloff no longer had any intentions of listening to Aeroc’s arguments and excuses. He cut his words and grabbed the back of his neck, forcing him to look straight at him. When their gazes met up close, Aeroc’s blue irises trembled slightly.

“If you have any thoughts like not liking me or not wanting to bear my child, just give up. You don’t have a choice.”

Aeroc kept his mouth tightly shut, refusing to respond to the half-forceful coercion, as Kloff held his head and pressed it against his own neck. He inhaled the subtly mixed scent that spread between the soft blonde hair, tickling his nose. When he thought that the scent was from mingling with another omega, it might have aroused him, but he never liked the scent itself. However, the naturally sweet fragrance, mixed with his scent from repeated intercourses of the past two days, was too much to his liking. It felt as if his stomach was full even though he hadn’t eaten anything.

After a while, Aeroc, who had been quietly nestled in Kloff’s embrace, relaxed his body and asked.

“How many children should I give birth to this time?”

The question seemed strange. When Kloff asked, “This time?” Aeroc’s body in his embrace flinched noticeably. At that moment, Kloff almost strangled Aeroc’s neck in a fit of rage.

“Do you have someone else’s child?”

He asked in a tremendously chilling voice as if a blizzard were roaring through his throat. Aeroc quickly shook his head.

“It’s a slip of the tongue. That was… a mistake.”

Kloff stared down at him, trying to deduce whether he was lying or not. This omega was very skilled at lying, so he had to be cautious. Although his eyes were a little shaking from fear, Kloff couldn’t read any pretense from his eyes and expression. For now, he decided to believe him.

“From now on, don’t make any more slip-ups. A murder almost happened just now. One adult, and probably a minor.”

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