Inverse System

Chapter 70 - Point Of No Return (1)

Chapter 70 - Point Of No Return (1)

As the group reluctantly returned to the carriage, Core consoled their commissioner, Lagurin, trying to make him feel better about the situation, and asked him if they could do anything for him. Lagurin, who was still grieving, was satisfied with their efforts and assured him that they would get their rewards, though Core didn't ask.

Rein, Reggie, and Lance changed out of their suits and changed back into their normal clothes. Core got back on the carriage with the group, the atmosphere being so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

The air around Lance was significantly different from how it was when they came. He exuded a hateful, vengeful aura now, rather than a friendly, innocent one from before. His eyes lost the fire that they had from before as he sat at the back of the cart, lifelessly staring off at the city as they departed.

Rein, who was sitting on top of the cart away from the group, lay there with a bruise on his cheek that stung like no other. He was confused, in turmoil, and didn't know how to feel about his actions. Once again, he was reminded of his weakness. He was scared of the results of his actions, the resolve that he'd been building up all these years being broken just like that. He was scared of letting his aunt have her way, but the thought of ending the life of an innocent child scared him even more. He didn't know if what he was feeling was regret, shame, grief, or sadness.

Nonetheless, Rein remembered what he did during his time sweeping with Reggie. He had bumped into every rotten official in the city, each one of them insulting him as he came in contact with them. He took out a strand of black hair from his inventory then activated his System, inverting the power of the hair. He sat up and looked back at the city, outstretched his palm, and crushed it into a fist.

After a few seconds, he received a wave of notifications on his System.

[You have received 3500 exp!]

[You have received 4200 exp!]

[You have received 3600 exp!]

And it kept going countless more times. In the end, he was able to gain 3 levels, bringing him up to level 122. He also obtained a new skill, as there were some water Spring users among them.

[New Skill]

Hydrokinetic Regeneration: The ability to regenerate using water. Can heal up to 50 health per second, depending on the water level the user is submerged in

"Serves those dreadful pieces of shit right," Rein heard a voice in his head, who just recently came back.

"Why weren't you there…" Rein said in his head.

"Sorry… I can't control when that happens. I just feel myself get wisped away, and I have no control over it, nor do I know why it happens. Anyway, was that a strand of Voron's hair? You used his Spring to kill those guys? You set the trigger on them when you bumped into them right?" Versys replied, trying to cheer Rein up, whose emotions also affect his own.

"That's right…" He thought with negative enthusiasm. "Instead of attaching things together like Voron, I can de-attach joint parts of an entity that I hit with a blunt object, in this case, the broomstick. Of course, this wouldn't work on stronger enemies like Luther, because they can resist the Spring's power," Rein explained.

"Right… It's good that they were punished properly… It wouldn't be right to let them get away with it. Either way, I noticed you copied a Spring before you left," Versys remarked.

"Yeah, I guess it'll come in handy," Rein opened his hand and produced a flame that twinkled in his palm, which persisted even through the rain pouring over them.

"Now we have 3 elemental powers. It'll be tough getting the others."

"Yeah… Plus, there's still 1 person who hasn't been dealt with. I'll be sure to pay him a visit."

Suddenly, Rein heard Core's voice emerge from inside the cart. He sounded somewhat nervous as he tried breaking the ice, Rein listening in through the small cracks in the carriage roof.

"Hey Lance… If it's not too much, can you describe the way he died..? You know, King," Core bluntly asked, which surprised the group.

Lance didn't answer.

"I didn't see his body at the scene. Did he fade away into nothingness perhaps?"

"Tch, and what if he did? Why do you even need to know this," Lance scoffed, continuing to look at the city as they got further away, the group unable to see his face.

"I thought so. What I'm about to say may surprise you, so get ready," Core warned, which made Lance turn his confused face towards him, Rein beginning to listen attentively.

"We can still save him. He's not dead," he claimed, making the group look at him with jaw-dropped expressions, Lance's slowly widening as he took in what Core said.

"No way… You're kidding, right?" He held back the tears that were welling up in his eyes, seeing Core's assured smile through his wet vision.

"How do you know that Core? Cursed Springs can be saved after they're captured?" Xenia inquired.

"Well, most of the time, yes. Whenever they're in the 'pure' form, it's just their unconscious souls trapped in the confines of the curse. If we use a certain item on it, their bodies will return to normal," Core looked up to the roof of the cart.

"You hear that Rein? You made the right choice. If you had killed him with your own hands, the boy would have died and the curse would afflict another kid. This course of action yielded the best outcome for us, though maybe you think otherwise," Core remarked, which didn't quell any of Rein's turmoils.

He was unconsciously happy that King was alive, and that his actions produced that outcome, but he still lingered over the thought of his aunt. His regret did not disappear, nor did his grief, nor did his shame, as ultimately, he failed. He allowed his aunt to progress further, which in no way did he see as a win.

Rein stayed atop the cart the rest of the way through as the rain let up, shining the glimmering light of the moon down on the land. This allowed Elaine to sit atop the tigers and speed them up, enabling them to arrive at Almes at 7:30 PM sharp.

They returned the carriage to Merle, who led them through the back door of his bar into the teleporter's room. As they stepped on it, they shortly found themselves back at the Hasbin gulf, in the teleporters hub, one that lead to Almes, and the other to Zacrozir.

"Well, that was a long day. Let's check the commission in and claim our rewards," Core suggested.

"Sounds good," Elaine sighed, warmly turning her gaze to Lance, whose expression lightened up, but the dark atmosphere that surrounded him lingered.

To Rein, it seemed as though Lance's view on the world shifted, permanently altering his psyche. He stood still, analyzing Lance as he walked away.josei

"Hey, Rein! What are you doing standing there? Let's get a move on," Xenia rushed, looking back at Rein who stood still in the room with the two teleporters, not wanting to step out into the glowing cavern of the Hasbin Gulf.

"I've got something to take care of. I'll be back soon. Xenia, give my share of the reward to Chloe," he said as he walked towards the Orthlys teleporter, Lance breaking away from the group to walk towards him.

Rein turned to face him, seeing a vengeful scowl ridden on his face.

"What do you want now? Want to punch me again? Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you," Rein said, turning his cheek towards the tall man, pointing to it provokingly.

"Let me come with you. This involves me too," Lance requested in a vindictive tone, which surprised Rein.

"Heh, sure. Stand on the plate," Rein laughed to hide his surprise.

"You do understand what this entails though right? If you accompany me here, there will be no going back for you. Are you sure you're ready for that?" Rein consulted, advising Lance, who resolutely stepped on the plate.

"I understand. I'm already past the point of no return…"

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