Inverse System

Chapter 72 - Meeting With The Principal (1)

Chapter 72 - Meeting With The Principal (1)

When the two recomposed themselves, Rein noticed a notification on his System.

Level: 122 → 123

[New Skill Acquired] - Liquid Slots: Allows the System to store 2 Springs at once, allowing the wielder to switch between the two at will. (This does NOT allow the user to wield both Springs at once like STO, but it does make it so he can change between them individually.)

(Skill list updated)

To Rein's surprise, the addition of the new skill filled the slot with the most recent other Spring, which was Chloe's Spring. Rein was able to switch to it with ease, allowing him to use it to fill up the hole he caused, burying the dead bodies lying at the bottom.

Lance noticed Rein switching Springs and asked him about it, seeing as how he was wielding the Econican royal Spring of fire. Not being able to hide it much longer, he told Lance that he can copy the opposite of some Springs as he copied the Springs of the water users from Aquifa. Amazed, Lance complimented him on the power as Rein spoke modestly, telling him that it wasn't all that special.

Using his enhanced speed, Lance was able to keep up with Rein as they swiftly ran back to Zacrozir and made their way to the hidden door that lead to a tunnel under the city. They stepped on the teleportation plate and appeared back at the Hasbin Gulf.

When Lance walked off the plate, he was met with a worried pink-haired girl standing in wait in front of the plate.

"Lance! You're finally back! Why… are you so bloody?" She asked as her voice softened, her growing concern evident in her reaction.

"It's nothing. I'm going to rest at the dorm," he coldly walked past her, Elaine quickly grabbing his sleeve as he left.

"Wait! Tell me what happened… Please…" She uttered as Lance turned around and stared at her with his barren eyes, making her face twitch in fear.

Rein stood there, observing the scene as it unfolded.

"Lance… You're scaring me… What happened to you..?" She woefully spoke, a fearful tone developing in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but it's best if you didn't know," he shrugged his arm away from her grip as he continued walking away into the glowing cave, leaving her standing there, alone.

"Why… Where did my Lance go..?" She cried, trembling in her stance as Rein walked beside her.

"Give him some space for now. He'll open up to you. At the end of the day, he loves you the most in the world," Rein reassured her as he continued walking, making his way to the school for his meeting with Julianne.

Rein's words made Elaine's tears flow ever stronger as she stood there, crying as she felt her lover slip away into the depths of despair.

Rein entered the school, bloody and muddy. He walked past some students from Hasbin academy, who were still in school due to club activities. Being the organizers of the event, they recognized him as the winner of the entrance tournament. They moved away from him in fear, seeing his menacing scowl as he made his way to the principal's office with dried filth covering his body.

When he entered the room, he saw Core and Clyde already waiting, standing in front of the principal's desk, with the brown-haired principal sitting in a commanding manner.

"Well if it isn't the man of the hour! By hour, I mean hour late," Julianne joked as Rein approached the desk, standing in the middle of the two already there.

"Rein… Why are you so filthy?" Clyde asked, concerned.

"Oh, it was raining outside and I was getting battered around earlier. I got some blood and mud all over my clothes," he deceptively spun his words, looking at Core who pretended not to be listening.

"Battered around you say? And who is strong enough to batter you around?" Julianne interrogated.


"Hahaha, I'm kidding. That's not what I called you here for. You can give me your quest report later. For now, I have something to discuss with the three of you," she said, getting right down to business as she wore a serious expression.

"The three of us? What's so special about us?" Core asked.

"Hahaha, you should already know the answer to that, Core the Chessmaster," she thunderously exclaimed, surprising both Clyde and Rein. Core simply laughed.

"Heh, I had a feeling you knew. Ever since the preliminary round," Core stated, which surprised the two beside him even more.

"Since the preliminary? Even I didn't know back then…" Rein spoke, impressed.

"I know everything that goes on in this school. Now, the reason I brought you all here is that you've all met a certain individual that's been causing trouble around the continent," she informed.

"A certain individual?" Rein uttered, trying to think who she might be talking about. Suddenly, he dawned on the answer as his eyes developed a tinge of fear.

"That's right. Melina Alister, the aunt of my late friend, Leona Alister."

As soon as the name was mentioned, the three standing in front of her grew a sense of fear in their eyes, Reins mouth gritting with anger as he thought of his aunt. He slammed his hands on the table and looked Julianne in the eyes with an intimidating expression.

"What do you know about her… And how do you know Leona's real identity..." Rein threatened.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Rein Alister? You were both there when she died, in the city of Lifah, isn't that right?" She looked at both Rein and Core, whose eyes widened as they heard her speak.

"You know about that too?" Core laughed softly, trying to hide his unease.

"Don't underestimate the guild's intelligence-gathering capabilities. Though the principal back then was a dumbass who never did his job, and always went out drinking and partying, he was definitely a capable man. Despite the war, he thoroughly investigated her sudden disappearance. Even to me, her best friend, she never mentioned where she lived or her real last name. Though she did mention she had a cute little brother, I assume that must've been you," Julianne explained.

"And why are you calling me in for this? I have nothing to add to the situation," Rein spoke, slightly irritated.

"Oh? Have you not visited Lifah lately? There have been some interesting developments in the crater," she said, which caught Rein's attention.


"Lately, swarms of monsters have been gathering around the remains of the town. It's identical to the situation around the Timeless Blitz' grave in the Elven Forest."

"You know about that too..? Oh yeah, I guess Voron did mention posting guild commissions to clear out the monsters," Rein recalled.josei

"Anyways, do you know what these monsters want? Why are they gathering around the graves of my sister and my father?"

"I was hoping you'd be able to answer that, being a practitioner of your father's dual sword style. Though I suppose you didn't inherit the time warp Spring, so it would've been unlikely for you to know something," Julianne thought out loud.

"Wait, you haven't explained one thing: How did you know about Checkmates' involvement..?"

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