Inverse System

Chapter 99 - Signs Of Unease

Chapter 99 - Signs Of Unease

Saphrilla glanced over at Rein with a look of worry, the crowd standing up shortly after, blocking their line of sight of each other. The party began in full swing, a band emerging onto the stage to play smooth jazz music, food, and drink being brought out on carts to be enjoyed by the guests.

Raxo stood up with the intention of talking to Ginald, asking him what happened, but was blocked by Rebecca, who stood in front of her.

"Pfft! Hahaha! I don't know what I was expecting out of you! You probably got that invitation by mistake! There's no way someone like you would actually invent something! Hahaha!" She continued laughing as Raxo looked at her, clenching her fist.

"Move over Becca…" She uttered.

"Oh? Who do you think you're talking to? Know your pla—" suddenly, Raxo saw her being pushed over by a large hand, bringing Rebecca to the ground, interrupting her haughty speech.

"Let's go. That Ginald guy is heading to the elevator as we speak," Quint hastened her as she stood, flabbergasted.

"Quint? The fuck's wrong with you! You can't just push someone down like that!" She scolded, to which he scoffed, then grabbed her wrist.

"Don't care. Let's go already before it's too late. You come too kid," he glanced over at Saphrilla, who was still sitting down, making her stand up and follow them in a hurry as Quint dragged Raxo away.

"H-how dare you! Quint, was it? I'll have you taken care of, you brute!" Rebecca threatened, her remarks not being heard by the group as they ran towards Ginald, who was waiting for the elevator to come down.

"Mr. Ginald!" Raxo yelled, making him turn around curiously.

"Ah! If it isn't little miss Tincer! What's up?" He greeted cheerfully as the group approached him.

Rein and Xenia caught up as they made it to the man.

"Why weren't our names called? What were we invited here for?" She asked, making Ginald turn his head out of confusion.

"Your names weren't called, huh? What exactly did you invent?" He inquired.

"It's the perpetual motion device. Surely you received it, right?"

"You…" His eyes widened for a split second, then returned to normal. "So it was you who invented that then? We actually brought it to our offices on the top floor! And I would like to personally have a meeting with whoever is responsible for making it! We have a special offer set up for them," he informed them, making their deflated faces light up with jubilation.

"Really?! When should we meet then?" Raxo enthusiastically asked.

"Hmm, let's see… I'm only free from 5pm to 6pm… Would that work for you?"

"5 to 6..? No… I'm actually visiting mom and dad at 5… Do you have any other times free?" She discouragingly asked.

"Unfortunately, that's the only time free on my schedule… Is there no way to postpone your appointment with your father— I mean, with mister CEO?" Ginald posed, concerned.

"My father has always been picky with appointments… He won't change it, and even if I asked him, I doubt he'd listen to me," she frowned as she spoke, feeling a tug on her dress as she looked behind her.

"It is alright Raxo. I will take the meeting. You can trust me with this," Saphrilla sternly spoke as Raxo's eyes lit up once again.

"Really?! That's perfect! Is that allowed, Mr. Ginald?"

Ginald let out a light smirk, then laughed hardily.

"That's completely fine! As long as we have one of the inventors. Well, miss Xilris, I'll see you at 5!" He waved as he entered the elevator, the door closing on his smiling face.

"Well, that's that then," Quint sighed in relief as they finished the conversation.

"Thanks for that Quint. I don't think we would've made it if it weren't for you," Raxo smiled at him, catching him off guard, making him turn around, blushing slightly.

"I-it was nothin'. The meeting's in 2 hours, yeah? Let's go eat something," he rushed outside, followed by everyone else.

They went out looking around the town, then sat down to eat, Rein all the while feeling the area out for signs of his aunt.

"By the time we finish eating it should be 5. I'll be going to my parent's house while Saph goes to meet with Mr. Ginald. We can decide on the groups when the time comes then! You guys can order without me, I'm saving my appetite for mom's home cooking," Raxo declared as the rest ordered their food and ate to their heart's content, not having eaten in over 5 hours.

After they finished, they walked outside the restaurant and into the middle of the street, which was surprisingly clear, with no large crowds or vehichles around.

"Alright, how should we divide the groups?" Raxo asked as they all stretched, full after stuffing themselves with sustenance.

"I'll go with Saprhilla. You two can accompany Raxo to her house, if that's okay with you guys," Rein proposed, to which Saprhilla reacted with a surprised, yet happy face.

"Sounds good to me. You're probably the most suited to taking care of her. Well, we'd better get going then!" Xenia remarked as they waved to each other, Raxo, Xenia, and Quint walking away to the residential district.

As the two finished waving them goodbye, they picked their stuff up, noticing that Xenia left her weapon ring behind.

"It would seem Xenia has left her weapon ring here… Not that I think she will need it, but it is funny how little attention she gives to things like this," Saphrilla said in an unamused tone as she picked up the ring and put it in her dress pocket.

"Hey Saphrilla… We shouldn't go to that meeting," Rein stated, making Saprhilla look at him with a confused face.

"What?" She uttered.

"Hey, guys! I think I left my weapon ring around here somewhere? I took it off…" Xenia returned, waving to them as she approached, but stopped talking as she caught on to the scene that was happening in front of her.

"I may be selfish in saying this, but if you take whatever deal he has for you, you might have to move out of the Hasbin gulf. Considering the risk revolving around what you're doing, you know how dangerous that would be, don't you?" Rein explained, making her look down in discouragement.

"I do not want to hear it from you, Rein. After what you did in your fight with the Econican prince… You wagered our luxury dorm room without our consent, all the while with the intention of losing the battle…" She finally revealed, which made Rein recoil slightly.

"So you know about that? Look, I'm sorry… I don't know how I can apologize about that…" He bowed down to her.

"And what you did to Raxo when Quint was asking for a weapon… It was like you manipulated her mind. How could you?"

"I understand… but really, I'm worried. This is way too dangerous, and imagine how Emria would feel if you went away."

"You're being way too restrictive, Rein. Why did you come here in the first place if not to cheer her on? To help her accomplish her dreams?" Xenia interjected angrily.

"What do you know? Do you really think it's a good idea to let her continue this in a place where I can't see her? How could I face her father if something happened?" As he uttered those words, Saphrilla looked back up to him with a sad expression.

"So this worry you harbor towards me… It is only to appease my father then? It is only to keep Emria happy?" She sadly looked at him.

"No, of course, it's not. I'm genuinely worried, can't you see that?"

"If I was Emria, you would have come here out of love for her! You only came here for my father, and you're only worrying about me to make sure Emria would not be sad! Not to mention that if received any sign of the royal family, you would drop everything and pursue it! You only care about what happens to me for your own good! You do not have any right to restrict me!"

"No! Saphrilla I—" he suddenly stopped talking, twitching his head behind him as his eyes widened.

"Rein..? Don't tell me what she said was true?" Xenia uttered.

"It's her… She's defenseless…" He whispered to himself, which both of the girls heard.

"Who is? You should be directing all your attention to your little sister right now…" Xenia clenched her fist as she saw him looking away from them.josei

"This is my chance… Tch, but I can't right now… Don't let your anger take over…" He held his head as Saphrilla tried her hardest to hold in her tears, despite already knowing about the 'real reason' he came with them.

Rein turned back around to apologize but was met with a swift slap to the face. It didn't hurt, which he found weird since it was Xenia who had slapped him.

"You can go after whatever 'other reason' you had for coming here… I'll take Saphrilla to the meeting. Maybe if you had your priorities straight from the beginning, you wouldn't hurt the people important to you. Come on Saphrilla, let's go. Raxo and Quint'll understand," she sternly spoke as she grabbed Saphrilla's small hand and walked away towards the Echo building, leaving Rein with his hand on his cheek, Saphrilla looking back at him with a worried expression as the two walked away.

"No. Fuck priorities. I'll do what I want," he uttered to himself as he put his hood on and turned around, jumping onto a building, then disappearing.

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