Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 111 - 13

Chapter 111 - 13

The battlefield became very quiet as no one could move except a few people. After eliminating the golems, Ziel returned to his original place and time returned to normal. Lilith just followed her and didn't say anything. Princess Iris and Lilith weren't affected by Ziel's power due to the master and servant contracts.

"What exactly are you?" Princess Iris asked in a trembling voice. The golem that everyone struggled so hard to fight, was defeated with just a touch by him. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember what happened during the survival test. Otherwise, she would not have asked such a thing.

What Ziel did earlier was speed up the corrosion process time on the golem's metal body. He accelerated the time to the next hundreds of years until the metal disintegrated. The anti-magic area has no effect because Ziel uses spiritism.

He crushed the golem to nothing because he didn't want the body of the golem to be used by the Dwarven Kingdom to make other living weapons. It would destroy the balance of the kingdoms on the eastern continent. He also didn't want to cause suspicion if he left evidence behind.

"Eh? Where's the golem?"

"I believe he was there before?"

The soldiers wondered because the golem had suddenly disappeared from the place. They looked around but still couldn't find it.

"I'm sure the last time I saw the golems appear in their place. But, where are the golems now?" Kyouka was very sure of seeing the existence of a golem near Princess Iris earlier. She didn't think the golem would suddenly flee from there.

"Something's not right. I'll find out about this." Kyouka would become even more curious if she didn't find the answer.

"The soldiers who can move, you spread out and check every nearby place. Immediately report the golem's whereabouts when you find it. Don't act recklessly, let alone endanger the citizens!" Princess Melkia gave her orders to the soldiers.

"We got it!" The soldiers quickly dispersed to look for traces of the golem's whereabouts.

Not long after, Hikaru and the two others who had been fighting the golems finally woke up. They lost their consciousness when they were blown away by the rampaging golems.

"Argh..." Hikaru started to open his eyes and move his limbs.

"Sir Hikaru, you better rest first since you've just recovered." Princess Melkia was worried about Hikaru pushing himself.

"He's right Sir Hikaru. You'd rather wait until your condition gets better." Princess Aishia who also took care of her also reminded her.

"Okay if you insist." Hikaru smiled happily at the attention of the two beautiful Princesses.

Hikaru felt his condition had recovered and started to stand up. The other two people he had fought with had also recovered. Everyone gathered again and intended to leave the place.

When Hikaru saw Ziel surrounded by 3 beautiful girls including Princess Iris. He felt annoyance in his heart. He walked up to them with the other Princesses and heroes.

"Princess Iris, how are you?" Hikaru asked Princess Iris. He seemed very concerned about her condition. On the other hand, Princess Reina is not happy with Hikaru's attitude towards Princess Iris. But she couldn't control what the heroes would do.

"I'm fine. The golem didn't attack us. How's your condition, Sir hero? I saw you were injured before?" She asked back out of politeness and had no other intentions, but Hikaru responded differently.

"It's nothing. To protect others, getting hurt like this was no big deal. Especially if you're a man. Not like someone who doesn't do anything from start to finish. Even though other people are fighting while risking their lives." Hikaru glanced at Ziel and quipped. What he meant was realized by everyone there.

"Sir Hero, that's..." Princess Iris tried to refute his words but was cut off by Sintaro first.

"You're right, a guy who just keeps quiet is a coward. You better not hide behind a girl because it's so embarrassing." Sintaro also booed him. He is also envious of Ziel who looks ordinary but is surrounded by beautiful girls.

"Sir hero, it's better that we don't have to talk about it. He's just a butler of the girls over there." Princess Freya tries to stop the heroes from insulting Ziel.

"Freya, I think what Sir Hikaru said is true. When all the boys and soldiers were fighting, he was the only one who just kept quiet." Princess Aishia, who was previously silent, agreed with Hikaru and Sintaro's words. Princess Aishia has no intention of insulting Ziel and helping Hikaru. She speaks purely out of her sense of justice. She doesn't like boys who just hide and hang out with girls.

(You're done, Aishia!)

Princess Freya smiled after hearing her words. She would be happier if Princess Aishia continued to participate in mocking him along with the heroes even though her intentions were not like that. But she indirectly helped them.

After being silent for a while at their words, Ziel finally opened his mouth. He didn't care about them. But if it continued then something troublesome would happen.

"As Princess Freya said, I'm just a butler. And for Princess Aishia, I'm sorry for not being able to become a man according to your expectations." Ziel lowered his head to Hikaru and Princess Aishia.

Ziel's voice was so cold that Princess Aishia's body suddenly trembled and her chest ached.

(What's this?)

Princess Aishia didn't understand why she suddenly felt pain in her chest. He was like destroying the sandcastle she had worked so hard to build and break the expensive flower vase she had worked so hard to buy.

"Alright, we'll go first if there's nothing else." Ziel bowed his head to them and quickly left the place. Princess Iris and the others went after him.

It made Hikaru and Sintaro dumbfounded. They wanted to say something, but it got stuck in their throats. They had no right to forbid him from leaving the place. So they could only watch them go and disappear into the darkness of the night.

Not long after, Merlick and King Auva came to the place. They came together with teachers and soldiers to help them. But they were surprised because the problem was solved. After hearing a brief explanation from Princess Melkia, King Auva just nodded and asked them to return to the castle immediately.josei


In a room inside a skyscraper that was used as the castle of the Dwarven Kingdom, King Auva was sitting on a chair while listening to reports from Princess Melkia and Prince Torin.

"Torin, what happened? Explain to me in as much detail as you can!" King Auva began to interrogate his son.

"Here's the story, father. Prince Fritz took Prince Albert and me to have a look at weapons made in the Dwarven Kingdom. He invited me because he thought I knew a place that sold good-quality weapons. We checked several shops but couldn't find anything suitable. When we were about to go to the next shop, we were stopped by someone wearing a black robe. Since he attacked first then we also fought him. What happened next, you can ask Melkia." Prince Torin smiled bitterly after explaining the chronology of the incident. He remembered that they had done nothing against the black-robed person. They and the soldiers were defeated not long after they fought him.

"How is Melkia?" King Auva looked at his daughter and asked in a deep voice.

"By the time we arrived at the scene, big brother and the others had already fainted. The only person they were fighting against was one golem to be precise." Princess Melkia started to tell about the incident after they arrived at the place.

"A golem huh? Is that golem that great?" King Auva stroked his chin like he was thinking about something. He was intrigued by the golem that Princess Melkia said.

"Yes. He can negate magic. So a mage will be very difficult against him. His body is very tough and his movements are very fast. At first glance, he looks like Amalgam." Princess Melkia explained her observations during the battle.

"What!? Are you sure!?" King Auva was startled and stood up from his chair. Amalgam was an ancient golem they had recovered from the ruins. It was thanks to the golems that the Dwarven Kingdom was able to become this big. Much of the technology they learned from Amalgam's body and then they applied it to blacksmithing, magic tool creation, and alchemy. So it can be said that Amalgam is priceless. And now that his daughter was saying that the golem that attacked her was similar to Amalgam and was still active. Of course, it took him by surprise. Even Prince Torin who heard it was shocked.

"I'm sure, father. But I think that golem is only similar and not the same as amalgam. Its fighting power is at least as strong as that of a Magic King." Princess Melkia nodded in response to her father's question.

"I didn't think there would be such a golem again. It was a monster attack not too long ago and now it's an attack from a golem. What exactly happened?" King Auva sat back in his chair and he tapped the table with his finger thoughtfully.

"I forgot to mention it before. During the fight, we were saved by the artifacts belonging to Princess Freya and Princess Aishia." Princess Melkia forgot to say that to King Auva.

"They have such a thing in the human kingdom? Looks like they can't be underestimated." King auva was slightly shocked after hearing that. He didn't expect a princess from the human kingdom to use an artifact as her protection.

"So, what should we do, father?" Princess Melkia wants to know what action King Auva will take.

"Spread guards throughout the city. Look for the golem and don't endanger the safety of the citizens. We must try to catch it. If we can't, we will destroy it and bring the pieces for us to examine. You two can go!" King Auva gave his orders to Prince Torin and Princess Melkia

"Yes, father!" The two of them immediately got out of that place and carried out the orders that their father had given.

"Another amalgam, huh. I have to get it no matter what!" King Auva tightened his fists. He needed the golem to strengthen his kingdom. Right now he looked very greedy.


Somewhere in the Dwarven Kingdom, a person in a black robe and wearing a mask was sitting and looking at the royal castle. In front of her was a middle-aged woman who had a pentagon crystal embedded in her forehead.

"Ugh…" The black-robed person suddenly groaned. Her voice sounded like that of a girl.

"What happened, miss?" The woman was suddenly worried about the condition of the black-robed girl. She was like her subordinate from the way she called her.

"One of my dolls has disappeared, Brolia." The black-robed girl answered the question of her subordinate named Brolia.

"Disappeared? Not defeated or destroyed?" Brolia was confused by the words she used.

"My doll was crushed to nothing." The girl spoke in a gloomy tone. She couldn't believe what was going on either. Because she knew the power and uniqueness of the doll she had created.

"What!? How is that possible!?" Brolia was also shocked after hearing what happened.

"This was done by a pretty great person. I didn't even get to see his face." The girl clicked her tongue. She and her golems were linked. The girl could see whatever the golem saw. The concept is the same as the artificial familiar that Piqmentia Grand Academy teachers use to monitor their students during the survival test.

"So what should we do miss?" Brolia waited for the girl's order.

"Proceed as planned. We have to find that thing soon. According to the magic compass, it's in the Dwarven Kingdom. Don't worry about one doll. I still have hundreds of them scattered in the Dwarven Kingdom." The girl stood up and disappeared from the place.

"Yes, Miss Rosier!" Brolia also left after hearing her orders.

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