Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 113 - 15

Chapter 113 - 15

The best forge in the Dwarven Kingdom that the students from the Piqmentia Grand Academy were currently attending suddenly trembled violently. A huge explosion sounded from outside the building.

(Attention! We are under attack from several people in black robes outside. Please calm down everyone! We will settle this soon)

The guard of the building quickly gave a notification with a magic loudspeaker to keep the students from panicking. But after a long time, the sound of explosions was still heard from the entrance of the building. A soldier suddenly entered and whispered to Prince Torin. What the soldier said made his face darken. After the soldier left, Prince Torin looked at the students who lined up after selecting the forging materials.

"I'm sorry for the commotion today. But it looks like we have to finish this study tour sooner than the scheduled time." Prince Torin spoke apologetically. His face looked tenser than before.

"Torin, what exactly happened outside? Why do you look panicked like that?" Prince Albert asked him noticing the change in his expression after the report from the soldiers.

"Haa...this building was suddenly attacked by unknown black-robed people. But after the soldiers fought the black-robed people, they realized that those people weren't human. What attacked this building right now were golems that were the same as the one that attacked us last night but in greater numbers." Prince Torin re-explained the report from the soldiers to them.

"So what are you going to do next? Do we have to keep waiting inside this building?" Prince Fritz wanted to know what Prince Torin would do at a time like this.

"First we have to join the academy teachers. After that, we will go out through the back door. The mages have to be careful because you can't fight the golem." Prince Torin conveys his plan.

Currently, the teachers are in another room in the building with Regza. But after hearing the explosion, they would immediately regroup with the students.

"Okay. If things get out of hand, Sintaro and I will fight them." Hikaru volunteered himself to help. He said it proudly as a hero.

"Leave it to us!" Sintaro agrees with Hikaru's words.

"I will depend on you sir hero." Prince Torin nodded and started to contact the person in charge of the building to convey his message to the academy teachers.

When the students were panicking, Clara and Princess Iris decided to rejoin Ziel. It was suggested by Lilith, specifically by Ziel who contacted her through the brooch they were currently wearing.


Ziel contacted Kalya through her brooch.


Kalya immediately responded with a happy voice.

(When it comes out later and you fight the golems, only use spiritism and nothing else. Attack them with full power to make way for the students to escape)

Ziel warned her because he felt they would not easily get out of the building.

(I see! How are the students there? The teachers will be heading there soon)

When Ziel contacted her, Kalya and the teachers are already on their way to the students' place.

(Some students panicked by the sudden outburst. Alright, I'll be waiting for you)

Ziel looked at the students around him. Then realized someone was staring at him and smiled while waving her hand at him. That person is Princess Freya. But Ziel ignored her.

(Well wait for me!)

Kalya answered him excitedly and cut off their communication.

(I didn't expect them to attack now. I thought they would just scatter around the city aimlessly. But it seems that it was because of this thing)

Ziel had already noticed that the golems were lurking in various corners of the city. But going to them one by one would be troublesome. Therefore he waited for them to come out at the same time and exterminated them all at once.

At first, he didn't know their goal, but after finding the fragment of the world altar in that place, he was certain that the person attacking the building this time was from the divine race just like Lilith.

(It seems your race came to this kingdom)

Ziel said to Lilith via telepathy and not through his communication brooch. Lilith trembled upon hearing what he said.

(I don't know anything about that! I swear! I'm your slave right now! There's no way I could betray you!)

Lilith replied in a panic. She was afraid that Ziel would think that she was the mastermind behind all this chaos.

(Calm down, I know that. I also know their true purpose)

Ziel told her the truth. He just wanted to know if Lilith was aware of this. But she doesn't seem to know anything either. All of this matched what Lilith had told him. The Divine Race didn't know each other and couldn't contact them other than using the statue medium in the temple. In other words, this divine race was carrying out her mission in the dwarven kingdom.

(Eh? Really? Then what are you going to do with her? Are you going to make her your slave too?)

Lilith asked curiously. She sounded like she was worried about something.

(For what? I feel I will get an answer that is not much different from yours)

Ziel answered her nonchalantly.

(I'm relieved then)

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what he said. When she saw Ziel looking at her strangely, Lilith realized that she didn't mean to say what she was thinking.

(Ahaha it's nothing)

After that Lilith turned her face away and didn't look at him again.

Soon Kalya and the teachers came and joined the students. After gathering, they immediately went towards the back door of the building.

"You all have to be careful after exiting the building. We don't know the exact number of golems that attacked this place. So please cooperate with the others. Sir Hikaru, please!" Prince Torin reminded them again and handed over the leadership of the students to Hikaru.

"I got it! You all follow me!" Hikaru opened the back door. When he saw that the situation was safe, he immediately gave a signal and the students began to follow him.

(Leya, Lilith... The golems outside are close to a hundred. They are all as strong as Magic Kings. There's no need to put up a pointless battle. Do as I said before. I'll lure them all in when the timing is right)

Ziel opens dual communication with Kalya and Lilith. He started to explain his plan.

(I understand)

Lilith answered curtly.

(Are you sure they'll be hooked?)

Kalya still has doubts about his plan.

(Don't worry, I have what they want. So they will come after me)

Ziel was certain that what they were looking for was a fragment of a world altar. If he didn't pay a visit to that place, he wouldn't know their true purpose.

(Okay, you gotta be careful)

Kalya smiled after hearing his explanation.


Ziel answered curtly and cut off their communication. Then he looked at the person who kept staring at him while he was having a conversation with Lilith and Kalya. Princess Iris quickly averted her gaze. He didn't know what the girl was thinking. Ziel didn't think much of it. He waited for the golems that were hiding to attack them.

As they exited the building, suddenly dozens of laser beams were fired at them.

[Tortoise Shield]

[Diamond Great Wall]

[Aegis Fortress]

[Clamshell Barrier]

Princess Aishia, Princess Freya, Kalya, and Clara's barriers stacked together and blocked dozens of laser beams aimed at them. The students were amazed at the scene before their eyes.

"As usual, I'm amazed every time I see it." Princess Rinne nodded when she saw the 4 stacked barriers.

"So it's not only the two Princesses who have it, but the girl and Miss Kalya also have it. Why do I feel the mana vibrations that the four artifacts give off are very similar?" Kyouka muttered after seeing the four barriers. She was shocked because there were two new barriers that she didn't recognize. She looked around and found that the barrier belonged to Kalya and Clara.

After the laser beam disappeared, the hidden golems finally revealed themselves. Dozens of golems with the power of a Magic king blocked their way.

"What the hell? Why are there so many golems like that?" Prince Fritz trembled at the number of golems in front of him.

"We've had trouble fighting just one, let alone this many." Hikaru tried to act calm, but his trembling voice was heard by everyone.

"What should we do?" Prince Torin asked Hikaru, but he didn't answer at all.


Ziel gives a sign to Kalya. Upon hearing his voice, Kalya immediately fused with Silphy and fired her strongest spiritism attack.

[Tempest Arrow]

The arrows shot at high speed towards the crowd of golems. Kalya's aim was not to hit it directly but to blow it up near them.


Her arrows made a blast of wind and sent the swarming golems scattered. It gave them a way to escape.

"Get out of here now!" Kalya screams to wake up the dumbfounded students. Sure enough, the students immediately got up and ran through the path that Kalya had created for them.

(Her attacks work on the golems. I'm sure it's not magic)

Kyouka muttered in her heart. This was the first time she had seen spiritism in person.

(Beautiful and strong!)

Megumi looked at Kalya with sparkling eyes like seeing an idol.

(Turns out she's not only pretty...)

Hikaru feels more and more attracted to Kalya. He looked back as he was running from that place. He wanted to stay behind and fight together, but he didn't have that ability right now.

Not far from that place, they saw soldiers and golem troops coming towards them. Besides them, the students also saw Princess Melkia who looked panicked.

"Brother! I brought reinforcements!" Princess Melkia screamed when she saw Prince Torin and the students.

"Melkia, we have to get out of here and let the soldiers take care of it." Prince Torin grabbed Princess Melkia's hand and asked her to run away from there. Princess Melkia felt confused, but still obeyed her brother's orders.

Finally, the soldiers and golem army that Princess Melkia was carrying clashed with the foreign golems that were attacking them.

(Leya, Lilith please take care of Clara. I will lure all the golems at once)

Ziel quietly turned around and headed towards a deserted place.


Lilith answered curtly at Ziel's command.

(Be careful!)

Kalya smiles at him and leaves the place.

Ziel was now separated from the other students, he took out the fragments of the world altar and forcefully radiated its aura throughout the city.

Princess Melkia and the rest of the students finally stopped when they felt they were quite a distance from the golems. She was already out of breath from running continuously. Right now they could still see the foreign golems fighting with the soldiers and golem armies.

Before their eyes, a strange thing happened. The golems that had been attacking them suddenly stopped. They flew together in one direction. It wasn't just the foreign golems that were blocking them behind the building, but the foreign golems that were attacking in front of the building and that were hiding within the city came out one by one.

"What is happening?" Princess Melkia muttered and looked at the golems flying into the sky.

Princess Freya and Princess Iris looked around them and found that Ziel was not in the crowd of students.

(Did he go fishing for the golems?)

Princess Freya smiled and knew what was going on even though she didn't hear it directly from Ziel.

(Is he trying to help us?)

Princess Iris wonders about Ziel's intention of doing that. Because she knows he is indifferent to people other than his acquaintances.

On the other hand, Ziel is currently floating in the sky and wearing his mask. His gray hair fluttered in the wind. He looked at the horde of golems that were approaching him in numbers approaching a hundred.

"This is all." Ziel muttered while scanning the entire city.

"I know you can hear me, but unfortunately I don't like playing with dolls." Ziel said to one of the golems, a large magic circle appeared on his left side. A white sword came out slowly from the center of the magic circle. Ziel grabbed the hilt of the white sword and pulled it.


He slashed Alvha, his white sword at the horde of golems.

[Space Gluttony]

A gigantic space tear formed in the sky. The rip of space that was shaped like a monster's open jaw was moving at high speed towards the horde of golems. One by one the golems were swallowed by him. The golems scattered and tried to escape, but they failed due to the suction effect of the space rip. Fortunately, the golems couldn't feel any fear or pain. Otherwise, there would be many screams in the sky.

It wasn't long before the number of golems left was no more than ten. They were continuously chased by space rips just like the 'Pacman' in a video game. The last golem was finally swallowed up by space rips. Ziel resealed Alvha into the magic circle and the space rips disappeared from the sky.. After looking around, Ziel's body distorted and also vanished from there.josei

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