Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 119 - 21

Chapter 119 - 21

It was evening in the Dwarven Kingdom, there was still a long time for the students to enjoy the place. Ziel and his group who had left the heroes at the picnic spot were currently walking together enjoying the flower garden. Clara is seen having a fun chat with Beatrix because they haven't had time together for a long time. Princess Freya was unexpectedly close to Princess Iris and Lilith. While Dalvin, James, and Rhea chatted together. The only ones left behind were Ziel and Kalya.

"Is it okay to leave it like that?" Kalya suddenly whispered next to Ziel.

"About what?" Ziel didn't understand what she suddenly asked.

"About the heroes. Is it okay for you to just give them the paper and not an explanation?" Kalya was quite surprised by the way he treated the heroes. Ziel looked like he was guiding them with his words.

Kalya had the same feelings as everyone who was with him on the previous picnic. They are curious about the origin of Ziel. But they didn't dare to ask if Ziel didn't intend to tell them.

"In the first place, I have no obligation to answer their questions. If I answer them, then something troublesome will happen there. So I chose to leave that place immediately. But sooner or later they will come to see me again." Ziel would rather have a one-on-one conversation with one of the heroes than speak in front of a crowd like that.

"Ziel...Is it true what the heroes said about the food you served?" Kalya ventured to ask him about it.

"That's right. It did come from the world the heroes came from." Ziel answered her honestly.

"So... you are..." Kalya was shocked after hearing his answer. She was currently guessing about Ziel's true origins in her mind.

"You're wrong, Leya. I was born in this world." Ziel quickly cut off her words before she guessed any further.

"Eh? But the food?" Kalya gets confused by his rebuttal.

"I was born in this world. But you know life is not only about birth. Humans are born, grow from a baby to grow old, and finally die. It is a simple life cycle for humans. Then what about after humans die?" Ziel answers Kalya with a question.

"What do you mean? I don't understand at all." Kalya shook her head because she was getting confused by all the explanations.

"There are people who say that after death humans will be taken to a place to be held accountable for the deeds they have done. But some people say humans will reincarnate after they die." Ziel did not directly answer Kalya's question. He wanted Kalya to find the answer herself.

Kalya thought about what Ziel had said to her. The more she thought about it the more frightened she was by the answer she got.

(Silphy, didn't you hear what Ziel said?)

Kalya asked Silphy in her mind.

(I heard it)

Silphy could already guess the direction of Kalya's next conversation.

(You know what he's talking about?)

Kalya timidly asks her.

(Leya, you already know the answer, don't you?)

Silphy asked her back.


Kalya wanted to say she didn't know, but it was a lie and Silphy could figure it out.

(Leya, I already said it didn't I? He's not a person who should exist in this world. You only have one answer from the explanation he gave you earlier. He was the reincarnation of a person from the hero's origin world or perhaps a hero from ancient times. You have to accept that. )

Silphy spoke in a harsh tone to her. Kalya trembled after hearing what Silphy said. She stopped walking and trailed behind them. Ziel knew that Kalya had found the answer but didn't know what she was feeling right now.

(Ziel is from another world? Then… The reason he collected the world altar fragments was to return to his original world?)

Kalya asked Silphy in a trembling voice. Her voice was mixed with sadness and frustration. She finally dared to say the answer but extreme fear filled her mind at this moment. She hoped Silphy would refute her answer.


Silphy kept quiet and didn't answer. That means what she said was the same as what Silphy thought.

Kalya ran after Ziel who had walked away from her. Ziel knew she was thinking about something so he didn't bother her. Kalya walks beside him, but right now her face was pale and her eyes were teary. She tried her best to keep her tears from spilling out.

Kalya tugged at the hem of Ziel's sleeve, she wanted to ask him right now. Ziel stopped and looked at her. When Kalya was about to ask that, suddenly a voice called out to them from the front.

"Ken! What are you talking about with Miss Kalya? Hurry up we're going to the next place!" Clara shouted at him and made the others pay attention to them. Kalya immediately released her grip on the hem of his sleeve.

"Okay." Ziel walked after them with Kalya.

Princess Freya and Princess Iris noticed that something had happened to Kalya. Her face was extremely pale and looked like someone who had lost something very important.

The two of them not only chatted but also watched Ziel and Kalya secretly. They don't know what they're talking about. But they knew that it was very important when they saw the look on Kalya's face.

Kalya couldn't help but hold back her feelings which were currently very messy and unsettled before hearing Ziel's answer. She wanted to hear the answer straight from his mouth to calm her heart so she didn't contact him via brooch or telepathy.

Along the way, Kalya was silent and didn't say anything. Princess Freya and Princess Iris looked at each other after realizing something.

"Ahaha... what's wrong with Miss Kalya making a face like that? Have you been dumped by your lover?" Princess Freya approached her and whispered teasingly. But she didn't expect her response to be so cold.

"Shut up!" Kalya looked coldly at Princess Freya. Kalya's voice sent chills down her spine. Kalya walks faster and leaves her behind.

(What happened to her? She doesn't usually act like this. Did something happen between her and Ziel)

Princess Freya was silent while muttering in her heart. She froze on the spot after receiving a cold response from Kalya.

"What's wrong Freya?" Princess Iris asked her who had been silent since talking to kalya.

"Ah, it's nothing. We have to walk faster. Otherwise, we will be left behind." Princess Freya smiled bitterly and pulled Princess Iris' hand to chase the group in front of them.

Princess Iris felt that this time not only Kalya but also Princess Freya suddenly became strange. She looked at them alternately and saw Ziel who might be the cause of all this.


It wasn't long before night fell, the academy students regrouped in front of the magic car and prepared to head back to the castle. The trip went smoothly until they finally returned to the Dwarven Royal castle.

In a castle shaped like a skyscraper, students are free to go anywhere except forbidden places. At the top of the tower, there is a garden with a direct view of the sky. Coincidentally, that night no one was there except for a girl sitting alone.

Kalya was currently sitting quietly on the swing chair while calming her restless heart since she came back from the Magic Tools Hall. The moonlight shone on her beautiful face and made her look like a moon goddess.

"When will he come?" Kalya muttered in a voice carried by the night wind.

(Leya, can't you be a little more patient?)

Silphy manifested herself in front of her. It had been a long time since she had shown herself. He couldn't stay still when he saw Kalya fidgeting like that.

"But...!" Kalya wanted to say something to her but Silphy didn't let her continue.

(You're currently very unstable. Have you distrusted him just because of the fear of losing him?)

Silphy spoke a little harshly. Her words stabbed into the most fragile corner of her heart. Her body was shaking and Kalya couldn't answer her question.

When she had lost everything, Kalya found Ziel and without realizing it, Ziel became a very important part of her life. After all, it was her first love. Although elves are a race that is famous for being beautiful and handsome, they are very difficult to fall in love with. They will only fall in love with people who are truly meant for them. Because elves are a long-lived race, they have a love that can last even decades. They can only be separated if one of them dies. That's why Kalya is currently very afraid of losing Ziel. This makes her emotions very unstable.josei

(You should try to believe him, Leya)

Silphy said more softly to her this time. She was like a mother who was worried about her daughter.

"I trust him... But still, I'm afraid." Kalya hugs herself while shaking. Silphy was sad to see Kalya like that. She hoped that Ziel's answer wouldn't hurt her.


They heard footsteps approaching them. The person who came was Ziel. Due to the silence of the night, the sound of his footsteps could be heard and he had no intention of hiding his presence.

Ziel came to that place because Kalya wanted to ask him something very important. She asked him to meet her at that place shortly after they returned to the castle. So after returning to his room he went to meet her in the garden at the top of the tower.

(He's already here, I'll be back. Good luck)

Silphy saw her eyes before finally turning into particles and entering Kalya's body.

"Have you been waiting long? Sorry, I have to take care of some business first." ziel said apologetically for the delay. He walks towards Kalya who is sitting on the swing chair.

"Ah, no. It was my fault for asking you to come all of a sudden. Sit down..." Kalya shook her head and patted the seat next to her.

Ziel sat on the swing chair right next to her. The swing chair is only enough for two people to sit and even then they will stick together. Kalya immediately hugged Ziel's arm and rested her head on his shoulder to calm her mind.

"So, what's the important thing you want to ask?" Ziel asked her about the crux of the matter why she asked him to come to that place. He thinks Kalya is behaving strangely at this time.

"Please let me stay like this for a while." Kalya closed her eyes and felt the warmth from his body. Ziel gave a small nod at her request. Kalya stays like that for a while and Ziel doesn't bother her either. Ziel waited until Kalya was ready to ask him.

"Ziel... You came from another world, didn't you? The same world as the heroes?" Kalya asked while still hugging him.

"Did you get the answer?" Ziel glanced at Kalya who was leaning on his shoulder.

"Yes." Kalya replied briefly.

"Then I don't have to answer anymore because you already know." Ziel already knew that Kalya would find the answer.

"Ziel... Are you going back to your original world?" Kalya finally asked the question she had wanted to ask the most since she was in the Magic Tools Hall. Ziel raised his eyebrows after hearing her question.

"Is that the thing that made you act like this?" Ziel finally figured out what was bothering her at the moment. He knew this must have something to do with their conversation this afternoon.

"Yes...can you honestly answer it?" Kalya finally wakes up and opens her eyes. Ziel saw Kalya's teary eyes looking straight into his eyes. She hugged Ziel's arm tighter. 

"Why do you think like that?" Ziel doesn't know on what basis Kalya thinks he will return to his original world.

"Didn't you collect the world altar fragments for that?" Kalya reveals the reason to him.

"You seem to have misunderstood. I didn't collect those things to return to my original world. I was just preventing them from crossing there and causing trouble. That would leave a bad aftertaste on me later." Ziel corrected her misunderstanding.

"Really? You're not lying to me are you?" Kalya asks him excitedly.

"I won't return to my original world. I no longer have a place there. Didn't I tell you that I was born here? If I have to cross over there, then I'll take you with me." Ziel said seriously to her.

"That's a promise! You can't leave me! You have to take me wherever you go. Even if you have to go to another world!" Kalya smiled widely and hugged him tightly.

"I promise." Ziel subconsciously hugged her back and caressed her back. He clenched his fists and opened them again. Dozens of compressed lightning balls floated around them.

"Uh, what is this!?" Kalya is shocked to see what Ziel suddenly did.

"Look." Ziel flew the lightning balls into the sky. And one by one the lightning balls exploded into fireworks.


"It's beautiful..." Kalya rested her head on Ziel's shoulder. She did it as naturally as she breathed. Ziel took out a blanket from his space storage to cover Kalya's body from the cold night. Kalya smiled beautifully looking at the fireworks that exploded in the night sky.. At this moment all her anxiety disappeared and was replaced with great happiness.

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