Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 307 43

Chapter 307 43

Ziel slowly opened the door and was greeted by two women with worried faces for different reasons. He should have been in the room after the treatment ended and accompanying Queen Helena. But Ziel's appearance in front of Kalya and Princess Freya showed that the person with Queen Helena inside was not him.

After Queen Helena was consumed by her lust and kissed him, Ziel quickly created an illusion to make Queen Helena think that Ziel was with her in the room. His senses were still at work, and he couldn't have such an intimate relationship with Princess Freya's mother.

The thing that might be a problem is Queen Helena would think she was having sex with Ziel, which would give him a headache. But he shook his head and quickly threw that thought away. He could figure out a way to deal with the problem later. Ziel might bind Queen Helena to a master and servant contract or erase her memory if necessary.

"Ziel! How is my mother?" Princess Freya asked worriedly. Even though she believed in Ziel's power, she couldn't shake the anxiety in her heart when she thought about her mother's condition.

"She is fine. The treatment went smoothly. For now, let your mother rest. You can see her tomorrow." Ziel smiled and stroked Princess Freya's hair gently to calm her down.

"Thank you, Ziel!" Princess Freya smiled and hugged him tightly.

"You don't need to thank me. Aren't we family?" Ziel hugged her back and rubbed her back.

"Yes!" Princess Freya felt very happy and buried her face in Ziel's chest. On the other hand, Kalya smiled warmly at sight.

"Okay. Tonight you stay here. So you can see your mother right away in the morning." Ziel whispered in Princess Freya's ear and made the other party gasp when she heard those words.

"Ziel… Could it be that you want to do that with me tonight?" Princess Freya asked shyly and covered her blushing face.

"What are you thinking? It would be best if you slept because your face looks pale. Haven't you had time to rest since returning to the academy?" Ziel flicked Princess Freya's forehead and looked at her face intently.

"She still hasn't rested since returning to the academy yesterday. She is worried about her mother." Kalya answered first before Princess Freya spoke.

"No. I've had enough rest on the magic train. So it's only natural that I'm not sleepy after arriving at the academy... Well. I understand. I will rest." Princess Freya tried to deny Kalya's words, but when she saw Ziel staring at her, she could only obey.

"That's good." Ziel nodded and kissed her on the forehead.

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Princess Freya said with a pitiful face and made Ziel unable to refuse her request.

"Leya, I will accompany Freya. After that, there's something I want to talk to you about." Ziel said and held Princess Freya's hand. He took her to one of the rooms in the place which belonged to her. Clara and the other girls also had their rooms in the cottage.

"I understand. I will be waiting for you." Kalya nodded and smiled sweetly like a wife obeying her husband's words.

Upon entering the room, Princess Freya quickly lay down on the bed. Her face looked tired, and dark circles appeared under her eyes. Ziel sat on the chair beside her bed, holding her left hand.

"Go to sleep, Freya. You don't want your mother to see your pale face from exhaustion, do you? I don't want to see it either." Ziel kissed Princess Freya's forehead and rubbed her head gently. His treatment made Princess Freya feel very comfortable.

"Yes. I understand, honey. I love you." Princess Freya smiled beautifully and closed her eyes. She took Ziel's hand, placed it on her chest, and then clasped it with both hands. It didn't take long for Princess Freya to fall asleep as her body was exhausted. Besides, she felt comfortable having Ziel beside her.

After confirming that Princess Freya had fallen asleep, Ziel slowly pulled his hand away from her. It wasn't easy because Princess Freya held him so tightly, like she didn't want to let go. But in the end, Ziel managed to do it without waking her up.

"I love you too." Ziel kissed Princess Freya's forehead and covered her with the blanket. Princess Freya smiled in her sleep, and Ziel also smiled seeing her. After turning off the light in the room, he slowly came out and closed the door.

"Haa..." Ziel sighed. When he came out of the room, he saw Kalya sitting in the living room enjoying a cup of tea.

"Is Freya already asleep?" Kalya looked at Ziel with a bit of surprise. Ziel came out of the room much faster than she expected.

"Yes. She fell asleep not long after she lay down. It looks like she's really tired." Ziel walked over to Kalya and sat next to her. Kalya gets up and pours tea for Ziel. Then she sat back down next to him.

"How are the other girls? Could it be that their condition was the same as Freya's?" Ziel asked. He focused on Queen Helena's treatment since yesterday. Therefore, he had no idea what their current situation was.

"They are fine. Unlike Freya, who forced herself not to rest, they had enough sleep after returning from the Aurelia Kingdom. Clara and the others came here this afternoon. but after learning that you were treating Queen Helena, they waited for you until the evening and returned when they started to feel tired." Kalya explained.

"Good. But I have neglected my duty as a butler because of this treatment, even though I know I have hardly done my job since coming to the academy. Since the female and male dormitories are separate, I can't serve Clara well, and there isn't much I can do for her because she can do everything herself. I can only do small things related to food and drink." Ziel sighed and leaned his back on the sofa.

Ziel almost forgot his duties as a butler because of the problems that came in succession. He couldn't live his peaceful life if the continent guardians were still hunting him. Moreover, there are still ancient gods whose existence is still mysterious.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm sure Clara can understand your situation." Kalya said affectionately and tightly gripped Ziel's hand.

"Thank you." Ziel smiled and squeezed Kalya's hand.

"The holidays are over, and the students will start attending the academy tomorrow. The students who went on vacation have been back since this morning." Kalya reminded. She felt that his vacation time was insufficient due to the problems in the Aurelia Kingdom. Because of that, she couldn't spend much time with Ziel.

"Hmm... I almost forgot about that. I thought I'd still have another vacation day if you didn't say that." Ziel was a little surprised when he heard that and remembered that today was the last day of vacation.

"You look tired. Does treating Queen Helena drain your strength?" Kalya said with concern and was worried about Ziel's condition.

"My body doesn't, but my mind is a little tired." Ziel said and smiled weakly.

"What happened? Is treating Queen Helena very mentally draining? Is the disease so chronic that it makes you like that?" Kalya showered Ziel with questions.

"It relates to what I want to tell you." Ziel's face changed when he said that.

"Is this very serious?" Kalya noticed the change in Ziel's face and was worried that something had happened to Queen Helena. If something bad happened to him, then Princess Freya would be sad.

"This can be serious, but it can also be a trivial matter." Ziel took another sip of tea in his cup, making Kalya tense up. He smiled and stroked Kalya's cheek to make the other party feel more relaxed. After confirming that Kalya had calmed down, Ziel started to open his mouth.

"When I treated Queen Helena..." Ziel explained what had happened in the room. Although he had promised Queen Helena not to tell anyone, he needed to tell Kalya about it.

Ziel told Kalya everything that happened, from the interrupted healing process because Queen Helena insisted on suppressing the flow of mana in her to the moans of pleasure that came out of her mouth due to the side effects of her treatment.josei

Hearing that voice for a whole day made Ziel feel annoyed. Not to mention having to see the seductive appearance of Queen Helena. He could close his eyes and ears. But if he did, he wouldn't be able to monitor the treatment process properly.

In addition, Ziel also said about Queen Helena asking him to stay with her after the treatment was over, and he was forced to create an illusion that made Queen Helena think Ziel was in the room with her.

Kalya opened her mouth wide after hearing Ziel's explanation. She was shocked because many strange things happened during Queen Helena's treatment.

"That is..." Kalya didn't know how to respond to Ziel's story. He had said that the matter could be serious or not, depending on how he reacted. But Kalya didn't expect Queen Helena to be so bold even though she already knew that Ziel was her daughter's lover.

"Your charm is too strong for women to resist. Even a woman with a husband like Queen Helena can submit to you like that. But you can't let Freya hear about this. She might be disappointed in her mother if she found out." Kalya pouted and pinched Ziel's waist.

"I know about it. It's just that I feel weird about something." Ziel could imagine how Princess Freya would react if she learned about her mother's behavior. But something still lingered in his mind about the treatment he had given to Queen Helena.

"Hmm? What's that?" Kalya tilted her head cutely.

"Aishia and Queen Helena's illnesses should be similar. Only the latter is more chronic. Even though Aishia reacted the same way when I first treated her, it wasn't as extreme as Queen Helena's. I'm sure the effect shouldn't be like that. If she did it in the beginning, then I can understand. But she did it throughout the treatment, for a whole day." Ziel complained and massaged his head. After listening to that voice for a whole day, Queen Helena's moans sometimes echoed in his mind.

"You don't have to think about that. Maybe Queen Helena has a problem with her sexual relationship with King Leonida. Besides, the effects of the treatment you gave him may contain the pleasure he seeks. Therefore, when she got that feeling, the sexual desire that arose was much greater than Aishia's." Kalya said in a very bold sentence.

Ziel saw Kalya and was silent for a while. He didn't expect those words to come out of Kalya's mouth, who usually has a cold and aloof temperament.

"Why? Is there something wrong with my words?" Kalya asked confusedly.

"No. I think your words make sense." Ziel knew that Kalya's words were a little bold. But when he thought about it again, he felt it made sense, and maybe Queen Helena had experienced it.

"So, what will you do when she wakes up? Wouldn't she think that you two had sex all night? What if she asks for your responsibility?" Kalya smiled and teased Ziel.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about and ask for your opinion. I wouldn't have to worry about her if I used easy means like binding her with a master and servant contract by force or erasing her memories. But I can't do it because she is Freya's mother." Ziel said helplessly. Kalya was surprised because it was the first time she had seen Ziel like this.

"Okay! You can leave the matter to me! I will speak to Queen Helena tomorrow. I'm sure she'll understand." Kalya smiled and was happy that Ziel wanted to depend on her, even if it was a trivial matter.

"Thank you." Ziel smiled and said softly.

"You don't need to thank me. It's just a small problem." Kalya was pleased because she could help him. Then she shifted herself and sat closer to Ziel.

"By the way… how are you feeling right now, Ziel? Do you still have any desire after hearing Queen Helena's moan? If so, I will help you relieve it and eliminate those voices in your mind." Kalya whispered seductively in Ziel's ear. She boldly put her hand on Ziel's thigh and moved towards his intimate part. She looked at him with her red face and moist eyes.

When Kalya provoked his male instincts, Ziel couldn't stand still. He quickly pressed his lips on hers and kissed her greedily. Kalya happily welcomes him, puts her arm around his neck, and kisses him back.

Ziel slowly picked her up and carried Kalya in the princess hug to their room. He didn't let go of her lips and instead kissed Kalya more aggressively with their tongues intertwined with each other.

"Ahnnn...." After they entered the room and the door was closed, moans full of love and pleasure echoed through the place throughout the night. The next morning, they had to return to their academic life as teachers and students.

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