Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 309 45

Chapter 309 45

Ziel brought Lilith and Clara to teleport to the border between the Neigal Kingdom and the Aurelia Kingdom. Since Clara didn't get the detailed location of her classmates, they could only go by horse carriage and follow along the border they rented from the nearest town. After exploring the area for several hours, they still hadn't found the minority that Clara's classmate was referring to.

"Was what he had said a lie?" Clara begins to doubt what her classmates say and thinks they have lied to her. She felt guilty towards Ziel because she had made them waste their time in that place if the minorities had never existed.

"I don't think so, my lady. They wouldn't suddenly tell stories as if they had never seen those gray-haired people. After all, they didn't tell you, but you asked them because you overheard their chatter. " Ziel smiled and comforted Clara. He knew what she was worried about and couldn't bear to see him pout like that.

"You are right. This is my fault." Clara said in a weak voice, and her face grew even darker after hearing Ziel's words.

"That is..." Ziel realized he had used the wrong words. He could only sigh at his carelessness.

"I don't blame you for this, my lady. Your purpose is for my good because you want me to find my family. I thank you and appreciate it. So please don't feel guilty about this. After all, the story from your classmate isn't necessarily a lie." Ziel had to get Clara's mood back immediately. Otherwise, their journey will be uncomfortable because Clara keeps frowning and refusing to speak.

"Is that so?" Clara glanced at Ziel. She was relieved that Ziel didn't blame her.

"Of course. For what reason do I blame you? You are here because I invited you, and I am to blame. So we don't have to think about whether we will find those minorities or not. You can think of it as a sightseeing trip on the border." Ziel didn't want Clara to be burdened with that problem. Because from the start, he didn't think it was important.

"In that case, I'll consider this our follow-up date! Isn't that right, Lilith?" Clara smiled teasingly at Lilith.

"Ah! Yes!" Lilith was shocked and answered in a panic because Clara suddenly threw the question at her. Her face blushed every time she remembered her date with Ziel, and she averted her eyes from them in embarrassment.

"Okay. We'd better find them on foot. If we continue to use the horse carriage, we may miss the clue about the minorities." Ziel thought it would be difficult to find clues from those minorities if they only looked from the horse carriage along the road. He could check the presence of the surroundings with his senses, but he couldn't determine the color of their hair.

"That is a good idea. After all, the seat of this horse carriage makes me sick from constantly swaying from the damaged road at the border." Clara quickly agreed to Ziel's words. he sat uncomfortably because the carriage didn't have a spring-like shock absorber system. On the other hand, Lilith didn't say anything because she would agree with whatever Ziel said.

After getting off the horse carriage, they walked hand in hand. Ziel was in the middle, and the two girls flanked him.

"Shouldn't we hold hands like this if we're on a date!?" Clara boldly linked her hand with Ziel, and it made Lilith envious.

Ziel grabbed Lilith's hand after noticing the expression on her face. He knew Lilith wouldn't dare to do it if he didn't take the initiative first.

They walked down the streets at the borders of the Neigal Kingdom while checking the surroundings. On Ziel's right, Clara walked with light steps, and her mood looked perfect. On the other hand, Lilith couldn't help but look away in embarrassment and didn't dare meet Ziel's eyes. Even so, she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

Ziel, Clara and Lilith had walked for quite some time along the streets along the border. Unknowingly, they had walked several kilometers, but neither of them felt tired. They enjoyed the time and also the beautiful scenery they encountered.

The three of them would stop somewhere at lunchtime because Ziel brought food and drink with him, and it looked like they were having a picnic. After finishing their lunch, they continued their search.

Time passed quickly, and the sky was getting dark. Ziel and the two girls were still walking down the street at the border. When they arrived at a place close to the forest, Ziel's senses suddenly caught the presence of several people. He kept releasing his senses along the way to check his surroundings for the whereabouts of the minorities, and his efforts seemed to have paid off.

"Wait." Ziel stopped his footsteps and confused Clara and Lilith beside him. Even so, they only stayed silent after seeing Ziel close his eyes and seem to be concentrating. Not long after, Ziel opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

"I found many people gathered in the forest not far from this place. I don't know if they are the people we are looking for. We have to check it in person to be sure." Ziel looked at Clara and Lilith, and both nodded in response.

They walked straight along the road at the border and then turned into a forest area full of bushes. After the three passed through the bushes, they saw a relatively large village.

"My classmate's words are right! There is a minority village here! We didn't come to this place in vain!" Clara said excitedly. On the other hand, Ziel and Lilith couldn't help but smile.

Even though it looked ordinary, the buildings in that place felt solid and seemed to be made unusually. But before Ziel and the two girls could go any further, they heard a scream, and two people suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Who are you!?" Two gray-haired boys the same age as Ziel appeared with swords and spears in their hands. But when they saw Clara and Lilith next to him, the two boys were mesmerized by their beauty.

"Say! Who are you, and what is your purpose in coming to this place! ? If you come with evil intentions, we will have to kill you on the spot!" One of the boys threatened Ziel.

"I have no ill intentions coming to this place. I just wanted to meet your leader and ask a few things. After that, I will leave immediately." Ziel replied calmly even though they pointed their weapon at him and looked at him with hostility.

The two boys looked at each other and then nodded. They still had doubts about Ziel's words, but they had to convey the matter to their leader.

"You wait here! I will tell this to the village head. Whether he wants to or not to meet you is his decision." The boy holding the spear ran towards the village and left the boy holding the sword behind. They seemed still wary of Ziel and didn't want to lower their guard in the slightest.

"Where are you from, and what's your name?" The boy asked, but his eyes only looked at the two girls and ignored Ziel.

Lilith and Clara noticed the boy's gaze and snorted coldly. They felt disgusted for the boy. The two girls might have slapped him if it wasn't for them having business there.

"You!" The boy was enraged by the response from Clara and Lilith. But when he raised his voice, a terrifying power suddenly appeared and suppressed him.

Ziel looked at the boy coldly. Kalya and the girls around him are his bottom line. He knew they could protect themselves. But when the girls were with him, protecting them was his duty.

"Ugh!" The boy couldn't resist the pressure, and then he knelt so hard that the ground beneath him became a small crater.



"What is going on!?"

"Was there an attack from magical beasts!?

"Is this an earthquake!?"

The residents of the place panicked when they heard the sound of an explosion and a slight tremor on the ground. They rushed out with weapons, thinking the sounds and shaking were from magical beast attacks.josei

"What are you doing, my friend!?" The boy with the spear shouted angrily when he saw his friend kneeling in front of Ziel. He came along with an old man with whitish gray hair. The boy charged toward Ziel and thrust his spear.

"Wait…" The white-haired old man tried to stop the boy, but it was too late. He knew very well how strong the boy was and didn't want the boy to hurt anyone who tried to meet him. But the next sight made the old man open his mouth wide.

Ziel blocked the spearhead from the boy with his finger. Then he casually flicked it, and the boy was blown away a dozen meters.

"You! What have you done!?" One of the residents in the village shouted.

Not long after, the people in the village gathered and pointed their weapons at Ziel. But it was immediately stopped by the old man who had come back to his senses after hearing that scream.

"Stop!" The gray-haired old man suddenly appeared in front of those people and prevented them from taking further action.

"Village head! That outsider has already injured one of us! How can you defend him!?" One of the residents was displeased with the old man's action of stopping them.

"You are not his opponent. Not only him but also the two girls beside him. I stopped you not for his good but you. So you can disband now! Leave this matter to me and take those two people!" The old man said with authority, making the residents silent and not daring to argue with him.

Moreover, the residents were shocked by the old man's words because Ziel and the two girls in front didn't look strong. But if he had said that, then it must be true since they knew him very well. As the village head, he wouldn't lie to them to protect an outsider he didn't know.

"We understand, village head!" The residents quickly dispersed and only left the old man with Ziel, Clara and Lilith.

"Come with me!" The old man walked towards the center of the village. Ziel and the two girls just kept quiet and followed him from behind. Not long after, they arrived at a building that looked bigger than the other buildings.

"Were all the buildings here built with the magic?" Ziel asked casually. The old man stopped his footsteps and looked back.

"You have sharp eyes." The old man neither confirmed nor denied it. But those words indirectly confirmed Ziel's question.

"Come in. This is my home." The old man entered the building, followed by Ziel and the others.

"Sit down. I'm sorry that I can't offer you a drink or food as we're not used to receiving guests from outside." The old man smiled and sat on the floor covered with a carpet. There were no chairs or other furniture in the room, making the place look empty. So Ziel and the two girls could only follow him to sit on the floor.

"Before we get into our conversation, let me introduce myself first. I am Chiron, and I am the village head of this settlement. I want to know who you are and where you come from." The old man looked at Ziel and the others with a serious face to show that he wouldn't accept lies.

"My name is Ziel, and these two girls are my lovers. We are from the Piqmentia Grand Academy in the Neigal Kingdom." Ziel replied.

When Clara and Lilith heard those words, they blushed. They felt very happy, and their hearts turned into a flower garden. The sweet taste of love filled their whole minds.

"Ahaha… you are lucky because you got two beautiful lovers." Chiron smiled and looked at Lilith and Clara in turn.

"We are the lucky ones to be with him." Lilith and Clara answered in unison.

"Is that so? In that case, you three make a perfect match." Chiron nodded, and then the atmosphere around him changed.

"Then, what exactly do you want to talk to me about? I heard you came to this place to ask something. Is that true?" Chiron looked at Ziel and asked.

"You are right. But before that…" Ziel answered, and his figure suddenly became blurry. Then her hair color turned gray, and her eyes became crimson. His average face turned transcendent and it took Chiron by surprise.

"I will introduce myself one more time. My name is Ziel Grisel, and I came here to ask about my parents. So, can you help me with that?" Ziel looked directly at Chiron, and his figure made the other party feel terrible pressure.

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