Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 43 - 6

Chapter 43 - 6


The stone prison that locked Beatrix was destroyed after Ifrit hit it a dozen times. A burst of fire from Ifrit's punch was directed at one of the magic masters who made the spell.

"Aaaahhhh..." The magic master who was hit by a burst of flames instantly scorched.

"I must immediately clean up you and help my cute students. Ifrit, kill them all!" Beatrix shows her wand and orders Ifrit. .


Ifrit spits fire from his mouth towards the remaining 2 magic masters. The magic master who saw one of his friends scorched instantly when hit by the fire immediately made a barrier and tried to avoid the range of the flames. But they suddenly couldn't move because their legs were frozen by Beatrix's magic. And the two magic masters were also burned by Ifrit.


" me!!"

"As expected of the dual element magic king Beatrix Artvika. It looks like we won't be able to defeat you. But our goal is to just keep you here...hahaha." The sword grandmaster laughed and charged towards Beatrix. 6 tiger claw-patterned aura seals formed on his body.

"You think you can hold me back for long with just 1 grandmaster and a few masters?" Beatrix sneered at the sword grandmaster that trying to attack her from the front. She then opened her 7 magic circles.

[Dual Element Sword]

Two magic circles formed under Beatrix's feet. From each magic circle formed one sword. One was a sword of blazing fire that burned everything around it, and the other was a sword of ice that could freeze anything it touched.

Beatrix and Sword grandmaster both slashed their swords. Beatrix's ice sword met the sword of the sword grandmaster. And when their swords collided, a shockwave accompanied by a chill could be felt in the surroundings.

"Amazing... even though you're a mage, but you can withstand a knight's sword slash with pure strength. And your swordsmanship also looks very sharp and not half-hearted." The sword grandmaster was dumbfounded after clashing swords with Beatrix.

"Looks like you forgot something..." Beatrix slashed the fire sword she held in her left hand.

Beatrix's two swords collided with his sword. And he bounced a few meters.

"Ugh... What kind of power is that!? Even though you're a mage!?" He felt his hand that hold the sword suddenly go numb after clashing swords with Beatrix.

"This is not over!" Beatrix then went forward to attack him. Their swords clashed again. They had quite a brief clash of swords, but the Sword grandmaster seemed to be pushed back. Then they kept their distance from each other.

Beatrix raised her ice sword. Then swung it towards Sword grandmaster. The trajectory of her slash froze and gave rise to ice spikes. The sword grandmaster who saw it sensed danger and tried to dodge it, but his right leg was pierced by a spike of ice and frost that interfered with his movement causing him to fall while dodging. When he realized another slash from Beatrix had arrived before his eyes. It was a slash of fire swords that burned along Beatrix's slash trajectory.

"Aaarrrgggghhh...!" He has torn apart and each it was scorched.

"Haaah... Troublesome. Well, it's time to help my cute student." Beatrix removes her magic. Ifrit and the two swords in her hands turned into particles and disappeared.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh..." Beatrix heard Clara's scream from the direction of the mansion.

"Damn...!" She immediately ran to the mansion with all her might.


Dagger Grandmaster swung his dagger at Clara's neck. She could only surrender to close her eyes and accept her death.

(Someone, please help me...)

She begged in her heart, and tears streamed down her cheeks. But the dagger stopped when it almost touched Clara's neck. Dagger grandmaster was shocked by what he saw. There was a person who suddenly appeared unnoticed by his presence pinching the dagger between his fingers. When Clara realized that the pain she was waiting for didn't arrive. She slowly opened her eyes. There was a boy who had just become her butler today.

"Ken!!" Clara shouted her name out loud.

Ziel pinched the dagger on his finger until it split into 2. Then flicked the piece of the dagger to the forehead of the dagger grandmaster. Before flicking it, Ziel had filled the dagger flakes with an aura that he was compressed to the extreme. That piece of dagger shot out at a speed that even the grandmaster couldn't see. And the dagger grandmaster died instantly without having the chance to move the slightest bit to dodge.

Then Ziel moved forward at high speed and strangled the two masters behind the dagger grandmaster. Ziel broke their necks and threw their body on the floor. After that, he approached the frightened Clara.

"Ken!!" Clara screamed and jumped into Ziel's arms crying.

"I'm sorry for being late, my lady. Everything is fine now." Ziel patted Clara on the back to calm her down.

"Hics...hics...I'm scared...Ken." She was still crying until she wet Ziel's shoulder with tears.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore. It's all over." Ken rubbed Clara's head and it took a while for her to calm down.

"Thanks, Ken. Good thing you're on time." She separated herself from Ziel. Her face was red because she was embarrassed after realizing that she had been crying for quite a while in Ziel's arms.

"It's my job after all." Ziel bowed his head to Clara and then started cleaning up the corpses in her room.

"Aah... how are my parents doing, Ken!? I'm worried for them, let's check it out soon." Clara wiped the tears from her face then immediately grabbed Ziel's hand and pulled him out of the room with her. josei

"Yes, my lady." Ziel nodded slowly as he followed her and let Clara take his hand.


Duke Hazell and his wife who were bound by magic chains by the magic grandmaster tried to break free. Eleanor cast magic in the form of a miniature water dragon and made it attack the chains that bound them. Dozens of miniature water dragons collided with the magic chains. The two of them shattered at the same time as they collided.

"Honey, I'll hold them off with Raven. You go to Clara's room!" Duke Hazell was holding a short wand with a black crystal on it. He opened 4 magic circles from his body then charged towards the magic grandmaster.

[Thunder Clap]

A bolt of lightning struck towards the magic grandmaster. But the magic grandmaster just kept quiet. And a thin magic barrier formed in front of him. That bolt of lightning couldn't even scratch the barrier.

"Don't think you can get out of here!" The magic grandmaster raised his wand and dozens of fireballs formed on it. Then he threw the fireball at Duke Hazell and his wife who were about to head to Clara's room.

Duke Hazell, his wife, and the Raven are Standing frozen and watching the dozens of fireballs heading towards them at high speed.

[Glacier Breath]

Before the fireball hit Duke Hazell and the others. The dozens of fireballs disappeared in an instant in the gust of cold air.

"What!?" The magic grandmaster was shocked as his fireball was suddenly dispelled.

"Beatrix!!" When Eleanor saw Beatrix she smiled widely. With Beatrix, they can easily defeat the enemy in front of them and help Clara.

"Eleanor, Duke Hazell are you guys, all right? We must defeat them immediately!" Beatrix went over to Duke Hazell and the others to check on their condition.

"We're fine. Let's finish them off and help Clara right away." Duke Hazell, Eleanor, and Raven attack 2 of the Magic Grandmaster's subordinates. And Beatrix immediately attacked with full force so as not to waste time. 7 magic circles appeared on her body. And she instantly cast one of her strongest magic spells.

[Frozen World]

The room where they were fighting froze. And the center is the magic grandmaster who freezes instantly by Beatrix's magic.

Beatrix then saw that Duke Hazell and the others had also defeated their enemy. After that, they ran towards Beatrix.

"Beatrix please help Clara!" Eleanor grabbed Beatrix's hand and pulled her to Clara's room. But before going, they saw 2 people walking towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" Clara jogged and hugged her parents.

"Clara! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Eleanor examined Clara's body from top to bottom.

"I'm okay mom, luckily Ken was on time." Clara said as she glanced at Ziel and her face reddened remembering what happened earlier. Seeing her daughter like that, Eleanor couldn't help but smile a little.

"Thanks, Ken for saving Clara." Duke Hazell slightly lowered his head to Ziel.

"You don't need to thank, sir. Because it's my duty as her butler." Ziel nodded slightly.

"'s not wrong then you become Clara's butler. Well, we have to clean up the mess here." Duke Hazell laughed happily because he felt that his decision to accept Ziel was not wrong and look around the state of his mansion.

"Yes, sir." Ziel nodded at Duke Hazell's words. He started to clean up the mess inside the mansion. As he cleared up he felt a glare directed at him from Beatrix that was previously just silent.

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