Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 54 - 17

Chapter 54 - 17

When Princess Iris came, the Hall fell silent. But you can hear the prospective students whispering. They all dodged Princess Iris who was walking towards the registration desk. The prospective students who knew nothing and were close to her, they seem suddenly shaking and sweat dripping from their forehead. They look like they are having difficulty breathing.

"What is happening?" Clara tilted her head and asked Ziel. But Ziel didn't answer her and just silently narrowed his eyes looking at the mana leaking around Princess Iris. Unlike the problem with Princess Aishia, who has a large and uncontrollable number of manas that can explode at any time. The mana released from Princess Iris felt very dark and eerie.

The mana that was released from Princess Iris contained dense killing intent, not the usual killing intent that only suppressed one's soul. But a killing intent can bring death directly to the person who touches it. People who are touched by her mana will only get goosebumps because of fear and difficulty breathing. The closer and the more they are touched, the faster they have died.. She is like the incarnation of the Death God living in a human body.

"Ken...Ken..." Clara finally got annoyed and puffed her cheeks when she saw Ziel ignore her.

"I'm sorry, lady. I was thinking about something earlier." He lowered his head to Clara.

"Is that true? Not because you're fascinated by that girl?" Clara glared at Ziel who looked suspicious. But before Ziel could answer, Beatrix cut them off.

"Let's register immediately. Behind us, there are still many people waiting in line." Beatrix points back and reminds Ziel and Clara. She then walked towards the registration desk.

"Okay, Aunty." Clara gave a small nod and walked after Beatrix. She glanced back at Ziel who was following her then puffed out her cheeks. It's seen that she's still upset about being ignored.

Not long after Ziel and Clara's registration was completed. They immediately left the place and looked for an inn close to the academy. Because tomorrow they have to do the entrance exam very early in the morning. When they register before, they are also given an exam manual. The book explained that there will be 3 exams to be able to pass as a student at Piqmentia Grand Academy. The three tests are...

1. Written exam

2. Aptitude test

3. Practice exam

The three exams have different scores. Surprisingly the greatest value was in the aptitude test. The written exam is only to assess the knowledge of the students whereas the practice exam only assesses fighting ability but not one's future potential. Because there are people who focus themselves as the support type. The academy provides the manual book at the beginning so that prospective students already know what the exams are and only have to focus on the entrance exam tomorrow. And in every manual book they received, they would be given a symbol indicating which group they were in for tomorrow's exam.

Since there are thousands of applicants, the academy will divide them into 3 groups. So that everyone does not gather in one place. The three groups are the golden tower, the silver tower, and the red tower. Currently, Ziel and the others are walking out of the academy towards the inn where they will be staying for the night.

"Which group did you get, Ken?" Clara glanced at the manual book that Ziel was holding.

"I got the red tower group." Ziel shows his book to Clara.

"Ah... I got the silver tower group. So we can't take the test together." Clara looks disappointed and sad after knowing that Ziel is not in the same group as her.

"I'll pick you up as soon as I'm done with the exam. So please don't go anywhere alone, lady." Ziel didn't mean to cheer her up, Ziel said that because his main purpose in joining the academy was to take care of Clara. josei

"I know! I'm not a kid anymore!" Even though she said that but her lips smiled a little. Beatrix who was walking in front of them could only shake her head.

"I've asked someone to secure inn for you in advance. So you don't have to worry about where you can rest." On her way to the academy, Beatrix asked one of her friends who is also a teacher at the academy to help her find an inn for Ziel and Clara.

"Auntie, you mean just me and Ken? Then what about you?" If only Clara and Ziel were given a room. It's been confirmed that Beatrix won't be with them.

"I already have my residence within the academy. And you must know that at times like this it is very difficult to find an empty inn. Because almost all the inns are fully occupied by prospective students who come from various regions. Fortunately, my acquaintances can still get one room for two people. Although it's not a luxurious inn, he thinks it's comfortable enough for just one night's stay." Beatrix smirked looking at Clara.

Realizing what Beatrix's previous words meant, Clara's face was reddened to the point of her ears.

"Auntie! What are you saying!?" Clara screams at Beatrix but her eyes glance to Ziel next to her.

"Haha... I was kidding about that part. Look we've arrived at your inn." Beatrix stopped at a building that was quite old but seemed to be kept clean.

"Shall we stay here?" Clara who used to live in the mansion was a bit reluctant when she saw it.

"Of course...but sorry, auntie can't find anything better than this. Because all the good inns are full. But if it's only for one night, this inn is quite comfortable. Let's go in." Beatrix grabbed Clara's hand who was just standing in front of the inn. Ziel just silently followed them. He didn't care at all where he rested, as long as it was clean and comfortable.

"Welcome..." When they entered, they were immediately greeted by the middle-aged man standing at the reception desk. It seemed he was also the owner of the inn.

Inside the inn, Ziel saw a beautiful girl and a boy with whitish purple hair. Both of them were Lilith and Berith that Ziel had previously suppressed with his strength. And coincidentally it seems they are also staying at the same inn as Ziel.

"We would like to check-in for the room Christof has reserved." Christof is the acquaintance that Beatrix told them about earlier. He is also a teacher at Piqmentia Grand Academy.

"Ah... Order by Mr. Christof, 1 room for 2 people right?" The innkeeper opened his guest book and confirmed it back to Beatrix.

"Yes, that's right." Beatrix answered briefly.

"Ron! please escort this guest to his room!" The innkeeper called a boy who was about the same age as Ziel. As the innkeeper mentioned, his name is Ron.

"Okay, uncle. This way, please guest." Ron guides Ziel and the others to their room. But when Ron saw Lilith, he stopped and being mesmerized by her beauty.

"Could you take us right now?" Beatrix taps Ron on the shoulder and wakes him from his delusions.

"Ah... Yes. This way, please." He was shocked and immediately escorted Ziel and the others to their room. They passed into Lilith who seemed to be checking in at the inn too. Lilith who staying at a cheap inn was like something out of place. Because she is more suited to live in a luxurious inn.

When Ziel passed Lilith, he could feel that Lilith suddenly fell silent and stared coldly at him. But he just ignored it and continued walking towards his room.


When Ziel and the others had left from the front of the reception desk to their room. Lilith silently stare in the direction Ziel left until his figure completely disappeared.

"Lady, what's wrong?" Berith asked her when he saw Lilith silently looking in a certain direction.

"Ah... Nothing." Lilith came back to reality after hearing Berith call out to her. Previously when she passed Ziel, She felt her body tremble for a moment. Even though it was only for a moment, but a fallen god's senses were very sensitive to danger. She checked it again, but she found that the people she had run into before were only a magic king and 2 senior mages. None of them could threaten her life. Because of that, she was curious. Where the previous feeling of terror she felt was coming from.

(Could it be just me?)

Beatrix muttered in her heart. Then she shook her head. She might have become overly wary due to the incident she experienced while enrolling in the academy earlier.

"Berith, let's go back to the room, there's something I want to talk about." Lilith immediately walked to her room without waiting for an answer from Berith.


In a room with 2 beds. Lilith is currently sitting with a serious look on her face. She snapped her fingers, then a layer of barrier enveloped the room.

"I've put up a barrier in this room, so no one will peek or eavesdrop on us." Lilith was still feeling uneasy from the previous incident. So every action she had to do was very careful.

"What's the matter, lady?" Berith was confused by Lilith's excessive wariness.

"I found a way to kill those humans at the Academy without getting dirty our hands." Lilith's previously serious expression turned into a wide smile that would captivate any man who saw it.

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