Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 71 - 34

Chapter 71 - 34


At night, in the treatment room inside the SkyDome. Princess Freya and her father, King Leonida are accompanying Prince Fritz who is being examined by the Royal Mage. They were taken by King Leonida who panicked by the state of his son who suddenly could not use his powers. He immediately left the Aurelia Kingdom using teleportation magic to Vittoria city when he got the news.

Besides them, there were also Princess Aishia, Flavio Hendrique and Alvis Donell who are homeroom teachers of class S and class C, and Merlick Donovan who was the Principal of the academy.

"How is my son?" King Leonida asked the mage who checked Prince Fritz.

"After I checked it over and over again. I can confirm that its power is sealed by magic." The mage reported the results of his examination to King Leonida.

"Seal? Does he have an enemy here?" King Leonida looked at his daughter who was standing beside him. .

"All I know is that brother has no enemies. Ah, he fought with a class D student. Even though he bounced after brother hit him." Princess Freya answered honestly. She didn't think that Ziel was the one who gave her brother the seal.

"Can you open it?" King Leonida asked the royal mage expectantly.

"I'll give it a try, usually seal magic can be opened by force as long as our strength is greater than the strength of the owner of the seal." The mage opened 7 magic circles on his body which showed that he was a Magic King. He pointed her index finger at Prince Fritz and used his spell on him.

[Open Seal!]

However, the magic reversed when it touched Prince Fritz. The mage was blown away by his magic. Everyone was shocked by what happened in front of them.

"What happened?" King Leonida asked the mage who was lying on the floor.

"Ugh... I'm sorry your majesty. It seems my power is below the seal's possessor." The mage smiled bitterly while trying to stand up.

"What!?" King Leonida and everyone who was there was shocked. The person who was stronger than a Magic King was at least a Sage. What kind of thing did Prince Fritz do that someone as strong as that gave him the seal?

"Perhaps Mr. Merlick could give it a try." The mage still looked weak from the previous attack.

"Merlick, can you give it a try?" King Leonida looked at Merlick who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Merlick then walked in front of Prince Fritz and did the same with the previous mage.


Merlick bounced further than the mage. Maybe it's because the power he gives off is also greater.

"What!?" Everyone widened their eyes in shock. With the incidents in front of them, everyone can conclude one thing. The one who gave the seal to Prince Fritz was much stronger than the Principal who had the power of a Sage.

"What exactly happened? Is there anyone that strong in this academy?" King Leonida was shocked and panicked and asked everyone there. But none of them answered him.

When they were guessing who it was. There was someone who had been silent for a while with a trembling body. That person is Princess Freya. When they talked about people who were stronger than the Principal, she could only think of one person in her mind. She remembered when his brother punched him, she should have stopped him immediately. She was sure the person who did it was Ziel.

(What should I do?)

Princess Freya muttered in her heart, she knew that all of this was her brother's fault and she was also taking part in the matter. If not for her clinging to Ziel. His brother wouldn't have punched him and ended up like that. She regretted not being able to suppress her feelings. Without her knowing it, tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Freya, what happened to you? Why are you suddenly crying?" Princess Aishia who is next to her is worried to see her condition. Everyone in the room looked at her.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm just sad about my brother's condition." she shook her head and smiled wryly while wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay, Freya?" Her father who saw it was also worried.

"I'm fine father, sorry for worrying you. But it looks like I'll be going back to my dorm because I'm a little tired." She immediately found an excuse to quickly leave that place. Right now she was ashamed of being the center of attention of the people there.

"Okay. Aishia, please accompany Freya back to her dorm." King Leonida nodded slightly and looked at Princess Aishia who was holding Princess Freya's hand.

"Yes, Uncle Leonida. Let's go, Freya." Princess Aishia looked at Princess Freya who had a gloomy face.

"Yes... I'll go first, Father." Princess Freya bowed slightly to everyone in the room and walked out of the room with Princess Aishia.

(I have to talk to him tomorrow)

She is determined to meet and ask Ziel to unseal his brother.


Early morning in the mansion located in the middle of the forest. Kalya opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling of the mansion. The last thing she remembered was that she was helping Ziel practice spiritism. She got up from where she was lying and looked around her.

"Silphy! How long have I been asleep for?" Kalya panicked and asked Silphy in her mind.

(I forgot how long it was for sure, but it's already morning. Last night you slept well. Haha...)

Silphy laughed mockingly.

"Why didn't you wake me up!? I could be late for teaching this time!" She had to take a shower and change her current clothes into her teacher's uniform. She will certainly be late for teaching.

(Why are you in such a hurry? Do you want to teach or meet someone?)

Silphy could sense that Kalya's enthusiasm was not for teaching but something else. This is one of the effects of a contract with a spirit. They can feel each other's feelings to some extent.

"Noisy! I'm in a hurry." Kalya who was trying to dodge Silphy's words couldn't hide the embarrassment that appeared on her flushed face.

(Alright... Alright...)

Silphy who was inside Kalya could only shake her head and not speak to her anymore.


"This is our lesson on efficiency in combat for a mage and knight. More specifically, we will practice it tomorrow in the gold and silver tower. You will have a special teacher there." Kalya who was currently on the podium in front of hundreds of students had finished her class for the day. But before she closed and dismissed her class, a student raised his hand.

"Yes, what do you want to ask?" She looked at the student who was sitting not far from Ziel. Therefore, when looking at the student, Kalya briefly glanced at Ziel and returned to focus on the students who asked.

"Are we going to do combat training again like yesterday?" The student's question made sense because what Kalya previously explained about combat efficiency should be more understandable if practiced directly.

"That matter depends on your teacher tomorrow. So don't be late." Kalya also doesn't know what method each teacher in the academy has. She could only give an ambiguous answer.

"Okay, teacher!" all students answered in unison.

"Then we will end today's class. Good afternoon." Kalya immediately walked out of the classroom.

Not long after that the students also started leaving from there, so did Ziel. But when he walks into the corridor, he sees Kalya standing alone. When they pass, she whispered something to him.

"Thanks." She spoke very quietly and was barely audible.

"You're welcome, but your sleeping face yesterday looked so adorable." Ziel left her after saying that.

Kalya who heard it froze. Her face was as red as an apple. When she came to her senses and wanted to reply to his words, Ziel was no longer there. She smiled slightly and immediately left the place with light steps.


Meanwhile, in the classroom of Class S, all the students were getting ready to leave the room because the class was over. But Clara and Princess Iris are still there. They seemed to be chatting and didn't look like they were going to leave the classroom soon. Until someone finally approached them.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I have something to ask you." Princess Freya who came from outside the classroom is currently standing in front of them. Previously when class was over, she immediately rushed out of the classroom. His destination was Class D, but by the time she got there the person she was looking for had gone home. Currently, she is not with Princess Aishia.

"Can I help, Princess Freya?" The one who answered her was Princess Iris.

"Ah, I need with her." She looked at clara.

"Me?" Clara pointed to herself in confusion.

"Yes, I want to know what is the dorm room number of your butler?" Princess Freya asked without caring that others would suspect her.

"Uh, 111. Did something happen Princess?" Clara subconsciously says his room number and she is curious about the purpose of Princess Freya.

"Nothing. Thank you." She left Princess Iris and Clara who was speechless because Princess Freya's attitude was currently a little strange.


Princess Freya was already in the black tower and got permission to enter there because it was a boys dormitory. She was currently in front of room number 111.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

"Excuse me..." Princess Freya felt awkward being the center of attention from the dorm residents who saw her in front of someone's room.

"Ah, who is it? Princess Freya!!" The one who opened the door was Ziel's roommate, James Borilo. He was shocked to see the guests who came.

"Sorry, is Ken in there?" Princess Freya didn't want to stand there for long. She wants to meet him soon and talk somewhere else.

"Ah, that... He's been gone a long time ago." James was nervous when he talked to Princess Freya.

"Do you know where he is?" She feels disappointed that Ziel is not in his room.

"Oh, I don't know." James shook his head, he was fascinated to see Princess Freya up close.

"Okay thank you." princess Freya quickly left the place.

(Where did he go? Wait a minute... Didn't he ask the elf to teach him spiritism? Don't tell me...)

Princess Freya immediately went towards the forest area of ​​the academy.


Ziel is currently in the same place as yesterday. In front of him, Kalya was wearing black hot pants with a white shirt. Either because she was near her mansion or for some other reason. But her current style of dress looks very bold. She exposed her slender thighs to Ziel. For a boy the same age as him, her charm is fatal.

"So we have to do the same as yesterday?" Ziel doesn't care about Kalya's dress style, right now his goal is to practice spiritism.

"Yes, that's right." Even though her face is red, but Kalya doesn't feel as shy as yesterday. Even now she feels very comfortable around him. When she wore such clothes, he didn't look at her with lecherous eyes.

They are currently doing the same as yesterday, Ziel and Kalya are sitting across from each other and pressed their palms and foreheads together. Currently, Kalya looks calmer even though her heart is beating faster than yesterday. But the feeling she felt right now was very sweet and pleasant. Meanwhile, Ziel focuses on forming his spirit circle.

As they were both lost in their thoughts. Suddenly the sound of someone screaming came from behind them.

"What are you two doing!?" Princess Freya is standing there and giving off a bloodthirsty aura.

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