Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 95 - 58

Chapter 95 - 58

After the great shock from the asteroid impact, the Clorius continent finally calmed down. The Alba Mountain Range which was the center of the impact was currently filled with smoke and dust covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers. But after the smoke and dust slowly dissipated in the wind, the students and teachers trembled in fear at the scene before them. The Alba Mountain Range that was previously filled with trees and mountains, was currently level with the ground and looked like barren land as far as the eye could see. Their battle changed the topography of the Clorius continent.

"What the hell is this?" Flavio said in a hoarse voice. He couldn't say anything out of fear seeing the fight in front of his eyes. But no one answered what he said because they didn't know what to say. They almost died of fright at the scene before their eyes. Their battle, more precisely Ziel's attack made the Alba Mountain Range an empty land. Even Prince fritz and Princess Rinne trembled in fear.

Princess Freya, Princess Aishia, and Kalya feel the same way. They could only be frozen without saying anything. Even Princess Freya and Princess Aishia who have seen their battle can still be surprised by Ziel's power.

(Silphy, this is...)

Kalya tried to say something to Silphy. But she didn't get a response from Silphy right away. Kalya felt that Silphy was not acting as usual.

(Haa... I don't know what to say after seeing the absurd scene in front of me. He's like a walking disaster)

Silphy smiled bitterly at Kalya. She even got scared when she saw it from inside Kalya's body.

(Yes...but I'm sure Ziel won't use his power to do evil and he won't do massive destruction if it's not necessary)

Kalya smiled sweetly looking at the person she loved so much.

Currently, Ziel is standing alone in the vast land. He walked slowly on one of the piles of stones. There lay a beautiful young girl with whitish purple hair. The girl was Lilith, even though she was hit by that attack she didn't die. But right now he was badly injured and couldn't even move his fingertips.

Ziel pointed his finger at Lilith, The pile of stones above him slowly floated up and moved away revealing the bloody figure of Lilith. He reached out his hand and touched Lilith's head.

[Memory Extraction]

"Hmm... As expected of a divine race, they even sealed their memories." Ziel muttered under his breath and pulled his hand away from Lilith's head. He still wanted to find out what the Divine Race was doing in this era. But they hide it all very well. Ziel suddenly raised his eyebrows, he had one way that might work. He reached out and touched Lilith's head again.

[Force Contract]

It is magic to forcibly form a contract between master and servant. He was able to do this because Lilith was currently unconscious. Because if Lilith was conscious, let alone at full power, Ziel would have a hard time doing it.

Lilith's body was enveloped in the gray light, and she suddenly trembled. On Lilith's forehead formed the same pattern as his magic seal. After the light disappears, the pattern is absorbed into Lilith's head which means the master and servant contract process has been completed.

[Time Rewind]

Ziel heals Lilith's badly injured body with the same magic he used on Kalya. It wasn't long before Lilith returned to her pre-injured state.

"Ugh..." Lilith slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Ziel in front of her, Lilith prepared to fire her magic at him. But suddenly Lilith had an unbearable headache that made death better than the pain.

"Aaarrrrggghhhh!" Lilith rolled on the ground clutching her head. Saliva dripped from the corners of her tiny red lips. After some time had passed, Lilith finally started to calm down, But she was still out of breath.

"Are you done rolling around?" Ziel asked her nonchalantly. He saw Lilith lying on the ground as if looking down on her.

"What did you do to me!?" Lilith screamed hysterically. She wanted to attack Ziel again but was stopped by Ziel's words.

"If you intend to attack me again, then you will feel the same pain as before." Ziel said to her coldly. Lilith's body trembled after hearing his words. She gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"What exactly have you done to my body!?" Lilith asked him while holding back her anger.

"You are currently in my possession." Ziel answered her honestly.

"What do you mean I'm in your possession?" Lilith felt the word bothering her after hearing what he said. She imagined the worst possible from his words.

"You are my slave." Ziel answered briefly.

"What!?" Lilith trembled as what she imagined came true. She gathered her strength and tried to blow himself up. But the power can't be gathered. She looked at Ziel with bloodshot eyes. But she dared not think or say anything that would offend him. She didn't want to feel the pain she felt before.

"Return quietly to your classes. There are many things I will ask you when I return to the academy." Ziel couldn't question it at that place because many pairs of eyes were looking at him.

"Yes, master." Lilith reluctantly nodded and disappeared from the place.

Ziel looked at Kalya who was very far away from him. But as if noticing his gaze, Kalya smiled like a blooming flower at him.

(Leya...after returning to the academy, immediately bring Princess Iris to my place)

Ziel still has business with her related to Clara. He only realized it after dealing with Lilith.

(Yes. Before that, can you heal the others too?)

Kalya hesitates to say it for fear that Ziel will get angry and reject her. She was getting worried because Ziel didn't answer right away. After a long silence, she finally got his answer.


Ziel resealed Zetta and Alvha into the magic circle and replaced the divine dress he was wearing with a black robe. He raised his hand and a giant magic circle appeared above the students and teachers.

[Majestic Heal]

From the magic circle dripped gray light that numbered in the thousands and fell like rain. The seriously injured people like King Raghnall, King Leonida, and Merlick quickly recovered, even they soon regained consciousness from their stupor.

"Ugh..." Rhea who had fainted earlier had woken up. When she saw the absurd scene before her eyes, she thought she was somewhere else.

"Eh, where am I? What kind of place is this? That gray-haired guy..." Rhea kept muttering and suddenly saw Ziel in the distance. She could recognize his aura. But just as she was about to say his name, Princess Freya's cold voice stopped her.

"If you go on with your words, I'll make sure to cut your tongue straight out." Princess Freya was annoyed with the pink-haired girl. Rhea quickly covered her mouth with her hands and looked in the direction where the voice came from. Princess Freya looked at her coldly. Rhea immediately turned her face away from her and didn't dare to say anything.

She was still confused about what happened and what Ziel was doing in that place. But under Princess Freya's threat, she didn't dare to ask anything.

"Remember! Never say this to anyone! Otherwise..." Princess Freya knew from her words that Rhea could recognize Ziel behind the mask. She doesn't know how Rhea found out, but she has to shut Rhea's mouth before she tells anyone else. Rhea nodded repeatedly at Princess Freya's words.

One by one the injured students came to their senses. King Leonida, king Raghnall, and Merlick were also in the same condition as them.

"Father!" Princess Freya and Princess Rinne quickly ran to hug their father.

(Leya, I've healed them. Please remember, if you run into one of the divine races on the magic train, you just have to ignore her. She's harmless)

When Ziel is about to leave, she remembers Lilith's situation and reminds Kalya. She didn't want any unnecessary commotion in the magic train. At first, Kalya is shocked after hearing that, but she knows that Ziel must have a reason for letting her life.

(I understand. Thank you, Ziel.)

Kalya nodded and smiled slightly.

(Then I will go. I will join the other students later)

Just as Ziel was about to leave, Kalya heard a scream, and someone running passed beside her.

"Aishia! Where are you going! He's dangerous!" Prince Fritz shouted at Princess Aishia who was running towards Ziel. Princess Freya immediately realized and wanted to stop her but it was too late. While Kalya only blinked a few times to see it.

"Ziel!" Princess Aishia panted and stopped not far from Ziel.

"Ziel, do you hate me? Is that why you left? Ziel, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for what happened in the Argaint Kingdom." Princess Aishia started to cry and walked slowly towards him. Ziel turned around and looked at her with his blood-red eyes.

"Your Highness Princess Aishia." Ziel addressed her with complete honorifics like commoners first meeting the royal family. Princess Aishia trembled slightly after hearing that. She felt unbearable pain in her chest.

"Ziel..." Princess Aishia could only mutter his name. She didn't know what to tell him.

"I think you misunderstood. I left not because I hated you, but because I couldn't live there anymore. I hope you understand that." Ziel turned around and left her. His figure slowly disappeared from the place.

"Can we meet again!?" Princess Aishia screamed before she completely disappeared.

"Maybe..." Ziel answered her curtly.

Princess Aishia smiled slightly and wiped her tears. She returned to where the students had gathered under the gazes of many pairs of eyes. Princess Freya smiled bitterly after seeing her expression. While Kalya has a complicated face.


It wasn't long before the students and teachers had returned to the magic train. King Leonida, King Raghnall, and Merlick who were originally awake asked about the situation while they were unconscious. Flavio explained what happened while they were unconscious. They were shocked and couldn't even say anything when they saw the vast plain caused by the battle between Ziel and the pair of divine races.

When they returned to the magic train, they returned to rest while waiting for Alvis and the other teachers who had gone to help the students at another campsite.josei

They didn't have long to wait, Alvis and the other teachers came back with the students in poor condition. They have wounds all over their bodies. The teachers got it while desperately fighting against magical beasts while protecting the students. But unfortunately, they couldn't protect all the students. Many of them died in the battle. Because of that, Alvis and the other teachers had gloomy faces as they returned to the magic train. Among the students who returned, one of them was Ziel who joined the group and the other was Lilith.

After all the teachers and students had returned, the magic train set off to take them back to the academy.

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