Is it wrong to become a scumbag?

Chapter 171

Chapter 171



“Killing game?!”

“What do you mean by that!?”

“Quickly explain!”

The elite Exceed that gathered around started to get nervous when they heard they were about to hold a “killing game.” Even if they didn’t understand since they hadn’t heard the explanation, they knew it was something dangerous from its name alone.

Tsukasa and the girls also heard their conversation, and they quickly understood what was happening.

Sakuya and the leader of the Libers, Edward, had decided to fight each other in the form of the “Killing Game.”

Sakuya, with her elite, Exceeds, and Edward, with his soldiers that were equipped with Units, the battle armors would kill each other.

The killing game would start in 15 minutes, and even if they were ready or not, they didn’t have a choice and had to fight or else they would die.

Tsukasa looked at the airplane, and many people dropped from it. He even saw a familiar face among the group of soldiers that dropped from the airplane. He ignored the bald young man whose armor was different from the rest since even if his armor had been modified and enhanced, the result was the same.

Instead, Tsukasa was thinking about what they were about to face next.

‘A Killing Game, huh?

Tsukasa really wondered where the confidence of the leader of the Libers came from. He was sure they had already understood the difference between them, but why were they so persistent in fighting Sakuya?

As for whether everyone would really kill each other, Tsukasa had a feeling they would really kill each other since he could smell the bloodlust in everyone in this place. He then looked at Julie, Lilith, Miyabi, and Tomoe and said, “Be careful. Those people are coming to kill us.”

The four girls were stunned, but they nodded with a serious expression.

Tsukasa looked at the girls and knew it was impossible for them to kill, which made him sigh somehow, considering how unfair they were.

The Libers came with the intention of massacring everyone.

On the other hand, the group of elite Exceeds only wanted to defeat the group of the soldiers of the Libers.

‘If so…’

Tsukasa felt it was too stupid if they really needed to wait for the Killing Game to start, considering they were the ones who came and provoked them, so…

‘Let’s do the opening first.’


A black cubic with many red marks floated around him before it turned into a katana with a pure dark blade with flower-like edges in the shape of an octofoil.

Tsukasa looked at the airplane and swung his katana toward it.

While everyone was dumbfounded by Tsukasa’s sudden action, they suddenly saw the airplane was sliced in half.

“…” Everyone.


The airplane exploded directly.

As for whether the people inside that airplane could stay alive or not, no one really cared about that matter since everyone was stunned since no one would expect Tsukasa could slice a massive airplane with a single swing of his katana!

Also, not with a firearm, but with a katana!

Whether the group of elite Exceeds, the group of soldiers of Libers that had landed on the ground, the group of students that watched what had happened in the building, and all the members of the Reign Conference that watched this scene were dumbfounded.

The explosion was huge, but Tsukasa used his telekinesis ability to block the explosion and threw the airplane into the sea on the side.

Luckily, the Kouryou Academy was located on a private island instead of in the middle of the city, so it was surrounded by the sea.

Even if Tsukasa threw an airplane full of fire, nothing would really happen since everything would drop into the sea.

Still, this scene stunned everyone again, and no one moved.

Even K, the young man, who had dreamed of killing Tsukasa in many ways, was also dumbfounded and couldn’t move. Among the units, he had the strongest armor, and he was also the one who sought power the most.

However, even K didn’t think he could win against such a monster.

While everyone was stunned when the airplane was thrown into the ocean, a sound of a gunshot was heard.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

The soldiers of the Libers fell one by one, and it made everyone confused.

“What are you dawdling for! They’re our enemies! They come here with the intention to kill us. What’s the point of being fair? Everything is fair in the war! Everyone attack!” Tsukasa shouted, and everyone quickly reacted. While talking, he didn’t stop shooting his opponent with a rifle in his hands.


While the Libers were confused, some of them even quickly reacted by shooting toward the group of elite Exceed, the majority of them were still unable to react, and they were beaten so badly that their parents wouldn’t recognize them.

Edward, who watched this scene through the screen, was dumbfounded for a moment before he stood up and said, “This is unfair! We have decided to hold the Killing Game in 15 minutes! Why are you breaking the rule?!” He couldn’t maintain his calm when he saw all of the people he had brought to this place had almost been beaten.

However, Sakuya only chuckled, and she didn’t even show many reactions toward Edward’s outburst. Instead, her eyes became cold, looking at Edward as if a corpse.

Even if Sakuya was a cute and beautiful little girl, everyone felt creepy toward this stare.

“You have decided to become my enemy, right? You have attacked us several times, yet you don’t expect us to attack you? You need to pay the price to become my enemies, so I have decided to erase the Libers from this world.”

Sakuya snapped her fingers, and the scene of Rito rampaging on the Libers’ headquarters was shown.

Edward felt he had lost all of his power and almost couldn’t stop up, watching his hard work all being destroyed without hesitation by Sakuya.

Sakuya felt Tsukasa’s words were right. There was no need to hold back, and since Edward had provoked her several times, it was better to clean him up, so this annoying fly wouldn’t annoy her again.

“You’re finished.”

As her cold voice fell, everyone shuddered at the cruelty of this little girl, but they also understood everything was because Edward kept provoking her, and it was a price he had to pay after provoking the witch.

“No-Not yet!”

Edward stubbornly stared at the screen, watching K, who wore his strongest Unit, but who would expect Tsukasa would grab K and defeat him instantly before destroying the Unit.

“…..” Everyone.

Still, while they were shocked by how easily Tsukasa defeated K, they were more attracted to his appearance since he was so handsome!

“The end.” Sakuya looked at everyone and said, “Let’s finish this. More than this, it’s just a waste of time.” She felt the burden on her shoulders had been relieved and thought after this, she was going on a trip with Tsukasa.

When they heard her words, they nodded since they knew Edward’s fate had already ended.

They prepared to go back, but suddenly Edward laughed, laughed, so hard that everyone thought he had become crazy.

“Not yet! Not yet! This hasn’t ended yet!”

Edward took out a small gadget from his pocket and pressed it without hesitation.

Everyone was stunned, but at the same time, they had foreboded.

“I am not the only one who is going to finish! You’re all going to die with me!” Edward laughed maniacally as he had become crazy.

However, no one cared about this old man anymore since they realized what kind of danger they were about to face.

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