Is it wrong to become a scumbag?

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

This time, everyone felt even afraid to breathe. They tried to make their presence as small as possible since they didn’t want to be seen by him.

While his appearance was breathtaking, his aura was just frightening, especially when he had cut down Phryne like a butcher.

They could see how Phryne was dying on the ground with blood gushing out from her body, and entrails came out from her stomach, showing how horrible her condition was. It was painful to look at him, yet somehow they felt a strange attraction toward him, causing them unable to look away from him, especially when they saw his damaged arm.

They could even see his arm bone, yet Tsukasa didn’t even flinch, staring at the group of Amazoness without fear, ready to cut them anytime.

Aisha just stood there and couldn’t say anything. After Phryne lost, she was the leader. Still, even if Phryne was there, she was still the leader. However, in this situation, she just didn’t know what to do since she could see how furious he was.

Aisha wanted to cry, but somehow she couldn’t since she knew it was already too late.

Still, suddenly chains appeared around him, catching the neck of all the Amazoness, including Aisha.


All of them were coughing when Tsukasa suddenly pulled the chains, causing them almost to suffocate.

Tsukasa then stood in front of Aisha, stared at her deeply, and said, “Don’t fight back. I’ll get compensation from your Familia when we return the above.” His words were calm, without any fluctuation in his emotion, but even so, it brought pressure to them and also excitement, wondering what kind of punishment he would give them if they dared to fight.

Still, Aisha blushed, and her body trembled in excitement when she heard his words.

“When I return, I’ll give you a punishment that you won’t forget in your life,” Tsukasa whispered coldly.

“Ye-Yes…” Aisha obediently nodded, lowering her head, trying to hide her excitement.

Tsukasa then pulled them again, causing them to almost stagger, but they followed him obediently.

This is how Amazoness is.

They obeyed the strong and even worshipped them.

Under his pressure, no one dared to fight, and they didn’t even resent him for treating them like this. Instead, they wanted to have his child as soon as possible!

“Lefiya, Line, Alicia, let’s go!” Tsukasa reminded his three teammates, who were still in a stupor.

The three of them were too stunned since the fight ended instantly. Also, they had never seen this side of him!

While they trembled and felt slightly scared since it was their first time seeing him like this, they also felt some strange excitement born on their bodies.

“Why are you standing stupidly there? Come here. Help me,” Tsukasa said.

“Ah-ah, yes!” 3x

The three of them quickly said.

Tsukasa threw the chain to Lefiya, causing her to catch it subconsciously.

Still, this caused resentment in the Amazoness, and they all looked at Lefiya with an unkind gaze.


“Line, Alicia, helped me a little,” Tsukasa said and stood in front of Phryne.

“What’s wrong?” Alicia asked.

“What do you want us to do?” Line asked.

“I can’t let this thing die, so I’ll close her wound,” Tsukasa said simply.

“How?” 2x

They were confused.

“Lefiya, bring everyone here. Make a circle around me. Don’t let anyone see what I am about to do,” Tsukasa said.

Lefiya was confused, and the others were also confused. However, they followed his words and made a circle around him.

This caused the adventurers, who wanted to peek at what Tsukasa was doing, couldn’t see anything. However, they didn’t dare to say anything.

Tsukasa’s aura was just sharp, and it prickled them to death.

They weren’t sure what Tsukasa might do if they annoyed him, especially when they had seen what had happened to Phryne.josei

“Um, isn’t she dying?” Lena asked innocently.

“….” Everyone.

Tsukasa ignored this stupid girl and created a magic stitch, closing the wound on Phryne’s body instantly. Including the wound on her arm. Still, he didn’t reconnect her arm and just put it on the top of her stomach.

As for her eye, it was possible for Tsukasa to return it to how it used to be.

However, Tsukasa didn’t want to since he needed to tell her what was the price of becoming his enemy.

“Let’s go back to the above.”


Whether it was Line, Lefiya, Alicia, or the group of Amazoness just stood there dumbfoundedly, especially when they saw the beautiful process of the magic stitch.

Even Lefiya and Alicia, elves, a race who had the most mastery over magic, could only marvel at the process of the magic stitch. It was probably the most beautiful magic they had ever seen, and at the same time, it was the most useful since it was used for surgery.

They all wanted to ask what it was, but they just couldn’t since they knew this wasn’t the place to ask something like that.

Also, his aura made it hard for them to ask!

Even if Tsukasa didn’t say anything, they put Phryne on the simple cart and silently followed him behind.

The eight Amazoness caught on the 19th Floor might not be chained, but their hearts were already chained by him, and they subconsciously followed him.

“He-Hey, what are you going to do with your arm! The blood keeps flowing! Also, yo-your bones are showing!” Lefiya panicked.

However, Tsukasa paid no heed and just walked. Frankly, he wanted to regenerate his wound as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he couldn’t since this wound was created by a bladed thing.

“Hey, don’t ignore me!” Lefiya pouted and felt annoyed.

“Okay, then, can you tend it, Lefiya?” Tsukasa asked helplessly.

“Eh?” Lefiya didn’t know what to do when she was asked this question since she wasn’t good at first aid. “Sorry, I don’t know how to do it.”

“…..” Tsukasa, Line, Alicia, and everyone.

“Let me handle this.” Line quickly helped Tsukasa and could see beads of sweat from his neck, but he didn’t say anything, so she didn’t say anything and tried to tend his wound as soon as possible since he knew there was a reason why he kept quiet about the pain.

Still, for the first time, all of them were jealous of Line.

After tending to the wound and stopping the bleeding, they continued their return to above.

All the adventurers that stayed on the 18th Floor sighed in relief when they all saw Tsukasa and his group had gone. However, they must admit while he was scared, it was amazing, and they just couldn’t help but blush when they recalled the previous fight.

The Orario had been a bustling city, but this time, this city was quiet, especially when they saw a parade of a group of Amazoness being chained from their necks and hands. What made them even amazed was the fact they could see a few famous figures and many adventurers from the Ishtar Familia on the Amazoness who was chained.

They were dragged and paraded, so everyone could see.

The group of Amazoness strangely didn’t hate this, and they even blushed with their legs squirming.

Still, what attracted them the most was the appearance of the handsome young man who dragged the group of Amazoness with a chain with two beautiful elves and one beautiful girl on his side.

The group of four, led by the young man, walked with a steady step toward the Twilight Manor.

When they arrived at the Twilight Manor, they caused the guards to be stupefied, and everyone from the Loki Familia was quickly noticed.

All of them came out, and they were also lost for words by the scene before them.

However, Tsukasa sighed in relief when he saw everyone and just fell into Lefiya.

“Eh-Eh…?” Lefiya blushed and was startled. “Wh-What’s wrong?” They were so close that she could even feel the warmth of his breath next to her sensitive ear. Still, she didn’t push him and looked at him in concern.

“Sorry, just let me rest for a moment,” Tsukasa said in a tired sigh.

Lefiya stared at Tsukasa’s pale complexion and ignored Ais for the first time. Still, while she helped him to stand up, she didn’t forget to scold him. “Geez, isn’t it because you have always forced yourself!”

“Spare me your scolding now,” Tsukasa said helplessly.

Lefiya only hummed and wanted to caress his head somehow, to do something that Ais had done before, but…


All the girls of the Loki Familia quickly arrived, and Lefiya was quickly pushed out.

“…..” Lefiya.

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