Is this destiny?

Chapter 158 - After Valentine's (5)

Chapter 158 - After Valentine's (5)

"I thought you said that you will leave this to us, and not involve yourself?", JoAnna looked at Stella with a sharp gaze which scrutinized her.

Stella shrugged like she does not know what is JoAnna talking about. "How is knowing what is going on involving? I just want to know the status... now, speak!"

JoAnna shook her head smiling. She knew that her mom can't stay out of this. After a small staring contest JoAnna took a deep breath and started talking. "I used my contacts in the police and found out that the drug used is something new that showed up in South Africa first. It is extremely potent. Less than a drop can incapacitate a person."

JoAnna paused for a moment before continuing, her face was getting more troubled with every next word. "That is one of the reasons I'm concerned. It seems that Sarah was injected with a syringe, or something similar. For such a small amount of drug to be given, syringe is too big of a tool. They could literally use a sewing needle or anything sharp just dipped in the solution, and it would knock her out. Also, Sarah described that large area of her upper back burned when she got injected. She should just feel a prick at most, and the drug spreads without any pain. Besides the initial prick, first effect victim notices is losing control over legs and speech. There should be no burning. It's almost as there was something else... Burning she described is similar to the numbing medicine we use for local anesthesia. If you inject the numbing medicine quickly it would feel like it's burning... but why would they numb her if they just want to drug her? Things just don't add up."

JoAnna looked like she finished, but then she remembered something and continued, "There is one more thing... on the audio recording they retrieved... day after the incident, that Philip guy talks with someone about the drug and Sarah, and he mentions that he is not worried that Sarah escaped, because she got a second wave... We don't know what that second wave is. He didn't mention it again. Is that a second version of the drug? Does it have a delayed effect? I can't help but think that if she was drugged and recuperated, then she is a clean slate, right? How come he is not worried that she escaped? There is something else there. My intuition is telling me that we are missing something important..."

Listening to this, Stella was visibly getting anxious. "Your intuition is usually not wrong..."

JoAnna got defensive. "What usually? When was my intuition wrong?"

Stella nodded solemnly. "Right... it's always right. That is why I'm really hoping that you are wrong this time. And it's just that you are worrying about your sister."

JoAnna sighed, "I hope so too."

"Does Sarah say anything about this?" Stella looked at JoAnna.

JoAnna rolled her eyes. "She was over the moon preparing for their trip to Greece. You know her... if it's about someone else she would die of worry. But when it's about her, she is totally irresponsible." JoAnna sighed. "I got her to promise that when she gets back from Greece she will come for another checkup." josei

Stella looked at JoAnna, "How about Aiden? What does he say about this?"

JoAnna sighed, "Sarah was processing audio and sent samples to me only after I promised not to tell him anything. She didn't want to spoil the mood before their vacation. That means… he does not know about the audio part which talks about second wave, whatever that is."

Stella rubbed her temples, "What a silly girl... Well now we can only hope that nothing goes wrong in next few days. They should be back in three days, right?"

"Yes..." JoAnna looked at Stella. "Does dad know about this investigation we are doing?"

Stella shook her head. "No. You know him, he would just leave it to the police, and scold us for taking things into our hands. We can tell him after we are done."

JoAnna looked at Stella and spoke with mockery, "What do you mean WE? You are out of this, right?"

Stella got defensive and waved her hands. "Right, right... I'm just an observer."

JoAnna looked at Stella suspiciously. She knows that Stella never leaves things to run their course. She will at least observe them closely and come to the rescue if needed. JoAnna even suspects that Stella knows most of the things she just said, but her mom is verifying her honesty.

Stella was uncomfortable under JoAnna's gaze. "What?"

"How come you are so at ease with all this?", JoAnna asked. She wanted her mom to admit that she is meddling. Even if she is doing it silently, behind their backs, it's still meddling.

"With what?", Stella raised an eyebrow, looking perfectly innocent.

"This investigation, going around the law, keeping secrets from dad...", JoAnna's inner detective was awake. She was onto something and she knew it… now just her mom needs to admit whatever she is up to.

"I don't know what you are talking about… anyway, all that about secrets from dad, does that not apply to you also?", Stella nervously fidgeted under JoAnna's gaze.

"Not like this... " JoAnna could tell that her mom is trying to hide something, and the more Stella avoided it, the more JoAnna was suspicious. "My intuition is telling me that there is something about you that is hidden from all of us."

Stella waved her hands, like she wants to chase away those words. "Now look what silly stuff you are saying... I'm your mother. Show some respect... and eat your breakfast, then go get some sleep."

JoAnna didn't speak after that. She finished her juice, stood up and walked outside dining room. At the door she stopped and turned to look at her mother before going to her room.

Stella was holding a croissant in her hand and staring somewhere in front of her, deep in thoughts.

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