Is this destiny?

Chapter 176 - You Can Be Strong Later

Chapter 176 - You Can Be Strong Later

Four hours later, Aiden was in the room with Sophia, Felix and Stella. None of them spoke.

Sarah's surgery took over four hours. When Sarah was rolled back into the room on a bed, she looked very pale. She was lying on the hospital bed, face down, still unconscious.

JoAnna came in with Sarah. "Next six hours are critical. After that we can tell if it's a success or..." she didn't finish her sentence. All of them had grim faces.

Stella spoke first. "How did this happen?" She looked at Aiden who was already next to Sarah, holding her hand.

He didn't find strength to talk, but he knows that Stella demands an explanation. He made effort to talk, his voice was hoarse. "We were in the mall. We walked through the crowd, but I'm sure no one touched her. Few seconds later, she collapsed. This is the last she told me..." He showed them message on his phone that Sarah typed.

JoAnna took over. "We checked her... it's consistent with that drug that she was injected with previously. We discovered a small device in the muscles of the upper back. The device was moving and caused internal bleeding. That is why the surgery took so long. Dr Light said that he is familiar with similar devices which are like remote controlled robots that administer medicine within the body at a specific location."

Sophia listened and thought of something. "Small robots?" She looked at Felix. "Maybe you can take a look at it?"

Felix nodded. "I just need my lab."

"We have a lab here in HQ, no need to go to New York.", Sophia responded.

Felix gave a small nod. "I can do it anytime. I need the device."

Sophia looked at JoAnna. "When can we have it?"

"The lab technicians are cleaning it. Making sure that there is no organic residue. I will check." JoAnna got her phone and stepped outside to make a call. Sophia followed her, wanting to talk some more about it.

When two of them stepped out, Stella looked at Felix. "And you are...?"

Felix straightened his back. "Felix Martin, Mrs. Hill."

Stella thought that he looks familiar. "You were here last time also, with Sophia, right?"

"Yes, that is correct Mrs. Hill", Felix confirmed.

Stella understood that there must be something between Sophia and Felix since this is the second time that he is coming to Seattle from New York with her. But she decided that this is not the time to talk further about it.

Once JoAnna and Sophia came back, Stella stood up. "I'm going to call Edward to give him updates. He is in the car downstairs."

"Why doesn't he come here?", Sophia asked. josei

"Who knows...", Stella mumbled and went outside to make a call.


Aiden was out of it. He didn't notice anyone around him. He sat next to Sarah's bed, held her hand and fumbled with her fingers occasionally. Aiden thought how helpless he is. He thought that first time it happened because he was not there, and that as long as he is next to her, he will keep Sarah safe. Now he felt useless. He was right there next to her. They danced, and she looked at him with eyes full of love, at next instant her eyes were full of fear... and now they are closed. He blamed himself for being incapable to protect her. "Baby, wake up... I need you...", he whispered as he kissed her hand. She didn't respond to his calls, and he felt that pain in his chest is increasing by the second. It was unbearable to watch her like that, but he could not leave her side.


After some time, a nurse gave a small box to JoAnna, and she handed it to Felix. The small robot (how they called it) which was extracted from Sarah's back was inside. Felix and Sophia left to the Orion Enterprise HQ right away.

When they reached HQ, Sophia went with Felix to the lab where they created and tested hardware prototypes. Lab occupied a large area of eleventh floor. Felix looked around and saw that he has all equipment needed. Sophia summoned engineers who worked there and introduced Felix with a note that he needs to work on a high-profile design in secrecy, and that she is personally giving all of them rest of the day off.

The engineers rejoiced for an unexpected treat, packed their things and dispersed. Within minutes it was just Felix and Sophia in the huge lab.

He took her hand and squeezed it gently. "It will be OK."

Sophia's shoulders shivered.

Felix embraced her and repeated, "It will be OK... You will see."

"Oh, I hope that is true.", Sophia said while tears rolled down her cheeks. Seeing Sarah like that hit her hard, but she decided to steel herself and be strong. Now that it was just the two of them, emotions overwhelmed her. Felix kissed Sophia on the forehead and tightened his hug. "It's OK. Let it out. You can be strong later... now let it out." She buried herself in his chest and sobbed.

What they didn't notice is that at the door, Mark stood frozen, watching them. He heard that Sophia is back and went to find her. He does not know what is going on, but he can see that two of them are close... more than that. 'They are holding each other intimately... Where is everyone else? How come it's just the two of them? Why is she crying? Is he comforting her? Who is he? Why is he holding my Sophia?' He didn't see Sophia or heard from her for almost two months, and now this mystery man showed up. And he is holding her! This didn't sit with Mark well.

After some time, Sophia's sobs stopped.

Felix handed her paper napkins from one of the nearby workstations.

She cleaned herself up and looked at him with her now red and swollen eyes full of gratitude. She needed a crying session, and he let her have it.

Felix kissed Sophia gently on the lips. "Go and be with your sister. I will let you know when I find something... and you let me know of any changes there. OK?"

Sophia nodded.. She gave him few quick kisses before heading out.

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