Is this destiny?

Chapter 1780 - The Real Fights (2)

Chapter 1780 - The Real Fights (2)

Bets were still being placed when the lady announcer's voice boomed from the speakers: "Betting ends in ten seconds. Fighters, prepare for a fight… Remember that winning does not mean you will be selected for the end prizes, and losing does not mean elimination either."

Hong returned and sat next to Sarah and Aiden. He confirmed that the bet on Igor was placed.

"Why did you bet on Igor? So far, he didn't show any promising skills and Vlad is a decent fighter.", Hong asked Sarah. He knows that she is the one who decided on the amount and the target of the bet.

Sarah agreed with Hong's assessment. "True. But Igor has more motivation. He is thinking about revenge on people who discarded him. Vlad fights for money and prestige. Unless their gap in skills is huge, Igor will win because he fights to find his justice."

Hong was amused by Sarah's analysis.

Hong rubbed his eyes which now burned from all the smoke. He glanced at Sarah and Aiden and saw that they are fine. Hong is not aware that Sarah and Aiden are wearing lenses that are accidentally protecting their corneas from irritation.

The fight started and Igor stood in place. The only thing that showed he is ready to fight was that his muscles tensed.

Vlad circled around him with nimble footwork while looking for the opening.

Unfortunately, Igor does not have many openings. It seems that his muscles are covering everything and coming close from the front to access sensitive areas like eyes, nose, or neck, is out of the question because Vlad does not want to give Igor a chance to grab him or to swat him away. That is how Igor won his previous matches.

By now, they all observed each other's fights and were able to come up with various strategies.

Vlad's only way to attack without coming too close was to use his legs.

After several circles and faints, Vlad decided on an attack: kick at the back of the knee, from the side.

Vlad was quick. His shin connected with Igor's leg, and Vlad was confident in his move.

A split second later, Igor squatted, trapping Vlad's leg between his thigh and calf.

Vlad was stuck, standing on one leg and before he could recover, Igor's arm was going his way with fingers open wide, ready to smack him.

Vlad's only way out was down.

Vlad fell to the ground, and his eyes widened in shock when he realized that Igor is falling on top of him.

Vlad's arms and legs flailed for a few seconds before he stopped moving.

Igor got up without any haste, knowing that Vlad is not in any condition to fight. Igor felt several of Vlad's ribs cracking.

"The winner of this match is competitor number fifteen, Igor!", the woman shouted from the speakers.

Igor smirked and got down from the fighting platform. For a moment, he glanced toward Sarah and Aiden, and Sarah clapped enthusiastically while whistling loudly. She cheered for Igor and for the fact that they doubled their 10 thousand points!

While two men dragged Vlad's unconscious body off the platform, the woman with ash-blonde hair on the screens picked the next two competitors.

"Which one will win?", Aiden asked Sarah.

"Why are you asking her?", Hong grumbled. He was slightly offended that Aiden is not asking for his opinion. He is the designated expert!

"Because I would never bet against her.", Aiden responded dotingly.

"Awww... You are a wise man.", Sarah gushed and leaned on Aiden.

Aiden kissed the top of her head. "I am smart because I married you. Now, which one will win?"

Sarah giggled. 

The next three fights confirmed that the competition is getting fierce.

The previous rounds eliminated any mediocre fighters and also provided the opportunity to observe the competition. This allowed for assessing strengths and weaknesses and for coming up with various strategies.

And then it happened…

"The next competitor to come on the fighting stage is… 257!", woman's voice boomed.

Aiden stood up and pulled Sarah up. He gave her a long, lingering kiss, like the commotion around them does not exist.

Their eyes locked onto each other while exchanging silent messages. There was no need for words, because everything worth saying, they covered already. Sarah's eyes were full of concern and encouragement, while Aiden's confident gaze told her that he's got it and that she should not worry.josei

Aiden reminded Sarah to keep the handkerchief over her nose and he gave her his for safekeeping, before he turned and headed to the stage.

Sarah's heart was beating wildly in her chest as adrenaline rushed through her veins. She was worried that Aiden might be hurt, but mostly excited to see him perform. Because if there is one thing she knows about Aiden, that is that he is skilled more than any man she met. He is magnificent.

"Bet everything we have on Aiden…", Sarah told Hong.

Hong grumbled something, but he did as she told him. They treat him as an errand-boy, but it's not like he has anything else to do. Going to place bets is giving him a chance to merge with the crowd and to observe without being seen.

So far, he saw a few familiar faces, but not his target or any of the Elders that he is familiar with. As much as Hong hid his tracks under various aliases and lived in seclusion for the last three decades, he was keeping tabs on the Voronin family. Rumors always find their way out.

Hong suspects that Simeon (his Cousin) will not show his face during the tournament, but if Aiden reaches one of ten coveted spots, the chance to get close to Simeon and maybe even see him in person will be much higher.

Hong remembered his talk with Sarah and Aiden before they started this mission…

"If you have the right to be the Grand Master, why are we not taking a direct approach?", Sarah asked.

"Explain…", Hong requested.

"We have the Army of Chaos and forces of the Lebedev family. Aiden can tap into the White family and we also have a number of allies that can help out if needed. With you at the front, we can walk into the Voronin family and you demand your spot back. Who resists will be taken down. You can confront your Cousin and we take over the Voronin family."

Hong refused. "There will be nothing to take over. Simeon will barricade himself in the deepest level of his mansion and we will be forced to fight against everyone at the base. Without Simeon and other Elders officially announcing the change in leadership, others are facing the options of fighting us or being traitors. They will not surrender. And while we are making our way in, Simeon will cut all the loose ends and do the most damage he can. Tashi and my grandchildren will be in danger."

Sarah does not care much about the soldiers from the Voronin family, and for the others… "We can take Tashi and your grandkids to safety."

Hong disagreed. "How will you explain who you are? How will you guarantee that Simeon's men will not wait in the dark for the moment when you lower your guard? I am confident that there are many others like Tashi out there. We should not risk the lives of all those innocent people."

"So, it needs to be a job from the inside…", Aiden summarized.

Hong confirmed. "I will take care of Simeon. Without the head, other Elders will bicker who will take over and that will cause chaos enabling an easier path for you to accomplish your goals, whatever they are. Or if you take over first, my request is that you don't make deals with Simeon that will guarantee his safety. He is mine."

Back to the present…

"I want to bet whole balance from this card on fighter 257, Alex…", Hong said to the guy who received bets.

The man took the card and swiped it. A second later, his eyebrows shoot up. "There are 210 thousand points here…"

"Yes. All of it."

The man checked the card, before grunting and giving Hong the receipt that the bet is accepted.

Sarah, Aiden, and Hong took extra time when they found out how points work so that the three of them can share points like it's one account.

Hong can't believe that they already have so many points. And after Aiden's win, that will double.


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