Is this destiny?

Chapter 187 - First Quarrel (3)

Chapter 187 - First Quarrel (3)

When Felix took a step away from Sophia without a word, she felt her heart ache. Sophia can tell that he is hurt, but she does not understand why. 'Isn't he overreacting?' But she remembered that they agreed they will talk things through. That is the only rule they agreed about their relationship, that they will communicate. She can only guess what is in his mind, but she knows what is in hers. And it's her duty to share with him her thoughts.

Sophia took a deep breath. "OK. Me first... When I saw you surrounded by all those women in cafeteria... I was hurt... I guess I was jealous. And I wanted you to feel the pain I felt, so I told you to come to my office while telling my secretary not to let you in." Sophia heard herself and thought how childish she acted. "I'm sorry. It was immature of me to act like that." She looked at him intently.

Felix didn't react.

"Did you hear me? I said I'm sorry... this is the part where you say that you forgive me."

Felix slowly lifted his head and looked at her. His eyes showed deep pain, desperation, dejection. Mentally, he was not in a good place.

Sophia was not sure what to do. "Did this really hurt you so much?"

Felix took a long time to respond. "What is your relationship with Mark?" That was one of the questions he has, the biggest one. He wants to know, and at the same time he fears what the truth is. At first, he assumed that Mark just has one sided interest in Sophia, but after he said words that she will come back to him, so confidently… Felix believed him and realized that there is more to it.

"Why are you bringing him up? He has nothing to do with this." Sophia didn't want to talk about Mark with Felix.

"Does he have something to do with you?", Felix persisted.

Sophia realized that Felix found out something about Mark. That is the only conclusion... and she needs to explain herself. She can't ignore this topic, not with Mark working in the same building. It's inevitable that they will bump into each other and work together. Sophia owes him a clarification.

"Do you remember that earlier I said how I'm haunted by my past?"

Felix didn't respond, but his eyes shifted slightly.

"He is part of that past... Do you really want to know more? Or is it enough just to say that I don't have anything to do with him now. Even if he tries to stir up trouble, I need you to know that you are the only man in my life."

Sophia stepped toward Felix and was relieved that he didn't step away this time. She made another step, and another until she reached right in front of him.

Felix looked at her and asked. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"I thought I did... until I met you." She embraced him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "You need to believe me. There is no one else but you in my heart."

Felix wanted to believe her... hesitantly he hugged her back. Sophia realized that he still has doubts. She was picking her brain for ideas how to resolve this... women coming onto him, Mark coming in between them, Felix getting reassurance that he is the only man in her life...

She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes for some time. She realized what the solution is and smiled. She let go of him, opened the door and extended her arm towards him. "Come." josei

Felix was not sure what Sophia has on her mind. He took her hand and walked next to her.

Sophia intimately linked her right arm with his left one. "Let me show you around the building.", she said with a smile.

Felix looked at her with a hint of panic and confusion. Obviously, he was happy to know that she is not ashamed to show to her employees that he is special, that he is her man… but at the same time, there was reluctance. How will they take it? What if they think that she is less worthy because she is with him? "Everyone will see us like this."

"That is the point." Sophia responded with a confident smile and pulled him outside.

As they walked through the hallway, employees were stopping to look at them shocked.

Sophia looked at Felix and saw that he is uncomfortable. "Like this we will stop any gossip before it starts. No woman will dare to come at you and make me jealous. And Mark will not be able to launch any sneak attacks... I think like this many things are solved. What do you think?"

He looked at her and his expression softened. "But like this, new problems will arise."

Sophia smiled. "Let's worry about those problems when we face them... together."

Felix liked what she said. 'Together'... that is the word that untied last knot he had in his chest. He was finally able to smile. They walked like that through hallways and common areas while letting everyone see that CEO Hill is taken, and that handsome newcomer is not available.

Two women who approached Felix at lunch saw them and realized that was the reason why their CEO shoot them such icy gazes at that time. They felt resentful that such a fine man is taken, but there is nothing they can do. How can they compete with Sophia Hill?

Quietly, in various corners of the building, some people commented how good they look together.

Others talked how that is not moral. CEO and Director... isn't that boss and a subordinate? They speculated; did she use her position to seduce him? Or did he seduce her to get to his position?

However, all those were just silent barks between some individuals. No one dared to say anything in open... and no one dared to spread it outside company. They all signed non-disclosure agreements, and if they leaked this information outside the company, they would lose their jobs and maybe even end up in court.. No one wanted to risk their jobs, since Orion Enterprise is a great company to work for.

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