Is this destiny?

Chapter 189 - Back Home (2)

Chapter 189 - Back Home (2)

After dinner they spent some time chatting.

Stella pulled Sarah on the side and whispered: "You are staying in the same room with Aiden?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Sarah raised her eyebrows. Her body was stiff showing that she is ready to argue if needed. Or leave, again.

"No. As long as you know what you are doing." Stella quickly responded. She does not want to agitate Sarah, not now when she finally returned home.

Sarah knew that her mom is thinking of the rule that they taught them since they were very young: first school, then job, then love (family). "Mom, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. And also...", Sarah faintly smiled, "he takes care of me more than how much I take care of myself."

"I find that highly believable.", Stella confirmed. She knows that Sarah is borderline reckless and enjoys the thrills; high-adrenaline activities are her favorites. That young man taking care of her more than herself is something that it's easy to believe.

Stella said in a quiet voice: "I just thought that since you just made up with your father, you will not do anything to provoke him."

Sarah got defensive. "How is this provoking? He knows that we are living together."

Stella agreed. "True. But knowing and seeing is different."

"If he can't handle this much, then he was not sincere when we made up. Right?" Sarah was prepared to leave house if anyone raises any issues with their current arrangement. She loves Aiden, and he loves her as well, and they are living together. What kind of fake-pretend-game will she play if they stay separately? Just to indulge her father? No.

Stella observed Sarah's unwavering expression and sighed, "When did you grow up so much?"

After some silence, Sarah asked, "You will go on another trip soon?"

"Yes. Two weeks from now." Stella confirmed. "One month long stay in India. If I get a chance, I will visit in-laws."

"How about our training?" Sarah asked apprehensively.

Stella was pleased that Sarah didn't forget. There are some things that she wanted to teach her. "It will wait until I'm back. It's not like you can do much in this state anyway."

"True... Is it OK if Aiden joins?" Sarah asked in quiet voice.

Stella answered with a question. "Does he have any skills?"

"You will be surprised." Sarah flashed a smile.

Stella thought for a second before asking, "You vs him, what is the outcome?"

"We never sparred, so I don't know for sure." Sarah shook her head, and then looked at her mom earnestly. "But I have a feeling that he would have the upper hand."

Stella was surprised to hear this. Sarah is usually very confident in her skills. "Hearing you say it that way... I'm interested to see what he has." There was still a bit of doubt in Stella. What if Sarah praised him only because she is in love with him? But this is something that Stella can confirm.

JoAnna approached them and looked at Sarah. "Sarah, do you want me to change bandages before I head out?"

Sarah nodded. "Yes, please. Just give me ten minutes to shower first."

"OK. No problem." JoAnna went back to sip her tea.

Seeing that Sarah headed up to take a shower, Aiden followed. "I will help you."

Edward looked after them with a frown. 'What does he mean he will help her? With showering?'

Stella observed her husband and sighed. She walked close to Edward and tugged his sleeve to get his attention. "You know they are living together?"

Edward let out a "Mhm" sound reluctantly. His eyes were still on the door from where Aiden just left.

"And now they are sharing a room." Stella added cautiously.

Edward's eyes widened for a second and then his expression became dark. He didn't say anything.

Stella patted his shoulder. "Sarah is not a kid. She will be twenty in few months. At that age I was married to you and we had Sophia."

"I know... it's just that I need time to adjust to this." Edward thought for some time and then looked at Sophia and Felix scrutinizing them.

Sophia noticed Edward's gaze and abruptly stood up. "It's time for us to head out. By the time we reach New York, including three hours time difference, it will be time to go to work."

"Try to sleep in the plane." Stella advised.

"Yes, yes. Felix, let's go." Sophia wanted to leave before Edward starts questioning them. josei

"Don't you want to say bye to Sarah? We can wait a bit more..." Felix was not sure why is Sophia in such a rush.

"We will see her in few days again... no need for ceremonies. Let's go." Sophia pulled Felix by the hand.

He followed her but was confused. "Thank you for the dinner", he managed to say before Sophia pulled him out toward the hallway.

Stella stood up and followed them. "This child... how silly..." she muttered while walking outside. Stella caught up to Sophia and Felix before they left the villa. "Sophia..." she called out.

Sophia stopped and turned toward her mom.

"You need to tell him. He already suspects." Stella told Sophia.

"I know... but what if he does not approve? I still remember the fuss he made about Sarah… I just want to avoid confrontation with him." Sophia is really attached to Edward, and if he causes a scene how he did with Sarah, she will be heartbroken.

Stella squinted at Sophia. "Do you plan to break up with him?" She pointed at Felix.

Felix suddenly felt dread wash over him, and he stared at Sophia, unable to breathe. That second before she responded felt like eternity.

Sophia shook her head. "Of course not."

"Then don't delay. There is no good time for this. Just do it... he will get over it." Stella advised.

Sophia thought about it for some time before responding. "I understand. When we come back, I will tell him... I promise."

With that Sophia and Felix left the villa.

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