Is this destiny?

Chapter 252 - Void The Agreement (1)

Chapter 252 - Void The Agreement (1)

As JoAnna's hands moved across Jeff's body, she was asking, "Can you move this? ... Does this hurt? ... How does this feel? ... Focus! ... How about here? ..." JoAnna was trying to check Jeff's injuries, but he would look for any opportunity to hold her hands and kiss her. He was elated to have her by his side and was acting like a spoiled child with a goofy smile on his face. Every time JoAnna frowned, ready to scold him, Jeff would pretend that he is in pain, and she would soften up.

"Nothing is wrong with you... otherwise you would not mess around this much." JoAnna pouted.

"I'm not messing around, not with you." Jeff pulled her into his embrace.

JoAnna tried to get out of his embrace, afraid that he is hurt, and she is making it worse.

"Stay like this… just a bit…", Jeff whispered.

"I'm afraid that I'm hurting you…", she explained.

"Nothing hurts when we are like this." He voiced his thoughts and tightened his embrace.

Jeff was elated and shocked by the strength of his emotions. He never thought that one person, one woman can have such an impact on his life. When she is with him, he feels like a doorway to different dimension is open and his previously lifeless world is replaced with this new one where wind is blowing, birds are chirping, colors are showing, his heart is beating… everything is alive when she is with him… including him.

JoAnna smiled and wrapped her arms around him.


When Sarah and Aiden got out of the bedroom, Jeff was laying down on the sofa, covered with ice packs, and JoAnna was adjusting them. She hoped to reduce appearance of bruises, if nothing else.

Sarah threw a cold glance at Jeff. "Aiden says that I should listen to what you have to say."

Jeff slowly got up to a sitting position with JoAnna's help.

"How is he?" Aiden asked JoAnna, when he heard Jeff groan.

"Lots of bruises... he might have a cracked bone in his left arm. I want him to get an x-ray to make sure." JoAnna was concerned.

Aiden exhaled in relief. 'It could have been worse…'

Jeff felt guilty that JoAnna is concerned. "I told you I'm fine. Just few bruises. Considering my behavior, I deserved this. Besides, I want to clarify things with Sarah."

Sarah's mouth twitched. She saw Jeff as an adulterer who was taking advantage of JoAnna. That is not easy to forgive. What can he say to clarify things and change her opinion?

Jeff faced Sarah. "In short: I'm going to void the arrangement my parents made because I want to be with Anna."

Sarah relaxed a bit and looked at both Jeff and JoAnna before speaking. "What is the longer version?"

"I spoke with my parents... my mom is excited and wants to meet Anna." Jeff smiled while he looked at JoAnna who blushed from excitement.

"I told you!" Aiden exclaimed.

Sarah gave Aiden a piercing look. "You knew about this?!", she squeezed through her teeth. josei

"Listen to what he says, baby, now comes the good part where we need to help." Aiden quickly coaxed Sarah and looked at Jeff desperately.

Jeff continued after taking Aiden's cue. "My dad has few conditions, but he didn't reject the idea of cancelling the agreement."

"What conditions?" Sarah was distracted, but she didn't forget that Aiden knew about Jeff and JoAnna and didn't tell her.

"I need to raise profit of White corp. and to help Lambert find a suitable person to inherit his business." Jeff explained.

Sarah looked at Aiden. "What do you mean, we need to help?"

"With your help, I can satisfy the conditions set by my father." Jeff was hoping that she will cooperate. The project she and Aiden are working on bring in a lot of money for the company. If they agree to increase their workload it will be of great help.

"Why would I help you?" Sarah's voice was cold.

Jeff was at a loss. Why would Sarah help him? Because of her good will? He loves JoAnna, but that is not a condition that will move Sarah. It was obvious that he didn't have a good answer to Sarah's question.

JoAnna placed her hand over Jeff's. "Because I love him."

Jeff's heart stopped beating when he heard JoAnna say that she loves him. He was overfilling with joy, at the same time unable to breathe… Jeff stared at JoAnna, unsure what to say… unable to say anything… He wanted to pull JoAnna in his embrace and shower her with kisses, but he was afraid of provoking Sarah again, so he held back.

Sarah looked at JoAnna and met her confident gaze. "OK. That is good enough reason." Sarah yielded, seeing that her sister is serious.

Sarah looked at Jeff. "Don't expect an apology from me... How can I help?"

Jeff sighed in relief, "No apology needed... I still don't know how to tackle issue with Lambert's heir, but I have a plan for raising profits."

"I think I can help with Lambert's heir as well", Sarah remembered Isabella.

"Please explain." Jeff's eyes lit up.

"Isabella. She is not eager to marry just so that her father can be at ease by having someone inherit his business. She is smart. I believe that with some learning and guidance, she can be the one who takes over her father's business. That solves the problem, right? She does not need to get married and his business stays in the family."

Jeff thought that this is very reasonable. "Will she cooperate?"

"I don't think she has any other options." Sarah explained. "Even if you break the deal, Lambert will find another person in your place, and she is stuck again. Find her some courses she can take, and mentor her until she is confident enough."

JoAnna frowned. She didn't like the idea of Jeff staying in touch with Isabella.

Sarah noticed. "Are you not OK with Jeff being in frequent contact with Isabella?"

"Who would be?" JoAnna was honest.

Sarah nodded in understanding. "Then we can see if big sis can mentor her."

JoAnna nodded in approval.

Sarah turned to Jeff. "I know that you are not exactly on friendly terms with Isabella. I will call her right now, see what she says to all this, and we can take it from there." Sarah got her phone and walked to the bedroom.

Aiden followed Sarah.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Jeff pulled JoAnna in his embrace.

She didn't dare to move. "Careful... you are hurt."

"And you love me", he chuckled not caring about her warning.

"Yes, I do." She kissed him on the lips and gently hugged him. "I'm sorry for not responding to your calls and texts. I was selfish, and only thought about protecting myself. But it didn't work... I was missing you like crazy. I will not run away any more.... I promise."

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