Is this destiny?

Chapter 364 - Meeting Whites (3)

Chapter 364 - Meeting Whites (3)

In the morning, they met in the living room before heading for brunch.

Jeff noticed wide smiles on both of his parents. He hugged JoAnna and whispered, "You have a great influence on my parents. I've never seen my dad smile so much."

JoAnna observed her future in-laws for few seconds. She didn't miss quick loving glances that Oscar and Elanor exchanged. "I don't think this is because of me." JoAnna said in a quiet voice so that only Jeff can hear her.

Jeff looked at JoAnna for some time and then his eyes widened, realizing what she means. 'What? No way...' He shook his head. 'My parents didn't do that last night.'

JoAnna smiled and nodded. She was entertained with his shocked expression and did her best not to laugh.

"What are you two whispering?" Elanor approached them and linked her arm with JoAnna's. Before Jeff got a chance to protest, Elanor glanced at him, "You will ride with your father in front. Let's go so that we are not late." She pulled JoAnna outside, toward the car.

JoAnna and Elanor entered a high-end country club lounge, followed by Jeffrey and Oscar. Right from the entrance, it was obvious to JoAnna that Whites have a high status in this circle. Everyone they passed by was very respectful, and some even looked fearful. No one stopped them, people only nodded or voiced their greetings without initiating casual conversations. Behind a large reception desk on the other side of the lounge, few staff members scrambled and quietly argued who will lead them to the dining hall. JoAnna was not sure if they were fighting who will lead them, or they fought to avoid that task. JoAnna tilted her head on the side and glanced back at Jeff, happy to meet his gaze.

They reached large, probably largest round table in the middle of the dining room. Most of the seats were taken by number of posh-looking ladies of various ages. As they saw them approaching, they all stood up to greet them. JoAnna concluded that the older ones are Elanor's acquaintances, while younger ones are their daughters or nieces, assuming that they are related. josei

'This is definitely gathering for females...' JoAnna wondered if Jeff and Oscar feel out of place. To her surprise, they didn't seem to mind. Jeff was standing half a step behind JoAnna, and as soon as the brief greetings ended, he pulled a chair for her to sit, and he sat next to her.

JoAnna didn't miss strange gazes that most of the young ladies at the table threw at her. As she glanced around the table, she met eyes filled with jealousy, confusion, and even some hate. JoAnna smirked. 'It seems that they didn't know why I'm here with the White family and had hopes that they will get a chance to get close to Elanor. When they saw Jeff, they all perked up, and now when they saw how he is treating me intimately, these young ladies started understanding who I am.' Chuckle escaped her, 'This will be fun.'

Jeff looked at JoAnna and saw that she is enjoying. He smiled when he recognized the same arrogance JoAnna showed when she handled the self-proclaimed girlfriend, Martha, at White corp.*

Not long after, Elanor stood up and faced the ladies at the table. "I invited you all here so that I can introduce JoAnna." Elanor glanced at JoAnna who was on her right. "This wonderful young lady captured Jeffrey's heart and two of them are engaged to be married." There was a stiffening silence at the table. Even surrounding tables were quiet. Not even clanking of the glasses and utensils could be heard. Elanor chuckled, "I hope you will wish them good fortune in their future."

JoAnna was surprised for a second. She knew that Elanor will introduce her to some people, but she didn't know it will be like a public announcement, and that will cause this effect. Seeing that any confusion from young ladies at the table is gone, and it morphed into pure jealousy and hate, JoAnna smiled and sighed.

It took few seconds to older generation to process what Elanor said before they started congratulating them in a clamor. Some of the younger ladies managed to display sour smiles, but most of them were not able to do that much. JoAnna made sure to lock eyes with each of them, with a condescending smirk on her face. 'No one gets to take Jeff... he is mine!'

Elanor was pleased to see JoAnna's attitude. 'Only by baring her teeth and showing her supremacy, she will get to keep the position she is going for. If she is timid, these wanna-be-girlfriends will eat her alive.'

They ordered food and ate in a strange atmosphere. Jeff and JoAnna did what they usually do: isolate themselves in their own personal bubble. They exchanged loving glances, held hands and talked quietly, so that no one other than them can hear. Jeff didn't care about these pesky women from the beginning, and JoAnna realized that none of them is friendly. Previous day, during lunch, Elanor introduced her to three ladies, and at that time she told her that she considers only those three her friends. Those three ladies are not present now. Elanor got her here to make an announcement, to declare that Jeff is off the market. There was no need for JoAnna to be nice.

Most of the women could not wait to finish food and find excuses to leave. Few of them, however still wanted to stick around and gather additional information.

"Oh, you are leaving already?" One young lady approached JoAnna when she stood up. "I was hoping we can get to know each other better. How about golf, or horse riding?"

JoAnna glanced at Jeff and smiled. "Why not both?"

Jeff nodded in agreement.

JoAnna faced the lady who approached her. "Excuse me, you are?"

"Lindsay." She awkwardly smiled. She was embarrassed that JoAnna does not remember her name.

JoAnna ignored this Lindsay person and turned to Jeff. "Which one first?"

"We got good golf putting fields here. How about we try that?"

JoAnna nodded and let Jeff guide her.

Elanor wanted to follow but was stopped by ladies from older generation who burned with questions about JoAnna.

"We will be fine." JoAnna assured Elanor with a smile as they walked away.

"I sure hope so." Elanor mumbled as she watched JoAnna and Jeff leave followed by few young ladies who had fake smiles on.

Oscar watched them silently.. He approved of JoAnna's behavior and was confident that his son will not leave her alone.

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