Is this destiny?

Chapter 515 - Perfect Date - Day 2 (1)

Chapter 515 - Perfect Date - Day 2 (1)


~ Island, somewhere in Pacific Ocean ~

Sarah woke up and stretched lazily, inhaling a sweet scent. She looked around and saw that bed is covered in flower petals. As much as she was delighted by a romantic gesture, she was disappointed that Aiden was not there. She would trade all the petals in the world for his presence next to her when she wakes up.

Sarah got up, wrapped herself in a bedsheet and went to find him. She checked bathroom, then into separate sitting area… and found him on the balcony with his laptop. He was dressed up for the day.

Aiden was facing the door and saw her approach. He swiftly stood up while closing the laptop and walked to her. "You are awake…" He lifted her up and carried back to the bed.

"When did you wake up?" Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck and settled her head below his chin. Based on his scent, she can tell that he already shaved and showered.

"Not long ago. I didn't want to wake you up." He placed her on the bed and laid next to her.

"Not long ago?", she waved a flower petal in front of his face. "I can imagine this took time."

"Do you like it?"

Sarah sighed. How can she say that she does not like it? Especially when she is facing that handsome face and his expectant eyes. "I love it… but I wish that you take care of yourself and make sure you rest enough."

"I didn't come here to rest."

"Oh? Why did you come here?" She was curious what his response will be, ready to engage in verbal outwitting match.

"I came to romance you until I make you mine."

Sarah stared at him with her mouth half open for some time. She had to admit that he won the match before it started.

Aiden smiled while not breaking eye contact.

"I am yours…", Sarah whispered when she remembered that she can speak.

He nudged her nose with his while he spoke, and his breath caressed her face. "Sometimes you don't see what is behind the wall you are standing next to. That is what I'm doing… breaking the wall, so that you can see the next level of surrender."

"How many walls are there?"

"I don't know… I plan to keep on tearing them down until I'm satisfied."

Sarah was not sure if what he said was extremely deep or a complete rubbish. But she can't deny that intensity of his gaze and that devilish smile rendered her unable to think. 'What walls? What next level of surrender? Is there a next level beyond this? We are already together, sharing practically everything, what can possibly the next level be?' Questions popped up in her head, but her brain refused to answer to any of them.

"Don't worry about it." He spoke between gentle kisses which landed all over her face. "You will understand when the walls fall down… Just relax and let me do my thing…"

Sarah gave up on trying to understand the meaning behind his words. His lips were too distracting, anyway. She laced her fingers in his hair and returned his kisses.

And just when she started pulling herself closer to him, he inched away and kissed tip of her nose. "Let's eat."

Sarah exhaled in frustration. "Plans?"

He gave a small nod and after few quick kisses got out of the bed and ushered her to the bathroom to get ready.

After breakfast, Sarah saw two pairs of hiking boots waiting for them. Her eyes lit up from excitement. 'Birds!' She wanted to touch those birds.

Sarah wanted to change from the dress she was wearing to something more hike-friendly, but Aiden convinced her that there is no need. They are not going far, but there might be rocks, so boots that can protect feet are recommended.

They walked few minutes on the road before taking a turn. Sarah was happy to see all different birds. And she was able to touch them! She could rub their belly, and pat their head gently, but if she tried to hold any of the birds she approached, they would open their beaks warning her to give up on that idea. She attempted to get few birds to move from the branch to her hand, but she was unsuccessful. Aiden patiently waited until she finished her bird-fun and then they continued their journey.

Tall trees provided a very good shade. Weather was sunny and warm, but being in a shade, accompanied by a constant tropical breeze, made the whole experience pleasant.

After about another ten minutes of walking, Aiden stopped and moved to stand in front of her.

"Close your eyes", he demanded.

She obeyed and smiled wondering what he planned next.

He took her hands in his and led the way. Sarah could feel that they stepped out of the shade of the jungle and are in the sun; it seems that they reached some clearance. She could hear birds chirping and water humming further away, like a waterfall. After about a minute, maybe less, they stopped walking.

"There is a rock behind you. Slightly above knee your level. You can sit here.", he explained.

She slowly went into a squat until her bottom felt the warm rock surface.

His grip on her hand got loose, and Sarah thought that he will let go. She wrapped her fingers around his hand firmly.

"I'm not leaving…" She could hear in his voice that he is nervous, and she felt him sit next to her. "Open your eyes."

Sarah opened her eyes and was amazed to see that they are sitting in a clearance, surrounded by jungle. Ground is covered with low grass which is speckled with wildflowers and occasional rocks. A bit further away, there is number of tall bushes with bright red and purple blooms. Numerous butterflies danced from one flower to another, unable to decide between bushes and wildflowers.

"This…", she was at a loss for words.

"I remember that when I asked you about progress on your virtual experience*… you said that you don't have an inspiration, and that is why you didn't work on it for a while. I thought this can be an inspiration…" Aiden anxiously observed her expression which showed surprise and not more than that. He relaxed only when he saw her smile.

"This is perfect!", Sarah exclaimed and stood up. She started walking toward bushes. Her VR jungle experience does not have them, and she was eager to see them up-close.

Aiden watched her touch a petal of one vibrant purple bloom gently with her index finger and then she smelled it. Based on her smile, he guessed that she likes the scent. He laughed while watching her run around, trying to catch butterflies. He was mesmerized with her elegance and beauty while she picked wildflowers.

Sarah's hands moved swiftly as she made two wreath headbands out of wildflowers.

"You are my fairy!", Aiden proclaimed when he saw her twirl among wildflowers with a flowery accessory on her head.

"…and you are my fairy king.", Sarah whispered while placing the wildflower crown on his head. She held his cheeks in her palms while kissing him softly.

His arms wrapped around her waist and he lifted her.

Sarah was not sure if Aiden whirled them around in that field of wildflowers, or everything around them was spinning, but in any case, she held onto him tightly as if he is the only solid rock in an ocean of quicksand. And she kissed him until she was sure that everything around them vanished and they were the only two people left in the world. And then she kissed him some more.. And he kissed her back.

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