Is this destiny?

Chapter 626 - Team Building Activity (1)

Chapter 626 - Team Building Activity (1)

Higher up in the mountain, Aiden walked first with Jeff and Felix following behind.josei

The snow is deep, and Jeff and Felix are glad that Aiden is walking first, creating a path for them. In some areas, snow is waist-deep and considering the uneven terrain, it is challenging to walk. But that didn't slow down Aiden's pace.

They asked Aiden few times what they are about to do, and he told them that they will find out soon. He originally planned to tell them in advance, but after their uncomfortable treatment in last two days, he decided to get even. He knows it's petty, but he can't help himself. They treated him badly, showing no support whatsoever, so why would he be Mr. Nice Guy?

'Oh, the irony…', Aiden thought. They came here to strengthen their teamwork, and as soon as they reached, guys gave him disapproving looks and now he is punishing them for that. This whole event is totally opposite from building-up-teamwork, they should call it tearing-down-team event.

Felix is walking behind Aiden and he felt displeasure building up with every step he took. Every step is taking him further away from his dear Sophia. And he does not even know where they are going, or why. He can tell they are going uphill, but he does not know how much more. And Aiden is not talking.

Felix felt like giving that brat in front of him piece of his mind. He messed up with Sarah, and that got Sophia concerned. And he needs to be a man and fix it. Actually, a real man would probably think things first. Felix does not approve of Aiden's rash personality. Acting on a reflex… that might be a good trait when facing an enemy in a hand-to-hand combat, but when you are facing a lady, you need to think things through (few times) before speaking!

Jeff walked behind Felix and his eyes were focused on his brother. He wanted to smack Aiden silly. Why is he not telling them where they are going? And what is with the mystery of what they are supposed to do?

Jeff knows that Aiden is sulking because he does not like the treatment he is getting. But what kind of a treatment is he expecting after acting like a woman with hormonal imbalance? Yes, Jeff knows what hormonal imbalance is; JoAnna explained to him when he asked why Sophia is irrational lately. And that is what Aiden did. He acted irrationally and hurt the woman he was supposed to protect.

Jeff is upset even more when he thinks that if Aiden breaks up with Sarah, things between JoAnna and him will become awkward. How can two of them be happy when every family gathering will remind them that his brother hurt her sister? Well, Jeff can probably ignore that, but JoAnna can't. And if JoAnna is in bad mood, so is Jeff.

Ah, Jeff regretted for agreeing to participate in this team-thing-whatever-it-is. Now he could cuddle with JoAnna in the warm bed and watch snowfall from the window. SNOWFALL? When did it start snowing? 

Aiden stopped after some time and patted a large tree. "This one."

Jeff and Felix stared blankly at Aiden.

"What?", Jeff asked after some time.

Aiden smirked when he saw their shock and explained smugly: "This tree. We need to chop it down and break into pieces no longer than three feet, or for our Canadian friend: no longer than one meter."

Jeff and Felix looked up at a tree which towered above them up to forever and then focused on a trunk so wide that you could not hug it and your fingers to touch. It will probably take Jeff and Felix to embrace the trunk from opposite sides in order to wrap their arms around it fully. One word rang in their minds: HUGE!

"You are kidding, right?" Jeff could not believe that Aiden thought that this mammoth task will be a good idea for building up teamwork.

"Nope. Axes are in the backpacks." Aiden removed his backpack and kept it on the side after pulling an axe out of it. "We are not going back until we finish."

Felix was about to refuse. But then he thought that whacking an axe into something might be just what he needs to release his frustration. Otherwise, he just might whack Aiden.

Jeff was shocked when he saw Felix get an axe and look at the trunk of the tree Aiden pointed to.

Aiden thought that Jeff is hesitating because he suddenly developed a concern for environment. "No worries. People from forestry department approved of us taking this one down. See? It's marked." Aiden pointed at the trunk, and there was a red mark on it.

Jeff exhaled sharply and he grumbled something inaudible without any attempt to hide his frustration.

Aiden noticed that Jeff is directing murderous glare his way. "Yes, use that energy on this tree, and we will be done in few hours."

First, they cleared up the snow around the tree. It provided them with solid footing, and they could see the tree clearly.

When all three of them had axes in hands, Aiden explained: "We will work two at a time. On this side here…", he pointed at the trunk. "And on this side here. When one gets tired, the one who rested will replace him. Don't work until exhausted. Whenever you need a break, take it. This will take time."

Jeff and Felix started cutting down the tree while Aiden watched from the side. He looked up and observed that snow is picking up.

"Are you punishing us because you messed up with Sarah?", Jeff asked without stopping his movements.

"Can we not talk about it?" Aiden knew that this is coming.

Jeff paused and looked at Aiden. "I would not bring it up if it's not impacting my relationship." He resumed his axe-whacking actions.

"Just stay out of it.", Aiden grumbled.

"You don't get it, do you?", Jeff lost his patience. Jeff pointed his axe toward Aiden, and Felix got alerted.

Felix was ready to jump and stop them. From his point of view, it looked like two brothers are about to fight. If it's only verbal, he will stay out of it, but what if it becomes physical?

Jeff was irritated with Aiden's behavior. How can Aiden ignore the fact that he hurt Sarah and that disturbed Jeff's otherwise perfect relationship with JoAnna? "Because you mistreated Sarah, JoAnna is NOT happy! And last two days she is mostly talking about you two. When will you realize that you are not living in a bubble?"

"What do you expect me to do?!", Aiden almost shouted.

"Acknowledge that you are not alone! There are people around you, and they share your happiness and your grief!" Jeff huffed few times to calm down. "But the one most hurt is Sarah. Or are you treating her like some fling which you had previously where you discarded them whenever you got bored?"

"Don't you dare say that again! You know it's nothing like that!", Aiden snapped. He was furious that Jeff compared what he has with Sarah to his previous… relationships.

"Then act like it! Sarah needs to know that you are by her side, always. And as much as you are willing to step into the fire for her, you need to treat her as equal and let her go into the fire for you, if that is what she wants."

Aiden was surprised by Jeff's words. At what point did his always-stony brother acquire a high EQ? "Is that how you treat JoAnna?"

Jeff exhaled. "Yes. No matter what comes, we will face it together. And it does not matter how worried I am about her, I have faith that she can handle it. Because that is the choice she made… And I don't have the right to make choices in her place. Do you remember that crazy doctor who was after Anna, and Sarah was with her when they left my apartment without letting us know? At that time, I asked you how come you are not worried about them, and you told me that you believe in Sarah. What changed?"

Jeff didn't wait for a response. He continued swinging his axe at the tree. With much more force than before.

Felix agreed with what Jeff said, but he knows better than to meddle when brothers are arguing. He can see that Jeff's words left an impression on Aiden.

Felix increased his pace with thoughts that the faster he works, sooner they can head back.. He didn't like that the snowfall was increasing.

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