Is this destiny?

Chapter 636 - Nightmare

Chapter 636 - Nightmare

Sarah is in a nightclub. Music is blasting. She can't tell what kind of music is on, but her ears are pounding from unbearable strong bass which overshadowed everything else. Crowd, people everywhere, squeezing from each side. Luckily, they didn't pay attention to her as they were consumed in their own fun, dance, holding and groping each other.

Sarah never liked crowds, and this is overwhelming. She needs to get out, but she can't see which way is the exit.

'If only Aiden is here…', thought ran through her mind.

Right! Why is she in a nightclub without him? That does not make any sense.

She squeezed her way between the sea of unfamiliar faces until a path opened in front of her, and she saw him. It is Aiden! He is sitting in a booth right in front of her!

She moved frantically, pushing people away, trying to reach him… and few steps later, she froze in spot. He is not alone. There are girls in his arms… one on each side… they are laughing and pressing their bodies on him. And few more girls are there as well, looking like they are waiting in line to get their turn with him.

Aiden looked lecherously at the redhead on his right before turning to Sarah.

"Join us!", he called with his devilish smile plastered on his face.

Sarah loves that smile, but right now… she thought that she is about to throw up.

Sarah opened her eyes and realized that she is in the bed. Her heart is beating like crazy and she can't catch her breath.

"Just a dream, just a dream…", she chanted breathlessly, trying to calm down, while looking around and confirming that she is in the cabin in the mountains of Canada.

"Are you OK?", she heard Aiden's voice. He is right next to her, but he sounded miles away.

Sarah looked at him with eyes full of horror as images of him holding onto other girls and calling her to join them were still vivid in her mind. She felt her stomach convulse and she leaped out of the bed toward the bathroom.

Earlier that night... josei

Aiden had trouble sleeping off that night. He thought that if there is such a thing as bad luck, then he has it. Last two days are truly unlucky, everything is going downhill, no matter what he does. It was so frustrating that he wanted to scream, but he knows it will not help. It's one thing after another. Besides that stupid avalanche and him being trapped for hours in the snow with Jeff and Felix, just when he thought that things are back on track between him and Sarah, another thing pops up: those wretched photos. How long is his past going to haunt him? But at the end, Sarah seemed OK with that, and he hopes that the topic is not brought back again. Ever.

The only thing that calms him down is the feeling of Sarah in his arms. She has the power to provide him with emotional security and whatever his worry is, just being close to her helps him to know that everything will be fine. He buried his face in her hair and took few deep breaths. Her scent relaxed him, and after some time he started drifting off to sleep.

Back to present...

Aiden felt Sarah stir in her sleep. She was not comfortable. Sarah was mumbling something before she opened her eyes abruptly and he heard her repeat with a whisper over and over again that it was just a dream. And then it hit him: she had a nightmare!

He asked her if she is OK, and the way she looked at him told him that she is not. She leaped out of his embrace and dashed to the bathroom. Next thing he realized is that she is throwing up.

Aiden wanted to help her, but she kicked him out of the bathroom. "Get out!"

He can handle her harsh tone, but why did she look at him like he is a stranger? An enemy?

"Sarah, let me in!", he roared when he realized that she locked herself in the bathroom.

"No! I don't want to see you!", she responded in a quiet but resolute tone.

"Why? Did I do something?", he demanded an explanation. "I will not leave you alone until you tell me what is going on!"

Aiden heard some shuffling in the bathroom, but the door didn't open. He was about to bang at the door with his fist, but his arm froze mid-air at the sound of Sarah gag and throw up again.

Aiden panicked for a moment before dashing out toward room where Jeff and JoAnna are.

Jeff was displeased that he was woken up by Aiden's loud and relentless bashing at the door. They just slept off, for crying out loud!

"Is Anna awake?", Aiden asked, and Jeff could notice that his brother is anxious.

"What happened?", JoAnna's voice came from the back.

"It's Sarah. Can you come and see her?"

JoAnna did a lot of persuading for Sarah to let her in.

Jeff and Aiden waited in the bedroom while JoAnna was with Sarah in the bathroom.

Aiden was wondering what happened for Sarah to act in such a way. He knows that she had a bad dream, but can all this be because of a dream?

When the bathroom door opened after what seemed like forever, Aiden felt a heartache.

Sarah was pale and looked weak. He never saw her in such a bad state, not even after multiple surgeries she had back in February when that robot in her back caused internal bleedings.

Sarah's eyes were blank and devoid of any spark she usually has.

Aiden wanted to help support her, but she ignored him. She didn't even look at Aiden, like he was not there. That hurt more than if she cursed at him.

He wanted to ask what is going on. What did he do to deserve such a treatment? But JoAnna waved her hand stopping him before he made any sound. Aiden realized that his questions can wait. What matters now is to help Sarah.

Aiden watched JoAnna help Sarah get into the bed. JoAnna patted her back and whispered something for few minutes before standing up.

"She is sleeping now. I gave her something to… help her sleep. She will sleep at least ten hours, twelve possibly." JoAnna spoke in a quiet voice before going to get her medical bag from the bathroom, which Jeff brought in earlier.

"Why is she like this?" Aiden's confusion and helplessness were obvious.

JoAnna shook her head. "I don't know. You were with her. Did anything happen? Did you fight again?"

"She woke up from a nightmare like this. Why do you think it has anything to do with me?" Aiden was offended that JoAnna assumed they were fighting.. At the same time her question 'did anything happen?' made him unsettled.

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